YANG YUMI | SEAing Apply Fic

164 CM
48 KG
wings            #cc99ff           Bright Lavender
 ▷ Mimi — Its a play on her name. Used by those at the company, the managers and her members when things are good. And to help differentiate between her and their manager. Used after the group has gotten a bit more comfortable with each other. Some members might use it more than others.(Maybe some from the other groups as well).
Umi — (uh-me) Given and used by her school friends from SOPA. Its a sweet nickname gifted by Yerin when she was complainig about something. The rest caught on and used it here and there. Only used by her friends and is known by a select few in Lemon (but not used by them).
Imoto — (E-mo-toe) It means "little sister" in japanese, thus only her older sibilings use it. Seiko might use it as well when the two get to talk. Aside from them no one else is given the priviledge.
 Lemon — When it was found out that she was related to a company employee, some of the rude and mean trainees began calling her this. If they were questioned by staff or trainers the reason for calling her that, they lied saying it was a cute nickname given to for her freshness and power when dancing. 
Smile Cheonsa/ Yojeong — (chon-sa/ yo-jon) means "smile angel" or "smile fairy" in korean. Used by her fans and netizens, since she always seems to be seen or captured smiling. Sometimes only calling her 'cheonsa' or 'yojeong' on its own. Theres a debate amongst fans if shes an angel or fairy thus the two similar nicknames. 

BIRTHPLACE : Osaka, Japan


Birth to 10 yrs : Osaka, Japan — An unforseen early birth and a weak immune system, plus the sickness found on maternal grandmother made Yumi grow up away from half her family and home.

10yrs to Present: Seoul, South Korea — Much healthier and proper arrangements made back in Japan, the Yang family reunited in their home in Seoul where they still reside to this day.

ETHNICITY : Half-Korean Half-Japanese

Korean — [Fluent] Having lived in Korea since age ten and wanting to communicate well with her paternal grandparents, Yumi worked hard to perfect it. The tutoring back in Japan and her new school made the process easy and fast. Still has a slight accent here and there, not too noticeble. But if scared, confused, or under pressure likely to blurt out some japanese.
Japanese — [Fluent] Having spent the first ten years of her life in Japan, its only natural that this would be the first language she learned and is most confident in. Is the launguage she tends to speak to herself in.
English — [Semi-fluent] Attended international schools for some elementary and her first year of middle school. English was a required lesson. Speaks, reads, and writes it well. The only problem sometimes is her pronunciation and is kinda slow when answering or registering when spoken to.
Mandarin Chinese — [Conversational] She began taking lessons per Geunji's suggestion. She can speak it and has surprisingly good pronunciation. She can't write or read though. Finds the calligraphy confusing. She is capable enough to hold a slow, but steady conversation.

FACE CLAIM : IOI Kim Sejong  X X X X X X X 


     A model like body with decently long legs and flat stomach, but has some small and noticable curves. Slightly tall in height, enjoys the liberty of not having to wear heels at all times, but enjoys wearing them just the same. She has a nice pale complextion and does not mind a slight tan on her skin. Almond shaped eyes that are brown, rosie lips, and thin pretty hands. Granted an above average beauty, especially when compared with her stunning visual memebers. Enjoys having both her hair up or down. Be it up in a ponytail or bun and down straigth or wavy. Prefers having her hair in layers and shoulder or mid-back length. Her hair color does change every so often, but only to different shades of brown or golden brown, prefering her natural hair color. But thats for now, who knows what Lemon might have in mind for promotions. Totally cool with trying new things as long as she has enough time to mentally prepapre herself. She uses as little makeup as necessary, usually only wearing mascara, eye liner, and lip balm. She also has three piercings on each ear X . But its not like anyones pays attention to this, Thankfully she's not the visual, so it's like her fans little secret. And a good surprise to others.
     Likes outfits she feels can be worn anytime of the day, that are both fashionable and casual. All she has to do is change her shoes from sneakers to heels and the clothes still look complete. She enjoys wearing what she pleases. Anything from dresses, skirts, shorts, jeans she loves; just leggings aren't her cup of tea. Though she really enjoys wearing them for dance practice or to sleep. Boots and sneakers are her favorite. While heels and flats are her guilty pleasure. She's not too fond of sandals, thus only wearing them occasionally. Always making sure to have a cardigan or sweater within reach so she can be ready for an unexpected change of weather. She loves the chilly weather because she gets to wear long or short overcoats or jackets and scarves. She loves to accessorize with simple jewelry and headbands or hair clips. Always has a wrist watch on her left wrist to keep track of her time, unless performing of course. Wearing prescribed contact lenses when working and wearing her eye glasses when she's tired or feels lazy putting her contacts on. For practice and dorms, outfits are usually what she finds first, like a graphic T-shirt, sweats, shorts, leggings, often a crop top, or sports bra with a tank top on top. Anything comfortable and light to dance or sleep in. Always brings a hoodie or long sleeve plaid along to use as a sweater. She makes sure to wear sneakers for practice unless the dance requires heels.  Yumi might not be a visual of the group, but she still puts some good effort in how she looks. Even if the only ones who notice are her fans and a few fashion blogs.
(+) Hardworking, Respectful, Caring, Kind, Cute, Gentle  
(=) Shy, Reserved, Adaptable, Patient, Tolerant, Composed, Cluless  
(-) Stoic, Sensitive, Insecure, Self Conscious, Sarcastic, Angry

       Yumi is hardworking, respectful, and sometimes gets in trouble eventhough she really didn't mean to. Might seem shy at first, but can be outgoing and fun when comfortable and excited. Is highly affectionate and caring towards those she finds dear. And kind to any one, even if they just ignore her kindness. (cough..JINJOO..cough) She likes thinking things thru, and is passionate about what she wants. Adaptable to any sudden change or situation, though she tends to freak out a bit at first. Confident in her abilities, but hesitant of her actions. Rather patient and tolerant of her fellow members and managers. But will follow along no matter what, with no opposition what so ever. (Well just in her head) Having grown up in a rather closed environment, Yumi tends to be a bit cluless about somethings. As some may say she lacks street cred. Sometimes her cluless moments help lighten the mood and make her seem cute. Its not annoying but actually quite adorable, and they kinda let it slide since she didn't grow up in Korea. (Some fans might call it one of her many charms.)
       Usually mild in temper and quietly going about, Yumi gives a gentle touch everywhere she goes. Its kinda weird how she changes depending on the people she's around. When comfortable with the people around her she begins to tease and speak in fluent sarcasm. (Otherwise shes well mannered and speaks when spoken to.) Sometimes being sarcastic to show her anger or displeasure, in some cases annoyance. Acting helps hide her anger and other emotions, but when all that repressed anger suddenly burst its better for others to stand out of her way. Yumi might seem like an angel sent from above, but she ain't a saint. Meaning she has a limit and if she exceads that limit prepare for a surprise. One, she will talk back and say whats really on her mind and walk out. Or two, Yumi fumes and walks out, not speaking a word to anyone for a good two or more hours until she gets her senses and reason back or cries it all out alone. (Warnig!  a very heartbreaking sight to see her cry)   
       Seems stoic to others actions around her, one would think Yumi won't take it to heart. But turns out she's rather sensitive about them and well she cares and a lot. The words repeat in her head no matter how long its been making her feel insecure and self conscious. Sure she can play it off as nothing wrong, but those words haunt her at the back of her head. Lost belief in her potential and confidence as a result of the teasing and ill treatment she received as a trainee and growing up in Japan. New critizim does not help either. (ANTIS!...sorry too loud)
       She's aware of the attention and pressure her position brings, but she will try her best to just have fun. With a smile always on her face, even if it's not a real one. Trying not to stand out too much and minding her own bussiness. Unless its a variety show, Yumi actually loves and enjoys participating and going all out. Turns out to be the best at certain activities. She tries to hide the fact that she is hurting inside, but can't hide the hurt in her eyes. (Or some members) When left alone, she begins to ponder her weaknesses and how much she lacks in certain areas. She doesnt show it, but she is very scared to lose the dream she worked so hard to achieve. 

