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BIRTHNAME : Eun Haerin | (은하린)


▸ Arabic: Iyun Maysa'

▸ English: Julis Eun


▸ Ice — Mother + She has some kind of a cold personality.

▸ Eat God — Aunt + Because she basically gobble down everything that she can eat.

DATE OF BIRTH & AGE : April 1, 1999 (17)

HOMETOWN : Daegu, South Korea

RELIGION :  Christian
LANGUAGES : (max 5; fluent max 3 | I've decided who's fluent in English in the plotlines)

▸ Arabic — fully fluent | Born and raised in Dubai for 11 years

▸ Korean — fully fluent | Her mother's tounge language

▸ English — conversational | Learn it on her school at Dubai

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 163 cm & 46.8 kg
EDUCATION : Seoul School of Performing Arts
APPEARANCE : Julis is a girl with a pure beautiful face. She has a light complexion which she usually paired up with light colour lipsticks/lipgloss. She has a glowing skin and dark bronze hair. She doesn't like to dye her hair colour as she likes the original colour. She has brown eyes with double eye lids. . She have both of her ears pierced with little earrings. She have a stare that will burn hole through your head as her sister stated.
STYLE : Julis doesnt really know about the latest trends and brands, totally clueless on fashion. She just wears what she thinks is nice and comfortable. So from dresses to skirts, tshirts to pullovers, shorts to jeans, as long as it isnt something revealing. Not to mention that suprisingly, the clothes match. But one thing for sure is that she dislike high heels. She knows nothing about makeup so she likes to just go out completely barefaced unless the situation and occasion is important.

▸ CASUAL > 1 2 3 4 5 6
▸ DORM/PRACTICE > 1 2 3 4 5 6
▸ AIRPORT > 1 2 3 4
▸ FORMAL > 1 2 3 4
▸ SUMMER/SPRING > 1 2 3 4 5 6
▸ AUTUMN/WINTER > 1 2 3 4 5 6
▸ SHOES > 1 2 3 4 5
▸ ACCESORIES > 1 2 3 4 5 6
▸ OTHER > 1 2 3 4 5 6



▸ POSITIVE | Creative, Clean, Clever, Elegant, Kind-hearted

▸ NEUTRAL | Caring, Alert, Calm, Loyal, Trustworthy

▸ NEGATIVE | Cold, Quiet, Sensitive

PERSONALITY : To start off with, The first time you see Julis you will think that she is 'cold'. Although in reality she does have a cold persona, she is actually a really caring person. She just tries to protect herself so that she wouldn't get hurt again. She is usually really sensitive, more so if she heard people talking rubbish about her. Not many people sees it but, her eyes saddens for a split second before they turn normal again when she heard those things.


On the neutral side, once again like it being said before, she is a really caring person (eventhough it might not look like it). When she is alone with the person she is attracted to, she usually become really shy and cute. She also cares a lot for the members, fans and her family. Deep down, Julis is very trustworthy andheart-warming person, a person whom everyone would go to, to tell their secrets to. She is always in alert when it comes down to the emotional stuff and would always put everyone else above her. For some reasons, she masks this and hides it behind a cold and quiet exteriors. when she's the only one being somewhat responsible, Julis would become hypocritical and start to nag everyone else when in fact she's doing something wrong as well. she normally just nag them and lecture them a lot and include some inspirational and sad stuff cause why not?


Last but not least, she is a very creative person. She has a lot of sketching books. She is also a very clean human being as she has a pretty bad OCD. You can see that even from the bookshelf inside her room. How they are neatly arranged accordings to colours and sizes. She is very clever, often ranked 1# in her classroom. Not many know this but, she has a high IQ of 158. Not to forgot that she is actually what we call an elegant lady. She is very well-mannered and proper. But like I said before, she doesn't really show it and mask it all unde a facade.


On June 9, 1996, a couple was forced into an arranged marriage for their families sake'. The man never love the woman, not one bit, but unfortunately, the woman loves him very much (Yes, love as in present tense). They kept the relationship going, however, hoping that things would turn out okay. However, this isn't a fanfic, this wasn't a drama, this was reality. And they did not get along. Everyday, he would come home late and all the meals that she had prepared for him went to waste. They never talk. Yet when they do, the only words that came out of their mouthes were insults and complaints at each other. They always argued, never stopping. Whenever their inlaws were around, they would always put up an act as if they love each other very much (Well, the man's did), but we all know that's not true, and they went with it. Then, somewhere in the middle of 1998, the woman got pregnant with the man's child, how they even managed, I don't know. Then again, he was seeing another woman at that time too. There were often moments that she would think about divorcing, but with the thought of their child, she would stuff the papers back into her drawers. She kept it back, she was gonna hold it, for the sake of her daughter, but she couldn't.


