ㅤFOURGEEㅤ▫▫ㅤ재스민ㅤ#83A8A6 #C4A297



kimbearly · kim · as often as gdragon dyed his hair : )



name » wang jiawen (王嘉温)

nickname(s) »

jasmine english name given by her parents since she was a kid.

charismatic oppa despite the goddess-like charm she radiated on stage, she actually is more like a boy off the stage than a girl which result to many people referring her as an oppa.


BIRTHDAY » march 25, 1995 (21)

birthplace » hongkong, china

hometown »

1995 to 2011 still in hongkong, china with her family.

2011 to 2016 moved to seoul, south korea with her brother to pursue their dream of becoming an idol.


ethnicity » han chinese

languageS SPOKEN »

fluent mandarin self explanatory; jasmine is also able to speak with canton dialect because she was born and raised in hongkong. she will usually use it when talking with her brother.

semi-fluent english learned english while she was in high school since it's an international based. growing up, she and her brother began speaking english semi fluently.

advanced korean she knows the language and is able to converse with others, but there are times when she realizes that she's lack of vocabulary that sometimes made her switch to english when she don't know the meaning.


faceclaim » 안희연 of exid

appearance »

being one of the tallest, jasmine stood at 168cm with 50kg weight. she hates working out and eats a lot, but strangely difficult to get any fatter than she currently looks like. she likes wearing contact lenses in variable color but her favorite would be grey and brown. she doesn't really like accessories; even if she has to wear one, it'll only be a pair of earrings. jasmine also has a tattoo on her left shoulder that said her birthdate and family name that said wang pride '95. she used to have a jet black hair, but now dyed to honey chocolate brown. her fashion are mostly branded from adidas and would rarely wear skirts off stage. only for a special occasion she would want to wear them.

wang in jackson's name means king,
but mine will be queen




STAGE NAME » jasmine (재스민)

PLOTLINE » the rapper
POSITION » main rapper, vocal


RAPPING TWIN » 김제니 of blackpink
SINGING TWIN » 김제니 of blackpink

DANCING TWIN » 김제니 of blackpink

VARIETY TWIN » 안희연 of exid



as a trainee jasmine wasn't the best, but she still got a spot in jyp's heart somehow. she always spent her days with training and training since she wanted to prove that she really wanted to pursue her dream of being an idol. her first time entering the entertainment was in 2011 with her brother and gladly got accepted together despite she has to struggle with dividing time for study and training most of the times. and honestly? she went there knowing nothing about korean language other than kamsahamnida and anything common. resulting to why she is was always alone most of the times if her fellow trainee can't speak english as that time of moment, english is her only communicating language. but then time has changed; meeting mark tuan and kim yugyeom was one of the best thing ever happened to her. mark, who speaks fluent english and mandarin, becomes her friend as soon as finding out that she is jackson's little sister. yugyeom, on the other hand, despite not knowing much english that time, tries to befriend her in a way that he can while she was improving her korean. at last, now that she's been a trainee for five years, she always tends to welcome new trainees with big hug no matter they can speak korean or not. she always figure out a way to communicate with them.


training duration roughly around 2011 to 2016


mark tuan    she was just a teenager trying to grow up at that moment. lost and found, by me of course heh. i've never thought time flies to fast that she is now all grown up almost as tall as i am with an amazing rap skill and almost fluent korean. one day, i went to see her monthly evaluation along with taecyeon hyung and jackson as well as jyp sajangnim respectively... she is just too amazing to miss out. not that i'm being biased, but you all should watch for yourself one she debuts. in chinese: to jasmine, keep up the good work! i will be there to support you and the three others.

kim yugyeom     when you see someone so lost like her... what are you gonna do? haha, i used to consider should i or should i not approach her at that time of moment. she looks scary honestly speaking- she has this "what are you doing here" kinda look, so i doubted a bit before approaching her and actually all the thoughts that i have are wrong. she is just way beyond crazy at times, to the point of goofing off often y'know? when it comes to her abilities, even if she is not the best, she is quite good too in dancing. anyway, she owed me a grilled steak after debuting... i will make sure to capture out moment together soon to commemorate it. jasmine noona, hwaiting!

jackson wang     hah, i remember having her coming toward me crying because jyp-nim scolded her in monthly evaluation. i still remember very well how ugly she looks like at that time. jiawen is the type of girl who do not surrender easily and i am proud of her for that, wang bloodline does not surrender so easily. watching her struggle as i was struggling too hurt me to be honest. i had to keep up with my own stability while monitoring her 24/7... it wasn't easy. but then i realized, debuting while your sister is still struggling so hard feel hurt even more. so i always spare time, after debuting, to come and sometimes practice along with her during training hours.