        Yumi was born January 4, 1997 in Osaka, Japan. Born at six months,  she was a premature baby and requiered supervision and constant medical attention. At that time, her family was visiting her mother's side of the family in Japan. Unfortunately, for the family, baby Yumi needed to remain in the hospital for some time as to not risk her health. It would be a while before she was cleared to fly to Korea. Coinsidently, Yumi's maternal grandmother was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer. With no one to look after her properly, Yume, her mom, decided to stay for awhile. At least until both her mother and new baby got better.Thats how Yumi ended up growing up away from half of her family. Her father having to return to work as a translator for gov office. While the older Yang sibilings (14 and 7 at the time) to their respective international school.
       Growing up, Yumi was a sickly child so the doctors recomemnded for her to be put in physical activities to strenghten her up. They would not only make her physically stonger but would also help strengthen her lungs, so her asthma could be controlled. So at age three, Yumi was put in dancing classes at the nearby dance studio close to the Yamanaka flower shop. It was a physical  activity that could be practiced indoors and a convinient distance away. Being in the toddler program they were taught a variety of dance genres. Mostly focusing in ballet, hip hop, and especially traditional japanese dance. At age four, Yumi began learning piano by her grandparents request, they really liked the idea of having a grandchild play a classical instrument. While in Japan, she attended a local day care and later a public elementary school on weekdays and on weekends would attend  korean lessons to learn korean and korean history. Her learning skills were above average and were always commended.
       Grew to love playing piano and won a couple of competitions (in her age category of course). Dancing allowed her to create many friends and not be afraid to express herself, since she couldnt at school. Being biracial, especially half Korean, was hard for little Yumi. At school, some of her classmates would about it, calling her names and ugly. Some of the parents would not even allow their children to play with her. School was were she quietly stood around and blended to the wall. Watching as others played together and trying her best to not stand out too much. Yumi could really only be happy and energetic when in dance class. The kids in her class enjoyed her company and could be considered her only litttle friends. The dance academy became her second home and refuge, she quickly became one of the best dancers her age. 
        It wasnt until a month after her 10th birthday, that Yumi finally moved with her mom back to Korea. Her grandma was now cancer free, moms older sister and younger brother could now take care of both grandmother and flower shop, and Yumi was more than healthy and strong. In the time spent in Japan, her family would make an effort to visit them. Sadly sometimes only for a couple a weeks at a time. But they would often talk on the phone as well thru video calls. Adjusting to her new surroundings was hard. Its one thing to learn thru books and videos, but experiencing first hand was different. She began classes at an international elementary school and later a middle school (also internatioinal). She tried to continue her piano lessons and even took up vocal lessons to help with her korean pronunciation. Eventually stopping and focusing on dancing in her new dance academy. She was glad that she was not teased about her accented korean and being biracial at her new school. And really enjoyed learning traditional korean dance, even if it was just one or two weeks of it. But what really helped Yumi feel at home and perfect her korean was music, well idol music to be exact. Who were the lucky group she staned first, Super Junior. The group remained her favorite, though Big Bang almost took over since they released japanese music. But Super Junior was dethroned the moment (May 25, 2008 to be exact.) Yumi saw and heard the beauty that was SHINee. (I mean who wouldnt?) Seeing them completely changed her. She wanted to be on the same stage as they were she would need to become an idol.
        She began auditioing at a few agencies and even managed to convince her parents to allow her to transfer to a performance middle school. From auditioning in the big three (how great that would have been), and some smaller ones (now big really) like Starship, Cube, and Woolim. As well as small ones like Jellyfish, BigHit, Fantagio (getting bigger now). Unfortunately she was failing auditions, good dance ability, but supposedly lacked vocal ability and presence (lacking some confidence really). Yumi was rather dissapointed for awhile, but with her family support she didn't give up. Until her brother Geunji suggested the company he currently started working at. Yumi honestly did not feel comfortable with the idea. But her grandma and older sister convinced her otherwise. She reluctantly agreed to take Geunji's offer, as long as she got to audition like any one else. No staff should know their relation, so they would give her preference. Thus she lined up like many other hopefuls at the doors of Lemon Entertainement. Yumi passed the audition and became a Lemon trainee. The down side was that Geunji took full responsipility of her, all of her paper work was signed by Geunji, not her parents. Shes not sure if thats good or bad, but was happy to be getting one step closer to being on a stage.        

