Use 10 of your biases:

1. Byun Baekhyun

2. Jeon Jungkook

3. Park Chanyeol

4. Oh Sehun

5. Kim SeokJin

6. Lee Taemin

7. Park Jimin

8. Do Kyungsoo

9. Kim NamJoon

10. Park Jisung


1. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with #8 or #9?

I'd rather be stuck with Soo than with RM XD It'd be awkward to be stuck with your ex, eyy...


Q2. Would you rather have a cute first date with #9 or a night party with #2?

I'll go on a night party with Kookie;)


Q3. Would you rather see #1 giving you a seducing smile or #5 in a pouty smile?

I'd risk myself to see Jin in a pouty smile *squeeeeeelsssss* // *shouts at baekhyun* I STILL LOVE YOU BABY!


Q4. Would you rather have #7 as your boyfriend sharing a couple tee with your or #4 as your boyfriend sharing a couple necklace with you?

I'd rather share a couple necklace with Sehun, my prez *hearteu hearteu*. I lovelovelovelovelove JIMIN but I HATE wearing couple tees.


Q6. Would you rather be cheek-kissed by #5 or back-hugged by #2?

OH MA FCK! BACKHUGGED BY JUNGKOOK PUHLEASE! // I can get cheek-kissed by mamaJin later on yeeee


Q7. Would you rather have #3 piggyback riding you home at midnight or #4 driving you home at noon?

I'm heavy. So, I'll pick for Chanyeol to piggyback me home at midnight. MUAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHHAAH!


Q8. Would you rather have a duet with #6 or a dance with #8?

Woah! This is a twist? HUEHUE, cause Taemins suppose to go with dance and Kyungies supposed to go with duets but anyways, I'll have a duet with TAEMIN, together we can rule the WORLD >:)


Q9. Would you rather receive an arm heart from #2 or aegyo & finger hearts from #1?

Aegyo and Finger hearts from Byun Baek, please!

Q10. Would you rather be wearing #2's hoodies or #5's pyjamas?

Hoodies... just cause<3<3


Q11. Would you rather be proposed by #10 in a public place or by #5 in a private place?



Q12. Would you rather have #9 teaching you the choreographies of their mains songs or #10 suddenly disturbing you while eating, saying "Stop! Please hug me first!"

I'd rather have Jisung disturb me, though I'll have to strangle him first and then comfort him with a hug...


Q13. Would you rather fall asleep on #2's shoulder in the aeroplane or on #7's lap in the car?

JuNgKoOk's shoulder-- but JIMIN TT_TT NOOOOOOOO I CAN'T CHOOSE!!!!

Q14. Would you rather have a calm beach vacation with #1 or #3?

It's never calm when it comes to these two. I'll just put them both together and send them off to a crazy vacation then I'll spend a calm beach vacation by myself.


Q15. Would you rather have #6 tying your hair or #8 removing your ponytail?



Q16. Would you rather be skydiving with #9 or be on the roller coaster with #10?

I don't want to die T_____T


Q17. Would you rather have a cute homemade breakfast surprise made by #4 or an outdoor lunch treat by #5?

A cute homemade breakfast surprise made by my one and only prez <3

Q18. Would you rather cook together in #3's house or play board games and watch TV with #6 in your house?

I'd cook with Park because I need to upgrade by cooking skills and Park is the best candidate.


Q19. Would you rather ice-skate and holding hands with #7 or have a full-day rest in #1's house with him alone?

Have a full-day rest in Byun Baek's house, not like we be doing anything ## I would be giving him tips on how to seduce Park to bed


Q20. Would you rather have #5 reading to you the love letter he wrote for you or #7 singing a song he composed for you?

I want JIMIN to sing a song he composed for me<3 OMGGGG that's so sweet


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