#SUPREME : 설희 IS #서리 요정

< supreme's frost fairy >
"do you really know the real me?"
BIRTHNAMES shin seolhee.
generic nicknames  seol, seollie, shinnie are all generic nicknames that close staff, trainers and friends call seolhee. 
odette    it was her first main role in a ballet recital, and she loved it. she continued the role in many high production performances. some say she was made to dance as odette and swan lake.
swan   tying in with the first nickname; this name had been titled to seolhee as her movements and dances are as elegant and graceful as a swan; but at the same time it captivates you and entrances you.

space cadet   not entirely the meaning you'd expect but it was made by the fans when they realised that seolhee had a habit of spacing out. when she's spaced out, her movements tend to be a bit sluggish and as quoted by a fansite master, 'looks as if she's walking on the moon' during a fan meeting.
BIRTHDAY febuary 17th 1996
BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN gangnam, seeoul, skr.
korean   as someone who was born and raised in south korea, it isn't strange that seolhee fluently knows the korean language. she speaks in short but expressive sentences that get straight to the point. 

english    it was a compulsory language to learn at school yet in a span of a year after seolhee left school, she completely forgot the language. exceptionally, seolhee would yell out random words such as 'amazing!', 'really?!', 'wow!' and other tidbits she might've remembered. these words might include dance move names. 
"really? wow, amazing!"
how it sounds in english below
"reuri? wowue, amaseng!"

FACECLAIM lee luda (yujin)
HEIGHT + WEIGHT 156 cm and 45 kg
APPEARANCE the short, light-weight woman has the looks and body of a teenager; as if her teenage body suddenly stopped aging. seolhee's face is quite slim and narrow; her skin is a creamy white-skin colour. her chestnut brown eyes are small and her nose is petite, her ski-slope of a nose bridge quite noticable. seolhee's cheekbones are high and her lips are plump but more so on the thinner side of lips. seolhee's trademark look is her long, wavy light brown-blonde hair with the korean wispy bangs that seemingly never move out of place even with the mightiest of winds. since the age of fifteen, seolhee had bleached her hair into that of her trademark hair colour. she had also recently cut her hair short, as a result of dead ends but uses extensions to replicate her old look when out in public.
FASHION STYLE look into the magic mirror.
seolhee's fashion consists of dull colours of beige and pastel pink. she finds that bright outfits should only be worn when she wants attention, as if she were on a stage or performing and that dark, monochrome colours do not suit her neutral personality. her outfits mainly consists of skirts, as she feels more comfortable with them when in casual clothes and the only types of pants that she owns are training pants; joggers, track suit pants. seolhee wears a
small necklace which acts as a sort of good luck charm. she never takes it off.
"the smile on her face proves she enjoys what she does"
amiable, captivating, dedicated, hard-working, peaceful
"her arms move in time with the music, swaying"
absentminded, neutral, stubborn, unchanging, uninhibited
"bruises line her feet and legs, demonstrating harsh ethics"
delicate, fanciful, obvious, pretentious, uncritical
"seolhee is completely predictable. she hasn't changed since she was a kid. she's very compatible and makes friends easily; yet she's very stubborn. probably why she's able to get friends in the first place."        
- that one childhood friend

"one of the good things about seolhee is that she's very peaceful, never letting any darkness or negativity near her but the bad thing is; if there was a piece of negativity that comes near her, she gets very emotional and sometimes breaks down from it. a word for it? delicate."           
- mother

 "she's my sunbae and i look up to her. i went up to ask her for an autograph in the practice room one afternoon but she had the most peaceful look on her face...it was obvious she was spacing out. she offered to help me practice my dance so she could use it as an apology but she couldn't critique me at all? she must not like sounding rude or picking out flaws but she did point out good things and helped me emphasis those...she's a litte more eccentric to what i thought she'd be like."                      
 - that fourteen year old trainee who also
                                                       might be a fangirl at heart
BACKGROUND shin seolhee, the third and youngest child of the infamous dancing prodigies shin seungmin and shin johee. her father, a well-known choreographer and music composer and her mother, a retired prima ballerina. they both run a dance academy (shin academy) for young exceptional dancers and of course, their daughters; seolhee included. she began dancing at a very young age, as if her parent's genes had been blessed into seolhee's very own. the endless days of practicing a program or coming home with bruises on her feet and legs were normal for seolhee and her older sisters.

