Hope For Chaos - City & Character Info!

Mikara City

This is where most of the Maeriè live. The city is governed by the Maeriè and only Maeriè and some humans are allowed into the city.

From schools to homes, shopping districts, malls and what not.

Mikara City is a technologically advanced and flourishing city.


Narouji Town

Narouji Town is situated between Mikara City and Rokiji, and it is the only place where humans, Kuroshi and Maeriè live.

The people here are also referred to by many as the In-Betweens.

After the taboo event that caused the formation of the Kuroshi, some of the Maeriè were sent to live with the humans in Narouji, which had then become an unsafe place, for the humans would stand no chance alone if they were to be attacked by either side.

Their missions were to protect the people of Narouji from any threats and keep it safe.

Some Kuroshi who were sick of living in Rokiji however, managed to escape that one time. Security was tightened after that to prevent anyone else from escaping.

Narouji Town is governed by Kuroshi, Maeriè and the humans, and is the only place where all of them are treated equally.




This is where the Kuroshi live. They are what the ancestors would call "self-proclaimed Maeriè".

Their powers are mostly artificial, made by conducting tests and injecting the 'special DNA' into humans to allow for them to have powers.

These powers would then be passed on to children along with the DNA.

Although the city is not as advanced or thriving as Mikara City, the Kuroshi are strong and the city is doing fairly well.

Only Kuroshis live in the City of Rokiji and it is guarded by Kirie - creatures that were created by the leader of the Kuroshis.

They are ordered to kill any non-Kuroshi who tries to enter or leave the city.



Youkujin Academy

Youkujin Academy is one of the three academies that help young Maeriè hone their abilities better.

It is located quite a distance away from the City , thus students are required to stay in the provided dormitories.

The school takes in only about a hundred students per school term, and 80% of the yearly intake are students who were granted a scholarship to attend the academy.

The other 20% of the entrants are chosen from an entrance test, conducted in the first 2 weeks of the new school term.

To put into words, Youkujin Academy is an academy for the best Maeriè.






17 years old

Controls Fire, Wind, Frost.

Special ability ; Shapeshifting & Illusionism



18 years old

Controls Wind & Frost

Special Ability ; Mind Manipulation



18 years old

Controls Water

Special ability ; Teleportation

He is a half-blood, meaning one of his parents was a Maerin and another was a human.

He acquired the ability of a Maerin from his father and is one of the strongest half-bloods known to date, as most half-bloods are unable to even control natures.



19 years old 

Controls Earth and Frost.

Special Ability ; Shapeshifting & Manipulation.

Ren is a half-blood; treated like dirt in Rokiji and outcasted by everyone. His father is a strong Maerin while his mother is a strong Kuroshi.  

He is the strongest Kuroshi / half-blood to ever live.

He was taught to hate Maeriè and to be brutal, fearless and emotionless; but his family and one girl kept his sanity to belive that Maeriè weren't as bad as they were taught to be. 



Controls Fire, Frost & Wind 

Special Ability ; Mimicry

Reita was found by Iseul in the woods on the outskirts of Mikara City.

He lives alone in the woods and is aware of his abilities. 

He seemingly has a hatred for any other being, except his companion, a grey-ish white arctic wolf.




Hileà is an independent city separate from other civilisations such as Mikara City.

Hileà is also home to mythical creatures such as Dragons.



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