
Everyone had their chains.

Whether they be the chains of work, or relationships, or stress, or darkness, or anxiety, or so many other thing. We all have our chains.

Some chains are delicate, thin, light, almost beautiful, and are merely used almost as something pretty.

Like a simple reminder of darkness that was turned into beauty.

Some other chains are heavy, thick, strong, and dark. These are the ones that wrap around us, the links rubbing against us until we bleed, the ones who drag us down, and don't ever let go.

Those are the chains that seem unable to be overcome. The chains that wear you out so much you just feel so ... tired, and want to give up, stop struggling, to let them drag you under the surface until you drown.

But every chain is held in place by a lock, and every lock has their key.

It's not impossible.

Even if you think you can never find the key, trapped in darkness like a bird without wings, if you search and it might not be seen, it is always somewhere.

Nothing is truly gone forever.

Bad things are not gone forever. They will haunt us, scream at us, and we will always remember then, no matter how much we want to forget.

But since we won't ever forget, we learn to cope.

Good things never go away. It is like a memory, a fresh scent on the breeze - it will be untouchable, something that is, yes, gone - but it will always be there, just as long as you paint it in your mind and heart and keep it there.

Sometimes, memories are enough.

And no-one is born under chains. Remember the feel of freedom. Find the key.

And escape.

Don't let the chains get to you any longer.


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This is beautiful