Eun Haerin was born on the 1st April of 1999. Although, before she was born, her parents got into a really big fight on December 25th, so they divorced. Which resulted in her mother moving to Dubai just a few months before she went into labor. Julis, when she was young, would often heard or saw her mother cries in her bedroom. Even though her mother is hurting she would still provides Julis with love and care so that she is happy all the time. At that times, she decided to mask her feeling and become cold so she wouldn't be hurt like her mother. To shorten up, her childhood is pretty angsty as she doesn't have any friends to play with as she hides behind her self-built walls. She usually plays games or read books when she has nothing to do.


As a child, she has always loved to sing and perform, some even compliment her of her cherry-like voice and soothing movements, yet she never took it to heart. After watching a bunch of videos on youtube, she wanted to become like them. She saw how happy they were to preform on stage, and wondered if she could be like them. She didn't want it for the fame, not at all, that would've been shallow, she wanted it because it made her happy. And she hoped to erase her past and move on to the present in the future. But until then she will remain trapped in her own facade.


||  13
||  Black & White
|| Wolf
|| Autumn
|| Children's Day
|| Salute D'Amour
|| Classical Themed Music
|| Butterflies
|| Pickles
|| Video Games
|| Peaceful Atmosphere
|| Books
|| Eating

|| Loud Noises
|| Fights
|| Christmas
|| Going outside
|| Chinese Food
|| Clowns
|| Thunder & Lightning (She has Astraphobia)
|| Perfumes (Allergic)
|| Anything Connected To Cheating
|| Liars
|| Socialize
|| Pork (She lives in Dubai too long)
|| Bad Attitudes
|| Skinships (She has Chiraptophobia)
|| 3/4 of the Fruit Populations (Allergies)
|| High Heels

|| Korean | Bulgogi, Kimbab, Kimchi, samgyeopsal
|| Chinese | Se doesn't eat Chinese Food (A/N Can I do that?)
|| Japanese | Takoyaki, Onigiri, Sushi, Wasabi
|| Western | Mac & Cheese, Steak, Corn Dogs, Greek Salad, Poutine
|| Fast Food | French Fries, Burgers, Fried Chicken, Tacos
|| Snack(Brands) | Pringles, Lays, Doritos
|| Dessert(Flavor) | Ice Cream (Chocolate), Apple Pie, Cake (BlackForest)
|| Chocolate/Candy/Sweets(Brands) | Hershey's, Skittles, Cadbury
|| Fruit | Apple, Coconut, Avocado
|| Vegetables | Purple Cabbage, Chillis, Potatoes, Cucumber, Lettuce

|| Taeyeon
|| Punch
|| Andrea Bocelli
|| Celine Dion
|| Feminin
|| BTS

▸ FAVORITE MOVIE/DRAMA/TV SHOWS/ANIME & ETC. (Each categories max 3)
|| Salute D'Amour
|| You Lie In April
|| 5 Centimeters Per Second
|| The Remains Of The Day (1993)
|| Cinderella

|| Ballet
|| Gymnastic

|| Faking a smile when she is sad
|| Staying wide awake up all night
|| Cleaning when she's nervous
|| Turning her head to the source when she heard something
|| Think about her life every 5 seconds causes her to lose focus
|| Fiddling with her nails when she is scared or anxious


|| Chiraptophobia- Fear of being touched.
Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of lonliness
|| Agliophobia - Fear of pain
|| Astraphobia - Fear of thunder & lighting
|| Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors
|| Dipsophobia- Fear of drinking
|| Phonophobia - Fear of loud noises (But not that worse)

|| Drawing/Painting/Sketching
|| Reading Books
|| Playing Video Games

|| Her treasured thing is this bracelet that was given by her mother before she leaves for korea.
|| The meaning behind her name (Haerin) is 'Graceful & Pride'. Her mother named her this because she wants her daughter to be a successful fine lady in the future.
|| She can play the Piano & Violin perfectly
|| She's actually really sensitive, like if someone talks about family she'll be sad
|| Hard to gain weight
|| Awkward with people
|| Doesn't have any friends other that Twice members
|| Poker face in the group
|| Really flexible
|| A big eater
|| Doesn't have an ideal type
|| Her aunt is an idol
|| 3rd member to be called as Twice member
|| People will get quiet if they're together with Julis alone
|| She glares at people even though she didn't mean to
|| Is really good at drawing
|| She is really weak
|| (Kind of?) good at cooking
|| Has a lot of fears
|| Clean out other people messes
|| You never know when something's bothering her, she's great at hiding things from     others
|| She has a personal talent of tripping over anything
|| Skilled in composing and writing lyrics
|| She is both handed (Ambidextrous)
|| Does not care about how she looks
|| Her favouirte animal is the wolf
|| In SEVENTEENs Mansae MV
|| She owns a mysterious shoebox which contains things from her past
|| She stay behind for a few more hours of practice as she has nothing to do
|| She owns a personal diary 
|| Likes flat shoes more than the heel ones
|| Has a high IQ of 158 which she never tells anyone except for certain occasions and even the members didn't know about it
|| She didn't mind a guy who is older than her
|| Her ringtone is Shelter by Porter Robinson & Madeon
|| She has a weird obsession of pickled cucumbers
|| She hates loud noises
|| She has a tiny tiny (actually really big) crush on Jimin (BTS) after he lend a hand to her when she accidentally trips and landed in front of him. (cliche)

||Her stage name 'Julis' means 'Bravery'. ^^



▸ Mother — Eun Chaeran (Jung Chaeran) (42) | Painter| Kind, Caring, Sensitive, Strong| closeness (10-10)

A kind and caring woman that always protect her daughter so she will not experience what she had in the past. Julis really loves her mom as she is always there for her. For Chaeran, her daughter is a lifesaver. Without her she probably would end up become insane. Her mother still lives in Dubai as she is really successful there but they still talk to each other on phones every night.  They only have each other for support thus making them very close.

