I don't know what to title this. >

Guys GUESS WHAT! .... I GOT A JOB! Okay, why is this a big deal? Well.... I'm 16, so it's my first job (part time of course), and so I am now finally able to save up, and have savings to go toworads my fututre plans of going to visit Korea!! (other stuff to obviously)

The job is part time at a superstore called TESCO, (if any of you guys live in England you'll know what it is) 

Oh by the way I also got a PHONE last Tuesday, I know can you believe it i've nevr had a phone! 

Okay, about my sotry, I'll be updating on Friday!!!!! 

I hope for those of you who still read my sotry, are looking forward to my update, my studies have been getting reall intense and I'm not doing so well with my Biology tests, so I've been putting in extra effort. 

Sorry for the exuses and delay, untill next time ~~~ 



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I love tesco a lot xD
I've been to England thrice and tesco just became my life xD
Good luck with your job. Fighting! c:
KawaiiePumpii #3
The to go place when you need something ^^
Have two near my place
Good luck with your Job!
Congrats! Good luck with your job and future plans. :)