Sweets/Snacks: She might be slim, but she loves her snacks and sweets. Cookies, ice cream, candies (sour worms or watermelons prefferably) and dark chocolate. Potato chips, granola bars, or pocky sticks, basically anything that can be put in her bag she loves. Enjoys choco pies all year round.
Flowers: Wether she buys them or receives them from somebody, she loves them. What would you expect, she grew up around them. It could be a bouquet or just a single simple flower. There is always a small flower vase on her side of the room. And makes sure to water the few plants in the dorm and ocasionally those in the Lemon building. Her favorites are sunflowers.
Food: She loves a good meal. Like a full meal. Its amazing how much she can eat and not gain weigth. Anythings good pizza, burgers, french fries, sangyetang, bibimbap, fried chicken, sangyupsal, and kimchi jigae are some of her favorites. But japanese dishes are her ultimate favorites and she enjoys them the most since its rare when she can have them. Her obsession though is kimbap!
Music: Nothing calms her down or pumps her up like listening to her playlist. All of her tech are full of her music. Having grown up in two countries helped develop multiple music prefences. But idol music charmed her from first listen. She makes an effort to purchase some of her favorite artist albums or merchandise and even attends some concerts.
Variety Shows: There are many groups she stans, thus having many biases. She likes seeing them participate in games and let loose. She also loves the comedians and other celebrites that host them. Some of her favorites include Running Man, Infinite Challenge, Knowing Brothers, and Weekly Idol.  
Films and Dramas: She enjoys watching them and takes the opportunity to fangirl over her favorite actors. Song Joonki, Lee Minho, Nam Joohyuk, Park Bogum, Zo Insung, Lee Dongwook... Plus, this was a way she would forget the struggles of training and school. But who can complain.
Shopping: Be it clothes, shoes, accesories, basic necesities, or food. She enjoys it, but there is a catch. She likes going to farmers markets, flea markees, thrift stores, anywhere she can find a bargain or arrange a bargain. Usually alone, but doesn't mind company to help with the bags.
Stuffed Animals/ Plushies: Especially teddy bears! Ok, so she's a kid at heart. But what girl can say no to a stuffed toy no matter how ugly it might look. Don't have to be animals but could also be anime or cartoon charecters. Usually has a teaddy bear and one or two others on her bed. Teddy bears are her favorite.
Hot Chocolate, OJ, Sports Drinks, Tea, Iced Coffee: These are the drinks that keep her awake. For some reason she can only enjoy drinking iced coffe or those frapps, even in cold weather. And she's more than happy with a glass of OJ in the morning and a cup of hot chocolate during a hard day. If she has to work late, hit her with some green tea or chamomile tea, or any other flavor shes willing to try any. And sport drinks are a must as a dancer.
Fall, Winter, Spring: She loves these seasons. Being able to wear her favorites. The smells those seasons bring. Being able to stay indoors or walk around with a different sound each step you take. Being able to do nothing even just for one day depending on the mood the weather brings. She loves when it rains or snows, preferably lightly of course.
Skinship: This girl loves to cuddle. She's not clingy, but if she notices you suddenly sulking or stessing out she won't hesitate to pat your back or head, massage shouders, or give hugs. Back hugs and arm clinging are her specialty though. She might suddenly hold your arm or hand to walk and put her head on your shoulder if shes tired and you happen to sit next to her. She likes receivng them as well, but will blush if kissed on the forehead and/or given an unplanned hug or back hug. (Especially when its the guy she likes!)
Schedules, Planners, Being on time: This is how one knows she's related to Genjin. How much she plans and organizes her schedule to keep up with being a trainee, now idol, and a university student. Has her planer were she hand writes her weekly schedule, from classes, project due dates, test, study groups, trainnig lessons, and now group activities and practices. She transfers them to her phone so she sets up alarms to remind her whats up next and to be on time. A wrist watch on her left hand is constantly being looked at. 
Summer: She dislikes the heat of that season. She hates how sticky she feels due to sweat and humidity. She struggles enough to take care of her skin and hair, the summer weather makes her want to shower more than twice a day. She thanks whoever invented air conditioners for making the season bearable.
Unnecessary Noise: Like don't most of the members have enough with the loud music in the dance room? Do they need to blast it in the dorm too? Or their head phones? If they turned it down there would be no need for yelling to get ones attention. Reason why she then chooses to walk out of the dorm or hides in her room with her earplugs in. Things would not escalate if they would just tone it down.
Hot Coffee/ Apple Juice/ Energy Drinks: She dislikes how coffee feels going down . Its too bitter for her taste buds. She dislikes the after tastes of apple juice and how sweet and concentrated it is. And energy drinks are just disgusting to her. Just don't hand her any of the above, and you'll save yourself from seeing her glare at you.
Open Water: She knows how to swim and enjoys it. But she is terrified of swiming in open water or deep water. She is tramatized after an accident she had were she fell into the water and due to shock could not bring herself to swim. She was so close to drowning. Shes good as long as the water is about 5 or 6 ft deep and she slowly got in on her own. No jumping or pushing, NO! 
Beer: She'll drink anything else, just don't force her to drink beer. She dislikes the sour taste and horrid smell it has. The most shell drink if she feels like it is one can or one glass when eating fried chicken. Because in all honesty, that chicken tastes great with beer, unfortunately.
Messes: Sure her side of the room might not be the neatest, but all the important things are neat and clean. She knows whats where and why the stain on the floor was caused by Fanfan-gege. Fell free to ask about it when she is not busy.
Neon Colors: NOPE! Well... unless the concept calls for it. But otherwise, no. They really aren't her favorite things to wear. But are nice colors to accesorize with.
Fur / Synthetic Fur/ Animal Print: She loves animals, so why would she like wearing them. Sure she does own a pice or two, but she does not enjoy wearing them. But say the concept calls for it or whatever, she will be strong and wear it. 
Salty or Too Spicy Food: She loves food, but she can't and won't eat it if its salty or too spicy. Eating too much salt makes her feel extremely thirsty and wake up with a bloated face. She likes spicy food and normaly enjoys it, but there is only so much spice she can handle. if she reaches the point were her tounge goes numb at the first bite, she'll drop the spoon and never raise it to again
Pointless Arguments: Probably the one thing she and her brother share dislike towards. Even with whining and complaining, the group has to stick with whatever the managers and company want them to do. No point in arguing when one will still end up doing it. They are just wasting time.
Prejudice: There really is no need to judge or treat some one based on their apperance or rumors or anything really. There is more to a person than that, if one only gives them a chance. Being a victim of this, she hates it. But also hates that she cant do anything about it except keep going. 

Walking or Sitting in the Park: With or without music, its all the same as long as she feels the soft breeze play with her hair, some well desrved sunshine, and the smell of nature. The best way for her to forget about her work and stress. A good way to think if she needs to or to not think at all.
Taking Pictures: It's not like she takes professional pictures. NOPE! She just likes taking pictures of things she finds pretty, cool, or interesting. The pictures range from flowers, food, animals, that cute baby or kid over there, Yoomi and Jinjoo arguing, Moonhee pouting to take picture with her phone, or the other members and label mates doing their lessons or chatting, and ocasional selfies. You know, the usual. Later posting some of the good and appropriate shots online.
Dancing: Be it her own groups choreography, Auroras or Royal Courts routine, a 1Million/ Prepix video (class), or  any of her senior idol groups songs. Dance has always been the way for her to forget things. She feels like she's the only one there in the moment, no one else. Since she can pick up choreography easily, she enjoys combining new and old moves she's learned to create something only she can do. Plus its her major what else could be better.
Composing: Being able to play the piano allows her to mess around with the keys. Especially enjoys when she messes with her laptops music program. And loves it when Genjin gives her the chance to use the company computers and sound sytems. Putting her lessons to use, Yumi tries to practice or do what she learned before.She has a decent amount of compositions, but doubts they are any good.

Blushes when embarrassed or teased.
Slowly stops blinking when focused. Eventually not blinking at all.
When she speaks and gets excited, she begins using her hands to describe.
If a song she likes is playing, be it in the car or on her phone, even with a camera near or on her, she wont hesitate to lip-synch and try to discreetly dance along.
She hides to cry on her own. Since she thinks she looks ugly when crying and it's not like anyone would care.

