Trying to remember a fic?

I cannot, for the life of me, remeber a fanfic i read years ago, it was a lot like the daenerys story of game of thrones but not really

it was a fic, i cannoy remeber who the pairings were but for some reason i feel like it was minho, though dont set that in stone im not sure. The plot was somewhere along the lines of the main chara was being given to another (not exactly sold, im not sure if the plot was similar to wild rock the manga) and he was described as having tan skin etc, Basically they didnt speak his language and it was written out as a foreign language and i remember the main chara had to be given lessons. IT was avery elaborate plot and i really wanna read it again but i cant find it, apparently i didnt subsribe to it whats wrong with me 



anyone plz help me, if thats all too vague which i know it is, pm me and i'll explain more..


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