by the age of seven, seolhee had starred in multiple junior dance competitions and recitals. by ten; she had won many individual dance contests and began to explore in the sports of figure skating; as it has many ties in ballet. fourteen years old; seolhee was the principle dancer in various productions, had expanded her dance studies to more modern styles of dances and competed in many novice figure skating competitions. eighteen and seolhee had graduated from the prestigious sunhwa arts school and is undergoing training under mtm entertainment to become an idol. 

ever since she had began training under mtm entertainment, her parents made an agreement to cease competing in dance competitions to focus on her education, at the time, training figure skating and training in the said company. it was like a haitus in the dancing world, and her schedule is less harsh and vigourous compared to how she used to train before auditioning for mtm.
LIFESTYLE a healthy lifestyle revolves around hardwork, lots of rest and lots of patience, this was told to seolhee by her figure skating coach and she has abided by that saying since a young age. she doesn't live with the trainees and still lives with her family, as it doesn't take long to arrive at certain destinations. unlike other, yet still hardworking trainees, seolhee sleeps at ten p.m, wakes up at seven a.m and stretches straight away. she doesn't head over to practice as soon as she awakes, not at all. the fact that seolhee still has other schedules planned for her is even more hectic.

eight o'clock; seolhee's always at her favourite ice rink that she practices on. she's there, every single day she can at this exact time. practicing her quads, strides and spins so she doesn't lose her flair in the sport. by nine o'clock; seolhee is at the mtm training building, ready to practice. she often finds herself in a hurry to go there as she sometimes forgets or spends too much time in the ice rink. she'll spend the rest of the day in the training building before going to her parent's shin academy to practice her dance styles even more at nine p.m. by ten in the night, she'll be fast asleep.

it's no surprise if you randomly see seolhee in the corner of the practice room, taking off her shoes and peeling off the rigid sports tape off her foot. you'll see lines and different shades of purples and blues on her feet and toes. seolhee pays no attention to those and instead worries of how she bends her feet, if her bones would ever break, before taping her feet up again. this worries many trainees and staff alike.
TRIVIA tid bits of seollie's life
 ●     cutting hair in the bathroom with art scissors aren't the ideal conditions for cutting your hair
 ●     whenever she can't practice figure skating in the ice rinks, she'll use rollerblades instead
 ●     she spaces out when bored or when she stays still for a long amount of time
      loves the colour pink with a passion
 ●      she recieved her pointe shoes at the age of ten
 ●      seolhee has a crush on cute ice hockey boy
 ●      she cries during performances which are really emotional, but often holds the tears back which makes things really worse because alligator tears...
 ●     is also resident 'fake maknae'
 ●     although her face and dance style may not suit the boyish, electronic vibe of supreme. seolhee's dance knowledge is varied and is quite impressive in all types of dances. which surprised many knetz.
 ●      she kisses her necklace before performances 
adjusts her bangs when nervous or modest
 ●     very fast runner, especially when she's scared
 ●     is shipped with everyone, literally everyone
"her voice is powerful and her beauty is no joke. she's younger than me, but i feel like sometimes; i respect her more than my seniors."
 - seolhee

jung chaewon, the main vocalist of supreme is one of the people that seolhee had known for a very long time in the company. astounded by her sheer vocal powers, seolhee definitely illustrated that during their first meeting in the training rooms used for dance practices; as seolhee merely passed by the room whilst chaewon was practicing and seolhee quickly praised the younger girl.

they've met each other prior to their beginning of their friendship. in the corridors and rooms of mtm entertainment. it wasn't until 2014 that seolhee began her friendship with chaewon.

they're friends with similar positive traits. seolhee often tries to invite her to have some fun but is often reminded that chaewon has school. in the beginning of their friendship, she often feels as if chaewon was embarrassed by her, as she was older than chaewon but soon discovered it was because of her timidness at the start. 