Attended Seoul Arts High School graduating class of '15.
Currently attending Kyunghee University and is trying to major in Contemporary Dance and minor in Vocal Music . 
 Studying Vocal Music since she doesn't feel confident about her voice and Lemon trainees prevent her from really growing.
 Studying Contemporary Dance since she really enjoys dancing and hopes to learn as much about it as possible. Maybe choreographing something for SEAing or others someday. Or stage directing a music video or performance.
Close friends with some 96-line, 97-line, and few 98 & 95-line idols who attended the art school with her.
Due to Koreas use of the Lunar Calendar, because of her birthday Yumi is considered part of the 96 line.
Keeps in contact with close idol friends and might know some or all of their group members.
Began learning dance in Japan at age 4. The dance academy taught all kinds of dances, including hip hop, tap, and traditional Japanese dance among others.
After moving to Korea, was quick to search for a new dance academy and continued dancing until becoming a trainee.
Since she loves learning more about dance its common to find her at 1Million or Prepix studios taking dancing classes.
Is known to record herself practice and rewatch herself to spot and fix mistakes. For both singing and dancing.
Can play the piano. Began learning at age 4 by maternal grandparents request and stopped when entering high school.
Is ambidextrous, so she can write with both her left and right hand.
Has Asthma. Has it pretty much under control. But stress and exhaustion can cause an asthma attack. Always carries her inhaler and both managers have one as well, for emergencies.  
Has nto infomed her members about her asthma as she does not think it important since she has not suffered from a severe attack for smoe year now.
 Suffers from allergies. So days with high fine dust are terrible for her. Runny nose and itchy watery eyes are consequences. But she makes sure to take her allergy pills. 
 On the other hand the members know about her allergies and some often remind her to take her meds and carry a face mask. 
She has two cards: One provided by her parents and one provided by her brother. DON'T TELL THE OTHERS!!!
At the company, only staff know her relation to Geunji. Trainees (SEAing), Aurora, and Royal Court only know of her being related to one of the staff. 
Owns an iphone, an ipad mini, and a mac book. (Courtesy of her dear brother Geunji.)
Likes wearing colored contacts, usually picking hazel, honey, grey, and blue as her favorites.
Owns several pairs of eye glasses. Each a different design in frame and color.
Her hands are very cold during the winter. Shes warm all over, but her hands don't seem to heat up. Gloves don't help either, but enjoys messing with others, especially Minhyuk, Wonnie, and Fan-gege by placing her hands on their warm neck.
Might have a high alchohol tolerance, her brother and sister might have had some influence there. (two soju bottles)
Current favorite idol groups: BOY- SHINee,BAP, BTS, Winner, Seventeen, Monsta X, NCT / GIRL- SNSD, SISTAR, Apink, EXID, Red Velvet, Gfriend, Blackpink (though Suju is still special to her)
Korean role models are BoA, SNSDs Taeyeon, Ailee, IU, Hyuna
Japanese role models are Utada, May J, 8tterfly, LiSA
If she had to pick betweeen Aurora and Royal Court, its Aurora hands down.   
Fan club is called 'WINGS' and stands for her fans being her wings. Helping and supporting her fly to her dreams. There is a debate wether they are angle or fairy wings.
Fans believe her charm points are her eye smile and smile. 
 Many were suprised to see such a cute girl be able to dance so powerfully, is recognized for her a bility to never seem to make a mistake .
 When working on school work at the dorm usually works in the kitchen table or living room, sometimes falling asleep there (if Damian's not around).
  Yumi s known for taking good care of her members and helps them to focus some attention on the fans. Often captured in pictures and fancams.
 It is also known she treats all fans alike no matter if they are her fans or the other members fans, she greets everyone.
 Has been captured in fancams picking up fan gifts and giving them to their intended owner be it from her group or other groups.
Was in the line up for both Aurora and Royal Court. Failed to join Auroras first line up since she didn't fit image and deemed a bit too young. Failed to join Royal Court due to age, though rumors say 'other' things were taken into account.
 Yumi was suprised and thankful for the support she and Jiang have received by being the only non koreans in the group. 
 Both sides of her family run long standing and succesful flower shops.
 The japanese shops are under her aunts care and her older sister plans to take over the shop in Seoul and merge it with her studio. 
YEARS OF TRAINING : 4 years + 4 months? (June 2012- Present)

    Yumi's trainee experience was pretty normal at the beginning. Being one of the few youngest at that time, Yumi was treated kindly. No one knew of her relationship to one of the Lemon staff. But once  it was exposed by one of the trainees, the others attitude towards her changed. A few ignoring her, some being too nice, but the majority picking at everything she did, even if she was good at it. There were only a handful of them that didn't care about that and would try to help her forget about the others. Things got better when Royal Court was being formed, many of the ones that left due to the disappointment of not being chosen and a couple were picked to be in the group. She got along better with the remaining trainees, but didn't really call any of them her friends. Just close aquaintances. The knowledge of her being related to a member of the Lemon staff became a rumor now. Yumi realized that if she was gonna make it to a group she needed to learn to just smile, nod, follow along, and move out of the way when told.
    As for classes, Yumi attended each class she had to. Geunji told her to be well rounded, even if she wasn't good she at least had a back up talent for special occasions. So being an obedient little sister she did. Acting was easy since shes basically been doing that since she joined Lemon. She is decent at , so she'll keep that as a secret to reveal later. It's not that she disliked the rap class, she just found it hard to dedicate herself to it when there were other classes she was better at. In her vocal lessons she was always above average, the teacher knew Yumi had potential to be a lead or possibly main vocal but didn't know how to make her release it. She liked the class but also was the class she felt most vulnerable in. The pressure of the others in the class judging her and wishing her to fail was too much for her. So she would not try too hard in the class, even when things got better she saw no point in trying too hard. Now dance class was her favorite class. She enjoyed just focusing in the music and feeling like she was the only one in the room. Dance class was the only place she felt like she could be herself. It helped that she was a pretty good dancer and she could learn rather quickly. Though it was her best class, Yumi still held back in showing her all. She just didnt want to bring too much attention to herself. But it was hard not to get attention when shes the best in class and knows a wide range of dances.

    Yumi still made sure to attend school. Both of her older sibilings, in specific Geunji, made it necessary for her to excel in her studies. So she continued her studies in her current (decent) art middle school, but made sure to attend an amazing art school for high school. Attending SOPA for high school was a great place to be herself when she couldn't at the company. There she was able to make good friends and make awsome memories. Being rather good at managing her time and schedule, Yumi was one of the few trainees able to balance her school and training quiet well. Graduated from SOPA class of 2015 in the top of her class. Was accepted to Kyunghee University and is attempting to major in Contemporary Dance and a minor in Vocal Music. She admits it was hard to adjust her training time with her classes, but has gotten a hang of it now. So if shes not in the company practicing in one of the rooms or doing school work in the dorm, then she's probably at school or out doing something for a class. Good thing is she has one or two classes a day and has weekends free, or else she'd be beat. Sure it might take longer for her to graduate, but that doesn't mean she won't do it.

