Uncle Sam and 'Political' cards

...Seems like he's played his 'Trump' card. With everyone watching with baited breath to see what will happen now..

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It looks like the 'Joker' is out for good..

(Joker=hilarious=Hillary) (Not that she's funny; its a play on words.)

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Now Uncle Sam, since you've made your move, its plain to see that the world is watching to see how things play out like a line of dominoes splitting in multiple choice -yet narrow directions. The ends unknown and unseen..

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With the front most domino already toppled over. "What will happen next?" Is the question on most folks' minds.






Guys...idk anymore. OTL 

Haha, at least Melanie would make a beautiful first lady. And if he ever builds a wall -lets hope its more decorative and way prettier than the great wall of China. If not, we could graffiti it and tear it down like the wall of Berlin. Or go over it like Tris and Four from Divergent lol.

Idk why I'm thinking up different scenarios, and being sarcastic, but its better than the all bashing I was doing earlier..sorry for that you guys.


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im from canada, but i really feel for you guys..... i really hope that trump doesnt revert america back into the 20th century country it was. third party voters wasted their votes and it makes me angry because those votes couldve made clinton win. im afraid for muslim americans, black americans, americans part of the lgbtq+ community, and all the minorities in general. i really hope trump doesnt run america like a business because its a country, not a business.

lets hope for the best.
I didn't sit by. I voted.
What posses me off are the ppl who voted third party...they're the votes that could've made Clinton President! But no, they had to essentially throw it away
omg trump won ;-;

im moving to canada
and my friends may or may not be deported and if gay marriage becomes illegal again, my world is over T^T
im not old enough to vote, and its not like my vote would really count anyway bc its really on who in the congress is voting for
i just hope that if trump makes things worse, in 2020, michelle obama or bernie sanders better run for president :(
I literally cried tears of frustration last night. I woke up this morning hoping that it was all a nightmare, but it's not. I really can't believe any of this is happening. That man? As our president? I don't understand. We're gonna watch the world crash and burn before is, I know. All we can do now is to rise above the hatred and try our best to spread love.
Haha lol, bro, the saddest part of the election WAS BERNIES CRYING FACE, LIKE BRO! HE'S MA MANU MY BAE (Not really...) LIKE BRO, HE WANTED TO HELP THE AMERICANS, AND INSTEAD AMERICA VOTES FOR 2 IDIOTS OUT OF 30 MILLION PEOPLES. BOUI, ;3; iM Interested to see where TRUMP goes with this... lets just hope he isnt as bad as he seems
I don't think Presidents have control over what happens, they say they are going to change things before they win, and they never do, it's because they are just puppets, I think there is a lot more to this world then we think, call me crazy, but I believe there is a secret group of people who decide these things, Trump and Hillary are their comedy, I really don't think much will change, and if it does I don't think Trump has control over it.
I think WW3 is anytime soon. Maybe after 3 years?
As a biual, pagan woman, I am afraid for myself and my daughters, aside from the fear for my country and the world
Queenka94 #12
Can I cry now?
....This is stressful.