park jihyo     when i first saw her, i thought she'll be cold and hard to approach but upon seeing how she interact with others made all the thoughts go away.  i mean, she even sit like a man. i never thought she would be so dorky and goofy- family indeed influenced you a lot huh? i'm just kidding. i just want to enlighten the mood right now like her. i fail did i? heh, anyway i wish jasmine and her friends the best. i'll wait until you can beat twice's wins in music shows.




tldr; she is a devil. – jackson wang

beautiful goddess outspoken, perfectionist, vibrant, fearless, imaginative
sassy, blunt, impulsive, noisy, cocky 
devil in disguise


reasons of why you should love jasmine

jasmine has always been outspoken since she was young. she knows exactly how to state her opinions about what she thinks is right and not, and highly respects honesty and justice. she hates it when people lied to her because it simply means violating the trust she has given to them and she will go straightforward and tell you about how annoyed she is after you lied to her face. thus making her a feisty child who is determined and fearless especially toward those that she's already been very close to (i.e, trainees, friends). on the other hand, just like her brother, she also has an energetic and endless hilarious personality which can enlighten the mood and she believed it will make people around her (including herself) feel like ten years younger.


aside the outspoken and fearless traits, she is also known to be a perfectionist woman who always want everything to turn out well and suits her expectations. she wants the perfect career, relationship, future; she wants perfect everything to sum it up. therefore, due to her perfectionist side, she'll often wonder what kind of perfect life will she have and often visions it. she is able to think outside the box and share her ideas with you (i.e, new dance choreos), she also ranked first numerous times on school projects because she was able to envision her ideas regarding to the project very well. in a nutshell, jasmine is a manner queen who lives as a happy-go kid that will shine your days and night twenty-four and seven.


reasons of why you should bear jasmine

on the negative side, jasmine is sassy due to her feisty and outspoken traits. she can talk frankly about how uninteresting your idea is with an add of her sass where she'll center around herself and the achievements she might've done or just simply talk about herself. "please, i'm better at that if you challenge me" "don't you dare ruining my pretty face" "now tell me what is the better idea? your first idea even already , eonnie", you'll hear them very often as soon as you become her friend. don't get it wrong though, it's not that she wants to insult or harm you personally with her remarks but it's all due to the fact that she wants to express her honesty to you. she just finds it difficult to sugarcoat or be sweet at words. jasmine loves being real to herself.


that's why, she's blunt to anyone without looking at their age or status. it is what she is and she lives respecting honesty – she calls her bluntness as honesty for whatever reason – and that said, she can never lie. her thoughtless side often damages herself because she's so impulsive. she doesn't think before she acts, and only thinks after she've done the act. living as the vibrant and outspoken girl, it is no longer weird to have people around her think she is hella noisy and sometimes disturbing since she sometimes forgot when to stop. in a nutshell, jasmine is the cocky type of girl who doesn't like sugarcoating her words. even if she does sugarcoat her statements, they're most likely done with hints of sarcasm.


background »


while there is a one child policy on-going in china, sophia wang gave birth to another baby after jackson. march 25, 1995 it is. that was when jasmine wang was born healthy and normal which gave relief to the family since they were worried about any bad possibilities that can happen. she grew up in a family of four along with her older brother who spent most of the time protecting her because they only have one another, and he is scared everytime his friends warn him that his parents should only have one child and must eliminate jasmine. both grew up sharing the same interest: music especially hip hop. they listened to many rap songs that inspired them. so when they grew up semi-youth, they signed up into jyp entertainment together. but well, while her brother got picked for upcoming boygroup, she was told to train still. she was sad but felt glad that jackson could finally achieve his dream. for the time being, she stayed still to train and train more with other fellow trainees.


the journey

jasmine kept training with hardwork as well as motivations given by both her parents and her brother. they encouraged her to stay put because every success comes off from a lot of patient and hardwork. jackson, who already succeed at debuting, sincerely feel sorry that she had to wait a very long time to be able to debut properly. her family and most importantly herself, hoped that she will make it this time, because she will leave the entertainment world for good if this time she won't make it. however, god is good. she is told that she'll be the potential line-up for a new girlgroup that is going to be got7's sister group as well which made her more than just happy. jasmine immediately informed her brother, friends and family in hongkong about this.