   Currently  Yumi lives in the company dorms, but every other weekend, if possible, goes to stay home. Her spending money comes from her parents and older brother, so shes kinda cautious on how she spends it, but doesn't hold back on treating herself every so often. The early mornings (6 or 7 am) are spent stretching and lightly dancing a bit in the company dance room. She has her first university class at nine in the morning and her second class starts at noon, with a thirty to fifty minute break to eat (study or procastinate) in between. The class ends around two in the afternoon, grabs something to eat or snack and then she goes to the university library to work on assignments or projects for an hour or two. Yumi is at her vocal training class by four or four thirty and takes her remaining  training lessons. She then continues to practice on her own, unless she has some school work to finish or there is a class at 1Million or Prepix she wants to take. Her weekend schedule is not too different, she does get to sleep longer though. Wakes up at eight and practices until noon. She grabs something to eat and works on anything school related for three or four hours. Then takes any training classes needed and a bit more solo or even group practice for an hour or two. After that Yumi uses that as her free time to do whatever she wants or feels like. Unless SEAing is or will promote soon then she keeps practicing with the group. With debut approaching, she already disscussed with her professors and will be showing up in their evening classes instead and turning in her assingments online. They also helped her by suggesting online classes, that some provide. So seeing Yumi reading or writting in the van or waiting room will probably be common.
▷ Older Brother — Yang Geunji (33) | Lemon Ent. Foreign Relations Manager | Observant, Judgemental, Hardworking, Caring |  A typical sibilings relationship, almost father daughter, border line old married couple. Geunji has a soft spot for his baby sister, but to others he seems to treat her the same as any other person. Why?, because Yumi asked him to. Yumi did not want to be handed her debut, she wanted to work for it. Of course, she does cave in every now and then and goes to her brother to whine. Does he cave in?...maybe, no not really. Except for the fact that he smiles and actually shows interest when she speaks, Genjin does not give in (too easily that is). 
▷ Older Sister — Yang Mina (26) | Flower Studio Owner/ Flower Designer | Creative, Sweet, Honest, Dedicated |  The weird one?...nah. It's just that if compared to her other sibilings, Mina is the loudest and most out spoken of the three. Of course having her own flower studio and helping manage the family flower shop, having everyone loudly hear her orders is a must. It's what Yumi envies the most about her, Mina can express her self no matter who's around. The two sisters are close, but Mina tends to act like a pushy and embarrassing mom every now and then. Which makes Yumi wish she hadn't called her to meet up.
▷ Grandma — Park Jisoo (83) | Precious Flower Shop Owner/ Mascot | Kind, Wise, Dedicated |  Yumi's advisor and sense of comfort. The move from Japan was slow and hard to adjust. Granny Jisoo helped Yumi feel at home and was the one to encourage her to continue dancing. Would take her to and from her new dance academy. Yumi owes her Granny a lot and deems her responsible for helping her decide to accept Geunjis proposal to join Lemon. Calls her as often as possible just to feel some comfort from a hard day.
▷ Mom — Yamanaka Yume (57) | Flower Shop Co-Owner/Florist | Observant, Creative, Honest |  Was studying languages hoping to work for a publishing company, but when meeting dad, she stopped. Instead focusing on her creativity as a florist and accomodating in her in-laws home. A nice mother daughter relationship, though Yume loves all her children, Yumi is too special for her. She worries if Yumi made the right choice in being a celebrity and even if she does make it big will she handle the pressures. Yumi knows her moms worries and won't deny they sometimes pop in her head here and there. Yumi hopes to prove her mom wrong and make her proud.
▷ Dad — Yang Seo Joon (58) | Translator | Judgemental, Hardworking, Firm, Caring |  a translator for the governement. Translating Japanese documents into Korean or vise versaSeojoon knew his daughter was talented and was bound to want to be a celebrity. What he did not expect was for her to start so young. But if it makes Yumi happy he's happy, he just worries about her health and well being. Yumi is great full for her fathers support and calls when she needs a little boost of energy.
▷ NOTE: She also has her maternal grandparents in Japan. She's is closest to her grandfather and misses him dearly. She can't call them often, but when she does call them the calls can last for a good hour. Just in case...

▷ School Bestie #1 — Park Sooyong "Joy" (20) | Member of Red Velvet | Confident, Sweet, Outgoing, Hardworking |  The loud mouth responsible for most of her embarrassing moments at school. Without Sooyoung, Yumi would have never made so many friends and Joy would not know when to keep quiet. They don't see each other often since Joy is kinda busy, so they text often and video call when possible. By default she gets to see or hear the other Red Velvet members teasing Joy about her conversation.  Yumi is glad to have an energy pill to make her smile.
 School Bestie #2 — Oh Hayoung (20) | Member of APink | Focused, Loveable, Kind, Funny |  Her lost twin, it was surprising to see how alike the two could be. The two often shared their worries and concerns, often found studying together. It was common for sometime to see Yumi at apinks dorm or practice room working with Hayoung on school work. They meet up often, texting and calls are more common though. If Hayoung is unreachable, Yumi has the other Apink members contact as well, though she tries not to bother them.
 School Buddy #1 — Lee Hayi "Lee Hi" (20) | Soloist Under YG Ent. | Quiet, Clumsy, Confident |  They met as seat mates and became friendly rather quickly. Both being quiet and not too outspoken, the two could exchange glances and know what the other thinks or needs. Hayi would teach her some vocal excercises, while Yumi taugth Hayi some easy dance moves. The two meet up, text and call quiet often, since Hayi gets long breaks in between promotions it's really easy. Thanks to Hayi, Yumi has tried the food at the famous YG Cafeteria courtesy of Hayi.
▷  School Buddy #2 — Jung Yerin (20) | Member of GFriend | Sweet, Considerate, Cute |  The other source of embarrassment during school. Another friend she met at school as her stretching buddy for dance. No matter how hard Yumi tried to get away from  her, Yerin was very persistent. Yumi gave in and now the two are good friends, well more like mother and daughter really. Yumi scolding her, and Yerin acting cute and clingy to make up for her mistake. It was hard to keep contact with Yerin after graduation, but Hayoung helped as a bridge between the two. They resently got to contact each other since Yerin finally has a cellphone.
▷ Forever Project Partner — Jeon Wonwoo (20) | Member of Seventeen | Quiet, Shy, Observant, Creative, Silly |  Besides Hayi being her seat partner, Woonwoo was her other one. It was hard for them to get comfortable with each other, but by graduation the two were good friends. They usually talked about trainee woes and dream to debut, having a bit of a 'some' relationship that really just turned into this bromance like situation. Their main means of communication is thru texting, as to have no interfearance from any of his silly members. And he's the one that texts first. 
▷ Joking Dance Tutor — Choi Junghong "Zelo" (20) | Member of B.A.P. | Shy,Hardworking, Creative, Sweet |  Known to be shy and usually quiet, it came as a surprise to their classmates and his group members how loud he could be with Yumi around. They act more like sibilings than friends, so it was common to see them teasing each other. Zelo would help her learn new dances and polish up what she already knew. While Yumi helped him with homework and other assignments. They often chat thru text and meet up once in a while.
▷ NOTE: Most of her friends are her former classmates from attending SOPA.  