sometimes when seolhee figures out that chaewon is very stressed out or is overthinking too much, she'll drag her out to somewhere unexpected. the ice cream parlor, a hello kitty cafe, the ice skating rink, the beach, han bridge, the roof top of mtm's building and the fancy korean barbeque restaurant in gangnam. chaewon feels as if she's travelled everywhere with seolhee and everytime, it's a surprise.

informal seolhee to chaewon

"you know i feel very proud? of you? like, you are my child and you must be protected...you know? oh, did i just? i just said that out loud. this is why i think i'm embarrassing to you."
"i want her to know that i'm always there for her. she's one of a kind. 
the best of friends.the star to finish my own constellation of life."
- seolhee

to say that woo jumi and seolhee aren't best friends are an understatement. jumi, or as seolhee likes to call her 'wuju' are practically sisters.            +   more to be added
                          neukimmi's charac
"he's the brother i never had. jace is
definitely someone that is very close
to me that our relationship just
falls into place."
 - seolhee

if you saw park 'jace' jaehwan and seolhee together, you would immeditely react as if they were a couple. they'd just laugh it off because they are more like siblings than girlfriend - boyfriend. the two met in mid 2011, in the mtm auditions. they were in the same grouping as each other for the auditions, hence they were able to see each other's audition for mtm.

seolhee was immediately tranced by jaehwan's audition and complimented him after they were assessed. his shy-at-first nature compelled seolhee, as she found it very cute, to become friends with him. seolhee often supports jaehwan; buying him drinks and food during practice hours and helping him with his dances in their predebut days. when jaehwan finally did debut, seolhee was ecstatic and encouraged him throughout the way; even as to promoting apollo on her sns accounts.

now with apollo's rising success and crammed schedules for jaehwan. the two often can't meet up that often. he'll often text seolhee during the hours that he knows she'll be available to talk with and even video calls her before she goes to sleep. 

informal seolhee to jaehwan

"you're getting skinner! eat lots! i promise that i'll give you your favourite meal! ...how stubborn! what if we duel? i mean, dance it out? if i win you have to eat with me!"
"if they weren't there to guide me through my life, i would've never ended up this way. after all, sisters are there for eternity." 
 - seolhee

shin seoyoung, aged twenty-eight, a dancer for the royal ballet, in england. shin jaehee, aged twenty-four, a dance assistant for shin academy. including seolhee, the three make up the prestigious dance trio of shin academy and are all, relatively, prodigies whenever they could shine. 

seoyoung and jaehee coo over seolhee, since she is the youngest of the family. they watch over her, congratulate her, spoil her whenever their parents don't. they even support her from overseas, mainly seoyoung with her international schedules. the two older sisters play an important and significant role in seolhee's life, as they morally and physically support her in areas where not even her parents, friends or coaches have. 

daily conversations?
seoyoung :
look at our baby, working hard. do you think giving her food will bring her back to dancing ballet?

jaehee : we're two adults hiding in the corner of a empty corridor, contemplating whether or not we should bribe our sister from the dark side... i reckon we should-

seolhee : what are you doing here?

seoyoung + jaehee : ggaaaahhhh!!!!
"naturally, there are more than just a few people that i list that are involved in my life. they sometimes don't think that they play an essential role. they're wrong"
< hover over icons >
"my figure skating coach, kyulhee-nim is tough on me. she's very strict and often makes me stay behind some days because i'd often be slacking off. when my parents told her that i would be training to become an idol, she was beyond furious as my 'raw talent' for figure skating would be wasted. i appreciate that she's semi-worried for me"
⎯ seolhee; 2012
speaking about her dance and
figure skating haitus
"i remember the day very clearly. november 1st, 2008. i was at the ice rink practicing by myself when he showed up and called me cute. i fell flat on my face on the ice. we introduced each other and we became very good friends. he is a ice hockey player and is very talented at it. i showed him my figure skating choreography and he told me it was great to use for my free program that kyulhee-nim told me not to use...i won gold with that program so he helped me greatly. he's pretty cute...i guess...yeah totally cute."
⎯ seolhee; 2015
to woo jumi and jung chaewon
about guys 
she might like