王嘉尔 alias 잭슨
older brother

where the hell did you hide my sandal

how the hell should i know that

jackson and jasmine are the concrete example of dumber and dumber. with both being endlessly hilarious as well as sassy, you know the world is about to have another war when the siblings are put together. of course, in a playful way. on an occasion, jasmine likes to see her brother in despair by hiding his stuff or do something which result to him scolding her eventually. they'll fight afterward; she will stand fo herself saying that she's just trying to have fun and he'll say it's over the line and ignores her for the rest of the day (he said, only to have himself apologizing to her fifteen minutes later). aside the playful interactions, when both are serious, they could be the trending siblings goal because jackson protects her as if he is going to lose her and takes care of her very well each day. he often takes her out to hang out with him to see the movies or simply have dinner. sometimes he's always becoming the boyfriend figure she'd always wanted. she, too, looks up to him and adores him more than anyone. jasmine supports and cares for him although she'll hide it behind a facade or something.


wo hen ni means i hate you in mandarin



김유겸 alias 유겸
best friend



yugyeom was first to approach her and jackson along with mark. while perhaps mark is closer to jackson, yugyeom is just as close as them with jasmine. they become best friends as soon as they went through rough trainee life together where he'd often visit her despite they hadn't been able to communicate well that moment due to her lack in korean and his lack in english. but somehow they managed to stay friends. jasmine majorly adored yugyeom's dancing skills and bright personality. she likes to see him smile just by sassing him off. personally thinking, she adores his charm of being charismatic on stage and dorky off the stage, that's the real definition of y for her. yugyeom is just too charming that she becomes his biggest fan.


inspired by a chat i had in real life with my male korean friend who is younger than me k ya i miss him lmao



영희 portrayed by 박정화 of exid
sister from another mother

what are you doing jasmine

im trying to keep myself busy before my brother orders me anything

younghee was jasmine's fellow trainee who is now a dancer in a workshop. when they were still a trainee together, younghee will always took her to cafeteria with yugyeom and have lunch together because yugyeom was the one introducing younghee to her. they were good friends that all secrets of jasmine are all in her. inluding her big crush toward jaebum heh. younghee is sincerely happy with the fact that jasmine is picked as a line-up for a new girlgroup project from jyp on late 2016. it was supposed to be with younghee, but hinae left just too early that time of moment. nevertheless, younghee would stilll support jasmine until the end of time.


the snapchat post is taken by younghee



yays webtoon, drawing, aesthetic, skinship, piggyback, pizza, food, anime, novels, dogs, music, movies, waffles, good smell, sleep, suicide squad, gong yoo, dancing, jokes, jared letto, ian somerhalder, got7, singing

nays dark, broccoli, lies, unorganized, dirts, alarm, claw arcade machine, polkadots, acnes, hypocrites, fakers, liars, cowards, her brother, jackson, wang jiaer (...?), jaebum's flawless features because she is jealous

ideal type her ideal type will be someone who accepts her for who she is, and true with his words because she believes real men speak less and act more. physically, she'd love to date someone who resembles her brother: tall, attractive and y. but still, though, anyone who is going to date her shall talk face-to-face with her brother first.

same birthday celebration over the year, jasmine and jackson made an appointment to hold their birthday celebration together since their birthdates are near with one another. usually, they will celebrate it right on his birthday at once.
first love honestly saying, jaebum is her first date ever. she has never dated anyone before him due to a boyish personality that made her feel love is unimportant, and jaebum was amazing to change her from keep seeing love that way.

favorite actors her favorite actors are gong yoo, yeo jingoo, song joongki, lee soohyuk, nam joohyuk and jisoo. they are very handsome and able to took her heart quite well with their acts. she wished she can star a drama with any of them in the future.

imitation queen jasmine can imitate her brother quite well. she is also known as the imitation queen for able to imitate not only her brother, but also yongguk's voice and rabbid invasion. she can also imitate harley quinn and memorize her lines after watching suicide squad almost a hundred time.

beloved pet a proud mommy of this male pomeranian husky named garo. the dog was a gift from her parents so she won't be alone while in korea, and this made jackson feel envy that only her got the dog. thats why he owned a donkey in roommate psst.

gadgets owns an iphone 6s in rose gold which was bought and given by her brother with a note inside the box: don't ignore my messages or calls and with his cheeky smile selca set as the default wallpaper.

credit to the sister in got7's latest comeback album, jackson mentioned her name in the thank you list: dear meimei, thank you for the support. i can't believe i make it this far, now it's your turn to outbeat me. jiayou!