▷   Catfish — "Rin" Kang Hyerin (22) | SEAing Leader, Lead Rapper | Ambitious, Passionate, Protecting, Headstrong, Proud, Critical, Tempermental |  Respects her as the leader, but questions some of her actions as leader. Being a co-ed group, she should really work on extinguishing her "man-hater" attitude. It could really cause some misunderstanding and lots of unnecessary arguments. (Then again many of the members can get out of hand.) Yumi had seen this happen many times when they were trainees and she tried to avoid her as much as possible. When Rin began to change was when the two became aquainted in a better more friendly way. Yumi gets along well with Rin, especially when practicing and doing group stuff.  Yumi finds it amazing how strong she is, but hopes the pressure of being leader does not affect her. Suspects she might have a crush on her brother Geunji, but until she is sure she will wait to use it to her advantage somehow.(the teasing and maybe some practice she might get away with) 
▷   Swordfish — "Yeoyul" Han Yeoyul (22) | SEAing Co-Leader, Lead Rapper | Flirty,Childish, Competitive, Arrogant, Observant,, Analitical |  Respects him as a leader as well, he compliments what Rin lacks. Which is more of a laid back and aproachable way of speaking. He might come off wrong at (majority) times especially when his arrogance kicks in. But what ever benefits him, will surely benefit the group...somehow, right? At least to Yumi, he is sweet and willing to listen to her reasoning a bit, just a tiny bit. Shes often the peacemaker between the two co-leaders. And Yeoyul likes using her to convince Rin his way might be better. If she likes Yeoyul's idea then she does her part if not, then she surprinsingly reasons with him on why it does not work. Yumi can handle his childishness and flirty attitude, seperately. Together and at the same time its different, she tries to avoid it. 
▷  Pufferfish — "Blue" Bang Biseo (21) | SEAing Main Vocalist | Meek, Gentle, Patient, Sentimental, Vulnerable, Repressed, Haughty, Sadistic |  Probably  the best person she can relate to and does not mind being left alone with. Sure they might not talk much, but the times they do it's...interesting. (quietly judging the others mentaly, light scoffs, and rolling eyes mutually is common language between the two) There is this mutual silent respect for each other in their respective duty. Yumi and Biseo share similar personalities, but Yumi is a bit more vocal and active in participating than he is. Hes a bit more sensitive than most people and thats the only thing Yumi probably tries to avoid doing. She might try to give a little push for him to participate, but knows when to give up. Yumi gets the feeling he really has not shown his true self to her or the others for that matter. She might be curious but is not sure if she should find out or not, pretty sure Minhyuk will get that done soon enough. 
▷   Angelfish — "Moonhee" Moon Hee (21) | SEAing Main Vocalist, Main Visual | Mature, Charming, Bright,Insecure, Jealous. Brusque  |  It's hard not to get along with Moonhee, she is very easy to talk to and get along with. Yumi admires her confidence and vocal prowess, sincerely hopes to reach her ability someday. They both get treated rather harshly by Jinjoo, so in a way they bond over that. Moonhee is the mother of the dorm and Yumi tries to help her when she can. Especially when the leaders begin to argue. Sometimes asks her for advice or help for her vocal assingments. Shes probably the member Yumi is comfotable with, and fans seem to notice. With various pictures and fancams of the two together. Likely to be roomates. 
▷  Clownfish — "Minhyuk" Shin Minhyuk (21) | SEAing Main Rapper, Co-Visual | Playful, Flirty, Witty, Rebellious, Lazy, Self-Centered |  Yumi is used to his jokes and teasing now, that she sometimes just blushes and lightly smacks him away. And of course, at other times her heart skips beat and her mind might get clouded by some naughty thoughts. But if she is stressed, upset, or sad then she just walks away. That's his que to turn from a tease to a caring oppa and tries to cheer her up. Repeat tries, he at it and Yumi just ends up laughing at him. She would idealy prefer to be a good distance away from him, but hes like a boomerang. He goes around and comes back. Yumi admits he is good looking, like cmon look at him, but does he have to cause trouble. 
▷   Lionfish — "Jinjoo" Baek Jinjoo (19) | SEAing Main Rapper, Lead Dancer | Straightfoward, Confident, Resentful, Rude, Sarcastic, Observant |  Yumi is not one to judge until she knows the facts and evidence, so she's probably the only one who genuinely treats Jinjoo nicely. Despit the fact that for obvious reasons, Jinjoo hates her guts. It not Yumis fault she got her position management gave it to her, period. Yumi knows not to question or correct anything the main rapper does. Jinjoo might have a bad attitude, but as long as Yumi puts some space between them (maybe one or all the members in between) the two will go on nicely. But that usually doesn't happen, unless a Royal Court member appears then Jinjoos attention is somewhere else. Shes often the person that makes Yumi feel insecure and hurt.
▷  Goldfish — "Damian" Song Daehwan (22) | SEAing Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist | Quiet, Patient, Level-Headed, Chill, Independent, Dry, Lazy |  The oppa she feels should have been the leader, no offense to the two leaders. Might communicate in english between the two. Gets along nicely with him and kinda joins him in working on their own stuff. He works on music, while she does school work. She can question him and correct him here and there, he does not mind. If not sitting with B-oppa after practice then she's with this guy asking for help with her vocals or dance, or just sitting silently there. Might poke him at times just to know if he is alive. He in return uses his trusty spray bottle to make sure she does not doze off from school work. Ask Damian for help in her dance assingments and kindly forces him to accompany her to the convenience store for snacks. She swears shes seen him before, or someone that looks like him at 1Million.
  Jellyfish — "Woon" Kim Woon (20) | SEAing Triple Threat | Friendly, Positive, Hardworking, Dork, Timid, Picky, Big Mouth |  Despite others opinion of Yumi, Woon always treated her nicely in some way while being trainees. The fact that he is a SOPA student makes the two warm up with each other faster. He might be the triple threat, but Yumi knows Woon needs a lot of help to be in that position, especially in dance. So seeing the two dance practice together is common along with Moonhee there making sure they dont overwork themselves. Yumi finds his choppy Japanese hilarious and somehow can never get him to pronounce it correctly. Comfortable with each other and could be considered good friends. Hes handsome, but she hates how late he tends to be. Always scolds him for it. Admires his dream for SEAing to work in a harmonious teamwork, but Yumi knows its not gonna be easy.
▷   Blobfish — "Heidi" Ahn Hyomin (16) | SEAing Lead Vocalist l Introverted, Pushover, Arrogant, Thick-Skinned, Judgemental |  Yumi can't figure her out. Hyomin might be a supposed introverted pushover, but her facial expressions and body language say other wise. Yumi can't help but feel scared of Hyomin. It brings back childhood memories from growing up in Japan. Admires the makneas strong mind since all she seems to receive are negative comments. Hyomi has confidence  that Yumi lacks, but sometimes comes off as rude and cocky in Yumis eyes. Admits that Heidi has inmense potential, but doubts shell succed if she does not change her bratty attitude. Yumi still tries to be kind to her, but would honestly prefer to stay out of the youngers way.
  Boxfish — "Jay" Choi Hwangjae (22) | SEAing Vocalist, Rapper | Clever, Charismatic, Stuborn, Cheerful, Extroverted, Careless, Manipulative  |   Yumi finds this oppa easy to get along with. She sees Jay-oppa as someone friendly and generous. Kinda likes the fact he takes up most of the talking time. That way Yumi does not have to worry about her accent coming out. Nothing seems to bring this oppas mood down and a genuine smile is always on his face. Well, except when the group has to practice, thats when Jay seems to complain. Yumi sees no wrong in this guy and will probably believe in most of what he says. If Moonhee and Rin weren't around then poor Yumi would honestly believe anything he says.
  Combfish — "Jiang" Jiang Qianfan (21) | SEAing Lead Dancer, Vocalist  | Reliable, Honest, Loud, Flirty, Mischievous, Indecisive, Self-Conscious  |  Maybe the only group member to call him 'gege'. They help each other in their language practices and might often have conversations involving all four languages. (think markson of GOT7). Fanfan-gege might appear mischievious, but Yumi has seen how reliable and hardworking he can be. Both being foreingners in the group, Yumi and Jiang tend to stick together to try and figure out whats going on. The two are very often shipped together because of this. Jiang might enjoy taking care of her just as much as he likes making her blush. Often the one guiding the sleeping Yumi to her bed after falling asleep in the kitchen. Yumi looks past Fan-gege's good looks and sees a guy with a similar dream to hers. But then remembers about them when he sweet talks to her and she becomes a hot stammering blushing mess, whos heart won't stop beating rapidly and cant look at him after. (Honestly, i think hes good crush material. Like he can ruin whatever possible feelings Yumi has for her love interest. Or make her realize her true feelings. Since hes Teahwan 2.0 and all.)  
 Dreamfish — "Joohyun" Im Joohyun (18) | SEAing Vocalist, Rapper | Social, Observant, Impatient, Goal-Oriented, Patronizing, Self-Conscious |   Yumi finds Joohyun-ah (ichigo-chan) really pretty and kind. Honestly, Joohyun is Yumis prefered maknae, she is sociable and polite. (unlike others in the group) They get along, but the younger is rather uptight about getting too personal. But Yumi understands and does not insist, like cmon even she has her secrets too. She finds Joohyuns impatiance rather entertaining and hilarious at times. (occassionally annoying) It seems that Joohyun was also raised in a rather closed environment, so its common to see the two share amazed looks and hesitance in some situations.

