Kpop Quiz

this is my first blog entry on aff ever so i decided to do a kpop quiz bc it's's probably boring but idk

1. What group(s) got you into Kpop?

​Big Bang


2. What is your bias group right now?




asian, fanart, and exo gif Bild

3. Has Kpop hindered your life in any way?

it has. it made me sleep less, spent alot of money and gave me some kind of anxiety over missing important things or events.

but it also made me so much happier and gives me strength and joy on a regular base.

4. Whats your favorite Kpop song of all time? what about right now?

​thats really a tough one.
mino-fear, bts-tomorrow, bigbang-bad boy/ haru haru, seventeen hiphop unit-lotto, exo-love me right,miracles in december

​right now it's been through by exo

5. Do you like Kpop songs from 2008, and back? if not, why?

bigbang was so great back then

6. g.o.d. or H.O.T. which do you prefer? if you don't know who these groups are skip it.

​h.o.t were literally hot ,also their looks are goals

tumblr_lja0r96JjR1qza81j.jpg (hell yeah)

7. Do you like Big Bang? Super Junior? DBSK? SS501? U-Kiss? BEAST? MBLAQ? or do you only support girl groups?

​I like Big Bang, Suju and Beast alot
​I don't really listen to u-kiss but watched some variety shows with them and they were endearing, same for mblaq only that i listen to their music a bit more (I'm a big lee joon lover so i like the songs where he's still in more (although mirror is 12/10))
​i also support girl groups

8. Wonder Girls, SNSD, Kara, or CSJH The Grace?

​Wonder Girls (Sunmi for life)

kpop, yubin, and yenny Bild

9. BoA or Lee Hyori?

Lee Hyori


10. SE7EN or Rain?

​i really really like se7en


11. TOP, GD, or both?

gtop forever


12. What group do you hate? why?​

​i can't think of a group i'd hate, if a group doesn't interest me or if i don't like the music then i won't listen to them and leave it by that, i'm not comfortable with hating on a group, i mean i don't know them so how can i judge

13. Who's you favorite member of SNSD? (Its impossible to hate all of them)

​i really like taeyeon (but who doesn't?)

14. What fan club irritates you the most?

army or exo-l (i'm a fan of both,bts and exo but this ever going competition who's better and fights between the fans really stresses me out)

15. In your opinion, what fan club is the calmest?

​carats, i really feel like they all just want the best for seventeen and are really supportive and lovely
​also shawol's (they just know they're stanning living legends and so they never need to start a fight

16. Have you heard of Teen Top or INFINITE? who do you like better?

​who hasn't heard of infinite?
​i like them both (i love c.a.p) but i'd say i like infinite a bit more,only bc i know more of their songs and just stan them more than teen top

infinite, hoya, and sungyeol Bild

17. Have you heard of Outsider? do you like his music?

​his rap skills are really impressing!!he's also really cute so yeah i like him and his music

18. What's your favorite song dedicated to fans?

​exo's "promise" really makes me cry everytime
​rap monster's and jungkook's "i know" (i love that they aren't just talking abt fangirls but fanboys too)

19. What fanclub scares you the most?

​i think every fanclub has some ppl that need to chill but i guess the ones that are the most present are the problematic armys and exo-l's (also some monbebes)

20. Name your top 10 biases.

​(here are my biases and their unbleached beauty)


(that's what i call art)





CgSwVLRWsAA_HRE.jpg:largeCVlVqO5UsAAPWu3.jpg14550012_597040897164447_2124039053618708480_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM1MjI1NzQ2OTMzMzcwNzQxNQ%3D%3D.2.c( sweet jesus)




got7, kpop, and youngjae Bild



f(x), amber, and kpop Bild​ (i'm not sure if this is unbleached? probably not)



CcWeICBUsAEBuV6.jpg (truly breathtaking)



CdaNd8_WwAEPnEh.jpgCdaNd8TW4AEPHZW.jpg​(low quality pics of a high quality man)







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