

    ‘i know i can't but i'll try so can you just please–
loud, generous, understanding, straight-forward, short-tempered, stubborn, vain.
shim yooah is a daughter of a wealthy and happy family. growing up with everything that she wanted and wished for, she is really a spoiled little princess.

 there are stories about yooah everywhere she goes. whether it is a story about her background or a story about that one time she steals school T's hot girl's boyfriend ( it was a mistake, he told her he was single but he wasn't ), she is always known for being a bad person, someone you shouldn't have anything to do with. yooah, too, knows about people talking about her a lot but well, since she is given the nickname "spoiled princess", acting like a childish villain shouldn't be a problem, right?

 but that is not the truth. they say she's arrogant and demanding, manipulative and mean but in reality, she's just a little princess who is asking for some care. yooah is loud and sociable, she knows how to make friends but if you really want them to be you friends, you have to be try harder and be honest. it doesn't seem easy for her since she's a very straight-forward person and is very stubborn as well. plus, she can't seem to do anything on her own without messing up a little and at the end, she always has people to help her do it. that must by why not many people like her, useless and the only good thing about her is that she has a smart mouth. as stiles stilinski said: "sarcasm is my only defense."

 actually, yooah is a very nice person. she keeps acting like a stubborn princess but deep down, there is a kind peasant who doesn't know how to express her words. although she is clumsy but she is someone with a generous heart, still asking people if they need a hand or not and will try to help them even thought she might mess up a little, , , also, she has the ability to understand a person very well, it's a gift, honestly, she can tell when someone is fake a smile or what are they feeling inside. just imagine that she gives you a bottle of water then sits down next to you, avoiding your eyes, "hey, if you want to cry then just... do it." and you'll burst into tears.

 she is just like that, gives no one a good impression at first but getting to know her, she sure is someone else, huh?
TRIVIA says:
— although she is mostly hated by everyone but the people around her treat her really nice and they are all good friends. ( sadly, they'll all turn into zombies. ) there are people who befriended her because she's popular but yikes... and yeah, she can't tell if someone is fake or not.
— she calms herself by singing "let it go" from frozen.
— she's quite good at english!!
— has dated many people before but is still a .

— scratches her chin whenever she's nervous, lying or hiding something.
— "nevery cry in front of other people" is something that she'll listen to but how long will she be able to hold it, ,,,
— people often think she's a queen b or a mean girl but no she just has a loud mouth, that's all, ,,

— can't live without her gucci bag. "my gucci is with the zombies wHAT DO I DO"
— will probably be like "i bet when that human-eating creature was still alive, he was very handsome"
— is very good at roasting and defending herself but still can't do things good aSJHFSDJHF. "who says i can't fix this car???" *5 min later* "yeah,,, i,,, can't,,, anyways..."
— although zombies are breaking in but looking good is still very important for a princess like her Tbh.
— @ everything but is always trying but Hell Yes even though she @ words but is still able to make people feel better after talking to her because she seems like a selfish person but why she notices you and understands you so well??? 
FAMILY. they are a happy family and she has good relationships with both of her mom and dad. they understand that their daughter is a "spoiled princess" but they still love her no matter what and the family spends a lot of time together. after the breakout, it's hard to tell if they are alive or not but she'll try not to let that drag her mood down and try to stay alive so she can go find them.
kang heonyoung ; 17 ; she also comes from a wealthy family and their families know each other, which is why they have been best friends ever since they were young. heonyoung is also very loud and talkative. she's more like an idiot who's always optimistic. heonyoung often helps yooah to win the heart of the boy she likes and yooah also helps her in exchange, they help each other in many things tbh and she can't imagine her life without heonyoung.

thomas yoon ; 17 ; they aren't friends yet but let's say that they will be because after the breakout, she'll stick with him and the group. yooah has noticed thomas ever since he became a student of their school and she has a crush on him, hell, she calls him tom and tommy too often and will probably follow him everywhere he goes, becoming his tail. she does whatever he tells her to do but still, can't stop arguing with him because you know, she's very stubborn. but that's only because she only knows him among all of these people, as she gets to know other people, she'll stop following thomas around everywhere he goes to.

also, he's always the first one that she calls for help and tbh yooah has no shame in front of him although she's trying to seduce him. 
"thomas hELP there's a cOCKROACH HERE"
PROM DATE.  the captain of the basketball team asked her to be his prom date so she accepted, although she didn't really want to "fall in love" with him. he was handsome and famous so girls were swooning over him, being jealousy and started to hate yooah but meh,,, however, he became one of the zombies after trying to save her and yooah realized that he could make the greatest boyfriend ever but it was too late.
LOVE INTEREST.  although she has a crush on thomas but as she gets to know other people, she might fall in love with another guy!!! like, she will love with all of her heart and not just by appearance like with thomas! i'll leave this all up to you, or she can just fall for thomas until the end of the story, everything is fine to me!!11!!1!
shim yooah (or princess, yooyoo). 
student. female. march 30 (17). 
seoul, south korea.

height: it's a secret you (i'm 163cm)
weight: !!! r00d!!! (i'm 47kg actually)
faceclaim: omg's jine.
backup faceclaimtwice's chaeyoung ; gfriend's eunha.



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+ CLAIRE'S CORNER : this is my first time doing a flashfic app so i hope i filled out everything that is needed ;;