Life Updates

So once again, despite my best intentions, I'm late with posting updates. It's super frustrating for me to set goals and not be able to complete them so sorry guys. But good news:

1. I quit my old job and I'm starting a new one that one that I can do from home. 

2. This means more frequent updates

3. I've been planning to start a Youtube account to do Kpop reactions that you guys can watch! 

I hoping to have everything implemented starting this week so you guys look forward to it! Thank you for your support and for continuing to like my stories. Much Love <3


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It's great to hear! I wish you the best in the new ventures and hope it continues to encourage you.
easypeasy #2
Congrats and good luck with your new job! ^_^
mellyfly #3
Good luck with your new job! :)
teonna14 #4
Im happy that everything is going well for you.