Just the Usual

Hi all~ It's time for another JinKook moment that flew under a lot of radars! This is such a cute one! I know, I say that a lot...but it's always true!! I was just sitting here, enjoying the I Need U MV Making video (which I totally don't own) and this really stood out to me. Let's GOOOO~

Okay, they were filming the scene where everyone was playing in what looked like an abandoned warehouse. Running around with fireworks and such. So there was a scene where they did a dog pile on an old mattress. The scene had already been filmed once and they were doing another take of it. This is what happened.


  • Jimin and Jin are standing on top of the mattress after the first take. Eveyone had already walked away and left these two. Jin just stares at Jimin while he's having a great time jumping up and down.


  • Jin didn't stand around for long tho lol. He ends up joining Jimin in no time (and looks like he's having more fun than Jimin XD)


  • Of course, the other 5 run in to complete the scene by piling on top of Jin and Jimin. Tae appears first, followed by Namjoon, then Yoongi. Hoseok and Kookie show up at the same time in the end (Kookie came from the right side of the camera and ran in front of Namjoon, who's wearing the red plaid shirt). Did you notice how Kookie originally ran to where Yoongi was but switched tracks and ran behind everyone? Wondering why??


  • The answer becomes obvious when they get up from the mattress and clear out one by one. When it's all said and done, the 2 left on the mattress are Jin and Jimin, laying there dazed, like they just got hit by a truck. Meanwhile, Kookie is crouched down beside them, staring at Jin with heart eyes as usual lol


Here's a slightly closer view of it. Just try and tell me JinKook isn't real >:]


  • Kookie didn't even attempt to move away like the others did!! Kookie was actually laying across Jin when he first joined the scene in the earlier gif, which is why the beginning of this gif shows him pulling his arms away from Jin, but it's hard to see because of the camera angle.


These are the type of moments JinKook shippers love. I'm a firm believer of "quality over quantity" so the number of interactions don't make a ship for me. I love when things like this happen in the background because I know it wasn't for show or because other people were looking. It was so natural for Kookie to go to Jin's side. Him being next to Jin is so normal that it seems weird during those few times when he isn't. I appreciate their dynamic so much XD Makes me wonder how Kookie and the boys are faring now that Jin is away?? Anyway, hope you guys like this!! And please look forward to more from me soon.

m(_ _)m


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