"as long as you love it, you'll work hard"
STAGE NAME seolhee
POSITION main dancer, vocalist, rapper  (#yellow)
PERSONA frost fairy
seolhee used to appear at mtm practice rooms with pieces of frost stuck to her duffel bag and clothes, often in her hair too, from rehearsing her figure skating at the ice rink. the fairy addition to the end was due to her nimble, elegant and agile dancing.
TALENT TWINS  raps like yeri.                
                              sings like joy            
                              dances like chengxiao      
TRAINING LENGTH  five years (2011 - present)
TRAINING LIFE it was more or less a surprise when it was revealed that seolhee had joined mtm as a trainee, as she had already established her own path in her dance career. since some of the trainees were younger than her, or at least the same age as her; they treated her with respect as she was a talented dancer and she came from a prestigious family in the world of south korean ballet. 

although many trainees complain that the training is quite vigourous, it is, but to seolhee it was quite the opposite. having been training her entire life, the harsh training was a breeze to her. she originally had troubles with the vocal and rap training sessions, since she had not done those two things ever before, but eventually got used to singing and rapping. even advancing training classes in a few times. 
"you have to be hardworking to do the things you love. but it takes more than that to gain a name for doing the things you love." 
 - seolhee

principle dancer
 ●     shin's junior and intermediate producion of swan lake; as odette; 2007-2011
 ●    shin's production of romeo and juliet; as  juliet; 2012-2014

      sunhwa arts school's production of peter pan; as wendy; 2010
      sunhwa arts school's production of the nutcracker; as clara; 2013
bronze prize
 ●     junior seoul international
dance competition; 2006

 ●    junior korea international
ballet competition; 2007
silver prize
 ●    junior seoul international
dance competition, 2008

 ●   junior korea international
ballet competition; 2008

 ●   novice figure skating
contest; 2008
gold prize
 ●     junior seoul international
dance competition; 2009

 ●    junior korea international
ballet competition; 2009, 2010 and 2011

 ●   novice figure skating
contest; 2009 and 2010

 ●    dong-a dong competition; 2012
music video appearances
 ●     champion's good luck; b
ack-up actress; 2015

 ●      appollo's mansae;
back-up actress; 2016

the young dance prodigy seems to have begun her undetermined haitus as stated by shin academy's news post on their sns accounts. many have reported seeing seolhee injured and in the hospitals, but these have yet to be confirmed by the academy. one report states that seolhee had been failing school and has reported to repeat the year. the most accountable rumour available surrounding seolhee's haitus was the sighting of the said girl at mtm's auditions.

   ballet, then figure skating and now she wants to become an idol? wow...when she doesn't get enough attention, she looks for another job

   she's just too talented ☆=(ゝω・)/

   these are just rumours so nothing's confirmed yet
it occured during apollo's second comeback with 'mansae' when fans noticed that jace was interacting very intimately with one of the back-up actresses, which just so happened to be seolhee. in the same time period, it was revealed that jace had a very close relationship with a trainee during his trainee days. fans speculated that the two were in an affair.

   of course it's seolhee, such an attention seeker!! she only became a trainee for attention and now since shes getting none she's all over jace oppa!! 

   let seolhee and jace live their lives, they are two independent adults. if they want to date, let them

   am i the only one who thinks they're just friends? jace already admitted that they were friends for a very long time and there's nothing more than that. plus in the mv for mansae they were just hugging and pulling faces at each other.
during one of supreme's last promotional stages, member seolhee abruptly fainted causing alarm for the members, staff and fans alike. it looked as if her legs were buckled and she could not move them at all, her pained and tired face states it all. mtm entertainment shortly released a statement saying that seolhee was fine and would take a week haitus to rest.
   it happened before in one of her ballet recitals, i hope she gets more rest. one week isn't enough

   faking it. she looked fine before.

