Have you????

Have you ever felt so sad and question life???


Feeling lost,




Tired and all.


You cannot even crave for happiness because at the backof your mind you know that you dont deserve it



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mugirl9182 #1
Nobody perfect...it is normal to have this kind feeling...dont take it negatively... think positive be strong there is always a solution for a problem...our life is like a series of learning process...from a mistake we learn to be a better person. Take care & stay strong.
I think at some point in life most people will sort of experience it. Take a break and have some time for yourself . After you have enough rest , a calm mind and feeling peace then think things over again. Slowly plan and find solutions to your problem. Life is a series of test one after another. Dont ever question your own self worth and know that everyone deserved to be happy that includes you. Its okay to feel tired and sad but never give up. Believe in yourself and believe more in your dreams. As long as you dont lost hope and never give up you'l have the chance to turn things for the better. Believe in yourself. Everything will be fine all it takes is some time. Stay strong
I think so....