it's back! + YASSSS MY ALBUM CAME!!!! + MAMA 2016


I brought back I'll Be Home :D I edited it but I still hid the chapters and I'm gonna release one every week while I edit each one again. My writing style has changed sooooooo much and it's only been a year lol but ya know improvement is good so yeah. Anyways, even though I'll create other christmas stories, I really like this one so I'm going to do this every year I think. I'm also planning on doing a sequel so if you liked I'll Be Home be on the lookout! lol

Here's the link (click the poster)




secondly, i don't think I told you guys lol. but i think in october??? i bought 2pm's album and I love it so much ahhhhhhhhh! And yesterday I got BTS Wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! and I also ordered IMFACT's Prism but it's coming from Korea I guess cuz they aren't that popular *sigh* stan imfact-


anyways listen to Wings and Gentlemen's Game and Prism


Thirdly MAMA was kinda lit right??? even tho i missed half cuz of school -_- lol I'm so proud of ALL the artists for their hard work. Whether they won an award or not, even if they weren't nominated, everyone did so well!!!!!! even though 2016 kinda with all the disbandments and members leaving, it was pretty great too with all the rookies and the music that we got right? It was kinda bittersweet. 

anyways, I'm sorry i don't update you guys on my life often. but then, no one cares lol!!!! i'll focus more on stories than blog posts. have a great day <3


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