   supreme is getting more popular even though they're rookies but with the amount of schedules the girls have, let them at least have a day off
THERE'S RUMORS ABOUT #SUPREME CONTAINING THE MOST TALENTED TRAINEES UNDER MTM. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT BEING ONE OF THEM? she knows she's talented and that's probably why seolhee simply smiles, as she has been told that she was very talented since a young age. "thank you," seolhee smiles and clasps her hands together, "well, i feel very happy to be grouped with talented girls! remember, it's not just me who's 'talented' in the group if you said that #supreme was made up of the most talented trainees!" seolhee almost seems to be reminding the interviewer in a sense. "but there are also many other trainees who fit into the concept of #supreme more than i am! i'm just thankful that i could be a part of it."
WHAT MADE YOU WANT BECOME AN IDOL? seolhee gave a light chuckle and adjusted her wispy bangs, "what made me want to become an idol? because i wanted to try out new things. i saw lots of idols, heard their music on the radio and they're on television a lot. i thought to myself, wow! they're so cool! i want to become an idol!" she smiles brightly, her hands moving with what she had to say. "i was really, in awe by them. not just one group."
HOW DID YOU GET INTO MTM? "through private auditions, back in 2011." seolhee admits, "it was through the middle of the year that i decided i wanted to join mtm."
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT FINALLY DEBUTING? "it feels as if i've been chosen for the south korean olympic team," seolhee jokes and giggles, covering to keep polite. "okay, not exactly on that scale but it's somewhere-" she motions with her hands, "-up there!"
HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO QUIT? seolhee shook her head with confidence, "i've always been told that if i want to do something with all my heart, i can never give up. and i've always stuck to that!" she states that with a serious face, "if i did let that thought, of quitting, cross my mind in anything, i would most importantly, disappoint my family. it was my decision to halt my ballet and figure skating career to train as an idol so if i quit, i would put everything to waste. every little second i could've practiced this or that, i would've regretted it if i did quit." 
IF YOU WEREN'T AN IDOL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? seolhee's grin grew bigger and she looked around the room with excitement to talk about her past, "i think it's fairly obvious! if i weren't an idol, or at least training to become one, i would want to continue with my dance career and to one day join the korean national ballet ensemble. maybe even expand with my skating too while i'm at it." 
ARE YOU CLOSE WITH ANYONE IN MTM? "jace-oppa!" seolhee covered her face as she giggled, "i've known him for so long!" her giggles cease shortly after and thinks briefly about the people she's close with in the company. not many. "also every supreme member! i'm very close with them!"
WHO IN MTM DO YOU LOOK UP TO? she paused, her mind momentarily blank as she decifered the question. "who in mtm? it must be dante?" the interviewer raised and eyebrow and motioned her to continue. seolhee straightened her back and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, "they're an incredible group. they have amazing vocals and rapping skills and let's not forget, the awesome choreography. their dances are amazing!"
WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL TYPE? 'cute ice hockey players', seolhee thought but soon shook it out of her mind. she fiddled with her skirt, giving an awkward light chuckle, "i haven't thought about that." she readjusts her bangs for the upteenth time, "someone..." she remembers the moment jungmin encouraged her to perform her program for the figure skating competition. "...who motivates me and cheers me up through hard times."
USERNAME + ALIAS aimashou + tilda.
LAST WORDS i at elaborations so i just did commentaries? i guess? but good luck on this fic! also, seolhee's name at the top has a link to it
SUGGESTIONS it would be cool if #supreme were to make sub-units depending on their personas/personalites (elegant, boyish, y) or just plain rap, vocal and dance lines.
 ●     let's be realistic; short, pink hair from wjsn's secret era would be perfect for seolhee's debut look. no?
PASSWORD "chaewon is very, very cute. she's one of those people that will instantly make you feel something, usually happiness. i hate seeing her fret often. i'm a bit embarrassing to her, aren't i? i usually feel like i am because chaewon is...chaewon. i can't really describe her that well!"


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hello tilda !
thank you so much for applying ♡
the color choice is wonderful, this app is really beautiful
i like how versatille seolhee is at dancing and i think chengxiao is a great choice for the dance twin !

btw, i was listening to the song linked at the top while reading this and it was really relaxing ♡ ♡
i liked the idea of making sub-units depending on their personas/personalites ! i might follow your suggestion :))))
and yess, your request will be fulfilled if seolhee is chosen !
seolhee is accepted ♡