 Strong Unnie Ahn Yoomi (27) | SEAing Manager #1 | Short Tempered, Shy, Easy-going |  Is honestly scared that one day one of the guys is gonna end up hurt, specifically Minhyuk and possibly Yeoyul or Jiang (one of the three for sure). But aside from her admirable strength, Yumi respects her as an older sister. Thanks her for trying her best in making SEAing successful like their seniors. Is her go to person to talk to when Geunji is not available. And encourages her to confess to Sejin.
▷ Quiet Oppa — Park Sejin (28) | SEAing Manager #2 | Timid, Shy, Observant, Organized |  Has been familiar with him since before debut, so she knew how shy and quiet he could be. But she also knew how organized and observant he was. Which comes in handy when running late and it's such a large group. Comfortable with but not too open with him, who knows what he could tell Geunji.
▷ The Company — Lemon Ent. Staff & CEO (age?) | Managin Groups and Trainees under Lemon |  Many Personality Traits |  She's familiar with all the staff, except the CEO. They know her relationship with Geunji. Though at first hesitant in accepting her abilities and surprised at the difference between the two sibilings they aproved of her eventually. The Yang sibilings might be different, but deep inside of Yumi they are sure she is just like her brother. 
▷ Respected Sunbaes — Aurora (24-20) | Idols under Lemon | Many Unique Personality Traits |  Respected seniors and people she is comfortable with. Is a fan of their music and of them too. Is rather shy, but able to speak comfortably with them. Trained with the majority of them, but occasionally chatted with Seiko or Nell. If close to any of them, it's probably Sunho, due to their same age and other things...
▷ Just Sunbaes — Royal Court (26-21) | Idols under Lemon | Many Strong Personality Traits |  Just like Aurora, Yumi trained with the members of this group. So she, along with some of the members of SEAing, know the members true personalities. Yumi just tries to avoid them as much as possible. Well except for Elizabeth and Bishop, maybe Sky, Asher and Hana are not so bad. But even then it's quick so she doesn't have to encounter the others. Might have had a bad experience with Marcus or LuMe when trainees, thanks to Ilsun or Inhyeong. 
  Instagram : mimi97_luv
  Twitter: SEAing_yumi97
Despite Sunho's cold exterior, this baby giant is really shy and cute. He's definitely quiet and reserved, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. He's just observing and thinking when and if he should bother saying his opinion or not. And if he does decide to speak, then know he is being completely honest and only spoke because he cares. As maknae of Aurora and last member to join he feels insecure of his role in the group. Thoughts like if he deserved to debut so soon or if he is a necessary  member in Aurora frequently pass thru his mind. Flattery is his weakness, thus resulting in him being s favorite teasing target. They enjoy seeing him adorably flustered and bashful. There is still a lot he is clueless about, and his older playful members might take advantage of that.

 Yumi has trained for some time now. Since she doesn't feel comfortable with many of the trainees it was common to find her practicing on her own. Be it in a vocal room or dance room, as soon as her lessons finished and she completed her school work, she'd be in one of the two rooms. One night while practicing a dance she learned the night before from a class at 1Million, she was startled by some clapping. As soon as she finished the song the sound of clapping from behind her scared her awake. Unbeknownst to Yumi, the new trainee named Sunho had walked in on her dancing. Being a dancer himself, he was surprised by her dancing. Yumi recognized him, but didn't know if he would pick on her or not. To her surprise, Sunho complimented her and asked if Yumi could help him. Sunho had heard from staff that Yumi was one of the few trainees that was able to balance both training and school, he was new and struggling to keep up with both. Yumi was surprised at the request and that the supposed cold and quiet new guy was blushing and shy right in front of her. She blushed at the request and shyly agreed to help him whenever he asked. That's how the two became acquainted and found each other's first trainee friend.