how to reach her  instagram                   jasminewang852

          weibo & snapchat      jasmine_wang



that piercings on his lower lip jesus christ

love interest » 임재범 of got7

DATE OF BIRTH » january 4, 1994 (22)

personality »

to begin with, jaebum has a manly, lively and cool personality. he is charming and outgoing – in which he is able to socialize and active in working with others. jaebum also has the sense of belonging and willing to take care of others around him. he has a strong willingness, he'd fight for the ones he really loves and himself. just like jasmine, he is a perfectionist. he strives for the best and hates failing at something which made him strict at most of the times. this is why he was also chosen as the leader of his group. although he might look harsh and strict, he actually can be playful and loves to chill, and even goofing around when he feels like it, of course at the right times. however, he can also be cold and quiet at times. it's not that he doesn't want to talk or anything, he will mostly do it whenever he feels hard to express himself, or when he isn't in a good mood. in a nutshell, jaebum is a cool manly man who has the endless charm you'll immediately fall for after seeing him.


love story »

their first meeting was obviously in jyp building. jaebum was practicing for his debut as jj project with felllow got7 member, jinyoung, when he bumped into jasmine who was bringing her training shoes with her. long story short, the shoes fell everywhere on the ground and he was there helping her recollecting those shoes and bid goodbye with a respective smile. but however, both still had no impressions yet about one another especially since that jasmine is still  a boyish lady who cares about food more than feeling toward boys.


after he was announced to join a boygroup along with her brother, the bigger chances they have to meet one another. jaebum seemed to be intrigued by how she isn't noticing him at all. as a perfectionist with a cool and manly personality, he thought it'd pull girls toward him. well, of course jasmine won't be one of them, she is so unlady-like. after gathering information about her from trainees and even her brother, jackson, he is deciding to talk first and made her notice him in every way possible. "i mean, how could yugyeom befriended her so easily?" "be dumb." that was what he got from conversing with jackson about her. and so he did. and it successfully caught her attention.


later, he decided to play cool to make sure about if she is feeling the same [intrigued to know each other well]. jaebum ignored her and talked to other female trainees, and if possible, in front of her. it succeed though, she felt left out and for the first time in forever, she felt like the friend whom she usually cared about had gone. he took it as a sign and apologized to her a week after. jasmine, on the other hand, began developing strange feelings for the chic boy. she told about it to hinae and got an absolute answer: you definitely have a crush on him.


jasmine didn't hesitate to talk about it to jackson in which, later, he didn't agree. somehow he hates the idea of his groupmates dating his own sister. "we might probably won't date... i mean, it's not like he is returning the feelings." jackson was a bit convinced until he saw for himself how jaebum behaved around her. it wasn't a good sign, but to forbid them from liking each other would be rude of him. so when jaebum confessed to him about liking his sister, he didn't comment much but rolling his eyes. "if you make her feel butthurt even just a little the first thing you'll receive from me is your own got it?"


into their interactions, jaebum mostly act like an older brother. he shows his affection behind an oppa facade and took care of her. he knew that he is the first man to change how she sees love and affection, and he felt proud that he often with anything related to relationships to see her blush. he'd ruffle her hair whenever he could, in the mornings especially after seeing her bangs rolled up, and also pretended to stretch when he wanted to wrap his arm around her neck. never in his mind would he want to hurt her. moreover, he only thinks about keeping her happy and comfortable even if it means he had to go to the market and bought her loads of chocolate as well as tampons on her period. although sometimes he also pulled jackson in as his fellow victim by her royal highness on pms, jasmine wang.


meanwhile, jasmine acts like a hopeless romantic. she was annoyed by how jaebum successfully made her heart go dugeun dugeun when nobody else can't. at some point, she is playing their game of "hiding behind sister and brother facade" but on the other hand she was also worried of getting friendzoned or left behind. she'd try to be as close as she can toward him because it made her feel safe and comfortable. she liked how jaebum was holding her hands and offering her piggybacks too, she thinks they are romantic and fun, although so simple. jasmine will also hit his broad shoulder during random times or whenever she feels bored, just as he'd play with her hair during times like those.


relationship status as of now oppa and dongsaeng who cares about each other, she is recently worried of getting friendzoned, and jaebum is still thinking about what consequences he'd get once he confessed to her. it's full of what ifs right now between the two of them. but they are still interacting like usual - cute and playful with one another - as if nothing is happening.
ending of their relationship publicly dating a few weeks after her debut because they didn't feel like hiding anything. jyp, jackson, mama and papa wang, his parents, as well as their friends approved although her father was still a bit not fond of their relationship.




comments » this character is mostly based off hani in reality if you notice :)


password » ???



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