▸ Aunt— Min Hyorin (Jung Eunran) (30) | K-Idol| Cheerful, Daring, Trustworthy| closeness (8-10)

Her aunt is the person who raised her for 2 years before she becomes a trainee in Pledis. She was also the first one who suggest for Julis to become a K-Idol to her mother after she sees Julis dancing to some Kpop songs in her room. They're pretty close as she is only Julis's relative in Korea.



▸ Friends — Twice members (20-16) | Idols| closeness (6-10)

Because they're her band members.


OTHERS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

▸ Park Jimin (21)| Idol (BTS)| Unknown| One-sided-love (kind of?)| closeness(0-10)

BTS has caught her interest every since she first saw them during her trainee times and her bias? has alwas been Jimin. She somtimes practice their dance moves but never able to mastered them.  And she also may have this tiny teeny (big) crush on Jimin ever since she seen him the first time in real life.


She is too cold to care about having a rival...




STAGE NAME : Julis + it's her English name


▸ Frozen — Members + She acts cold all the times

▸ Pokerface — Fans + She doesn't usually shows any expression


POSITION : Lead Dancer, Vocalist
OFFICIAL HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 161 cm + 43 kg

PERSONA : Ice Queen (For: Her cold personality)
DEER TYPE? : Kuudere

IN CHARGE OF? : Being the poker face of the group
SPECIALITY : Sketching/Drawing/Painting
HIDDEN TALENT(S)? : Solving really hard questions, Dancing Ballet

PLOTLINES : Makalawa



▸ Instagram — Twice_Julis

▸ Twitter — Toastyjulis_T


TRAINEE YEARS : 5 years 3 months


▸ Appeared in Seventeen's Mansae MV as one of student girls (2015)



▸ Artist for the national gallery

Actress in movies

IDEAL DATE : Her ideal date is at the park on a chilly night

ROLE MODEL+REASON : BoA + because she is the first one to inspire her to pursue a career on the K-Idol field
DREAMS : A painter

CHARACTER QUOTES : If you can dream it, you can do it

FAVORITE QUOTES : Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow

LIFE MOTTO/GOAL : To make her mom feel proud of her


▸ Get closer with other members

▸ Become a successful group

▸ Get married

▸ Be happy with the ones she cares about

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Park Jimin (Jimin) + BTS
BACK UP LOVE INTERESTJeon Jeongguk (Jungkook) + BTS


▸ Firstie —  Because he is her first love


BIRTHDATE & AGE(October 13, 1995 + 21)


▸ Cute
▸ Shy
▸ Hardworking

Julis always look up upon him ever since she was a trainee. She feels attracted to him ever since she first saw him on YouTube. She can't deny on the times she stalked through his social media accounts (which is very worrying). She first saw him during Twice's debut stage in the backstage preparing for their stage later on. But obviously, he didn't even notice her.

▸ His eyes

▸ His shy nature

▸ His smile

▸His dedication to his fans


HISTORY : Julis was walking around the set that they're going to perform their debut song when she trips over herself. She was prepared for the impact until she felt a hand holding her waist which prevent her from slamming down the floor. But the realization hits her that this person is touching her. Touching her... She lets out a tiny squeak and roll out of the persons hand causing her to fall first to the floor for real this time. "Are you... erm... alright?" She looks up to find no other than Park Jimin himself... oh well, life is tough.

INTERACTIONS+CLOSENESSBoth of them are really shy so they don't really interact much. Whenever their eyes meet, they would turn away, blushing. But sometime (rare), the Twice/BTS members tries to make them speak to each other. Which they only literally say hi / 4-10)

|| Their official ship names are Jilis/Jumin. They came from their names, Jimin & Julis
|| Shy couple: Because both of them are really shy towards each other
|| Awkward couple: Because we can literally cut the awkward atmosphere when they are together with a knife


zello4days : AAe: Activeness(9-10)

LAST WORDS : Uhh... Hi? btw if there's any problems etc. let me now.... Baiii (for now) ^^


▸ Twice Showtime

▸ Starshow 360


▸ Jimin caught her crying in one of the janitor closet in the backstage after their showcase (Because she recieves lot of hates)

▸ Her meeting with her mother for the first time for 7 years

PASSWORD : Mina ^^


turn in : story


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