 The two did become close, not like best friends close, but still close. They could be found sitting next to each other and speaking, sometimes smiling together. It was common to find them practicing late be it in the vocal room or dance room. Sometimes they would just stay back and work on their school assingments together. Yumi might have developed a small crush on the boy as they spent their time together. Which was why when Sunho came with the news he would debut as the new member of Aurora, she was slightly heartbroken.
   As Sunho began preparing for debut, Yumi was left lonely again. The teasing and glaring stopped now  as it was announced that a new group, Royal Court, was being formed. She slowly began talking to others more comfortably, but she missed Sunho's company, though she won't admit it.
   The two did not see each other anymore, Sunho busy with group promotions and Yumi busy training and keeping up with university classes. Things were good now, Yumi got along nicely with the majority of the trainees now and college classes were interesting. Until one night, like deja vu, Yumi finished dancing to a new song and was startled by clapping coming from behind her. Surprised she turned around to see Sunho standing there in the room, a smirk on his face. Yumi smiled and unknowingly skipped towards him and hugged him. Realizing what she did she quickly let go blushing and apologized. Sunho, blushing, claimed it was okay and explained why he was there.  
 Apparently Aurora was at risk of a  long hiatus, but if the team practiced without complaining it could be cut short. Sunho once again asked for her help. He wanted to practice as much as possible, having the shortest training period of the group, he felt he lacked a lot. Yumi was already busy with training in between college classes, but agreed to make him a training schedule and help him one on one when she was free.
  The two months Aurora was on hiatus, they would see each other as much as possible. Especially at night, sometimes Sunho was joined by one or two, rarely all, of s. Yumi was able to get acquainted with the members and Sunho would be annoyed at the lack of attention Yumi would then have on him. Which was pretty obviously seen by s and would purposely do it. Yumi's crush on Sunho rekindled and was thrilled when the two finally exchanged contact information.
   With Auroras hiatus ending the two could not see each other anymore but they could text and call or video call now. Phone and video calls were not made often since Sunho's members liked interfering in the conversation. So texting or messaging thru other SNS was the way they often communicate with. Yumi really enjoys it, but only messages when he sends one first. Sure it might get in the way of her practicing or finishing an assingment but it was worth it. Sunho sometimes shows up at night to see her practice, bringing with him some snacks or food to share and talk. The visits are rare since it's hard to escape the eye of his nosy older members and his schedule always changes. To the members of Aurora it's cute and obvious their maknae has a crush on his friend. No matter how much he denies it, the goofy smiles and secrecy when texting or the need to go out, the maknae has fallen hard.  

 Currently really good friends. They are each other's confidant and source of encouragement. They are best friends, but really more 'some' couple. It's obvious to those close to them they are attracted to each other, but both think the other only sees them as friend only.

 As Yumi debuts, it probably becomes difficult to see each other. Their only source of communication is text. When they do see each other its at the company. If they get to perform at the same time ir place then its common to see them standing next to each other at the ending whispering and giggling together. Which brings fans attention to their close friendship, especially since Yumi seems close to Jiang as well. Theres probably debate on fansites on who she should be shipped with and a vast number of fanfiction on the three's love triangle of sorts.
  Their feeings for each other grow stronger. Though Sunho begings to lose faith due to the closeness between Yumi and Jiang. And Yumi admittedly feels something for Jiang though not sure of what exactly. Sunho will probably come clean with s and ask for advice. He will probably get a good balanced amount of good and bad advice. Probably encourage him to confess and reasure him that Yumi likes him. And he does, much to Yumis surprise and joy. She accepts his confession but is not sure if they should date just yet. Sunho understands and agrees in taking things slow, he wont pressure her but does not intend to let his guard down. Sunho sees Jiang as a threat. While Yumis not sure if Jiang is just a good oppa or more.
  Ummmm.... still not really sure, honestly. This is something, though not sure if it will work. I do picture some drama.
COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS : Hello there. This has been long over due and Ithink I have finally gotten something presentable done. I've been working on this for some time now, fxing and adding, removing, and so on. This is the result, i hope you lik her. The face claimas especially hard, but after much thought and research I found one I liked and had no been choosen yet. If there is anything wrong or something I should change, please let me know. Im not sure if im allowed to have Geunji as an older brother, but if not I have a back up in mind for that. If i should add or chnge to fit your ideas i dont mind. Umm..background is like my weakness, so it might not be the best. Apologies for any errors, confusions, but im still working on getting better at these. Also, I really enjoy reading both of your fics, though I enjoy Aurora more. I cant wait to see how different SEAing will be compared to those two and what songs they'll perform. Also really sorry for how long it is. I tried to keep it short but might have gotten carried away.
Sorry! I made some changes here and there. And I added Yumis relationship with the other members of SEAing. Hopefully it helps in some way. I look foward for the story to start and how the three stories will work together.

▷ Geunji and Yumi, sibiling interations. Maybe having SEAing, maybe the other groups too, find out the twos sibiling status.
 Meeting or hanging out with her friends, be it at music shows, events,  or at that idol event from the begining of Aurora. Just the surprise of her members when they see how different she acts with them.   
▷ Having a SEAing school uniform CF like Royal Court but theirs actually being good. (Use Apink X BAP CF X
▷ Have ’Anglefish' be sick or lose voice, resulting in Yumi singing some or all of her lines.
▷ Yumi having an asthma attack after a performance. Results in members having a scare and arguing on if they knew about it or not. Which they didn't obviously, resulting in her getting scolded by members, managers and older brother.

Crying. How would the members react or how would Sunho react... 
▷ Aurora X SEAing interactions, i think those would be funny. Especially with Sunho around or not.
▷ Royal Court X SEAing interactions, these would be kinda tense I think. Maybe competing in a show against each other or something. Being left alone with them, would really be somehing interesting.
▷ SEAing bonding time. Just eating or on break, but together getting along with no arguing or anyhing.  

PASSWORD : "We hear SEAing has two managers. Which of the two do you prefer?" asked the interviewer. Everyone had answered and now it wasYumis turn to reply. 'It's ok, just smile...' "Yumi, what about you?" Smiles her signature smile and answers, "Hmmm...I prefer Yoomi-unnie." "Wow! Really? I thought you would pick Sejin-hyung, since you both are almost the same." Interrupted Minhyuk 'If you got to know me, like really know me you'd know why' Lightly giggle, "Yoomi-unnie is better at getting us to get our work done. I really like the fact that she can do martial arts. I really hope she can teach me some day." "Are you sure its not because you share the same name?" Asked Yeoyul making the others and the interviewer laugh. 'No. Its also because she can speak her mind and is not afraid to stand up for herself. ' Laugh along,"Maybe."  


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