Poison - Toxic friendships part 3


This is the last part of 3! Please go check out the other blogs!


I spoke to my friend last night just reffecting on the friendship with this ex friend to try to pin point exactly where everything went wrong. My conclusion is we never really had a huge fight that made ended things. It was just a collection of little disappointments and some big disappointments.

I mentioned the surprise party for her and there was other behaviours such as asking her best friend to just give her money because she doesn't like/make use of the gifts her best friend gives her... It didn't affect me directly but it really made me doubt her as a person. But yeah eventually nearly all of her friends felt like they were not friends anymore (or being treated like a friends). I also caught her lying about a 'act of violence' from one of the 2 boys mentioned previously. 

About midyear of our last highschool year. We basically were not talking and in many ways I just wanted to cut it off cleanly. But I decided (as did many of my other friends) that it would just be better to end our highschool years peacefully as there wasn't much time left and so we continued our limbo of awarded interactions. One day about 3 weeks till graduation she comes up to us (our group of friends) and says. (I am going to paraphrase) ' I can't do this anymore, I don't know what to do, but I can't do it anymore.' and walked away as her dramatic entrance. Our friend group just sat in a stunned silence for a second and then continued playing our card game. It wasn't until like 5 minutes later when her best friend told us there she will go check on her. 

In many ways I felt bad about it because I think she expected us to run after her or ask to talk it out. But here is the problem we had told her what was happening and how she made us feel. So when she doesn't says she doesn't know what she did wrong, it shocked me.

Afterwards, we heard from a mutual friend that she was saying we stopped being friends with her because we were all jealous of her relationship with guys, her car, popularity and  her looks. There also told us about how she lied to her parents some stuff that isn't really my business so I won't talk anymore about it. In some ways I was hurt when she lied and said we were jealous as the reason why, like yes she has those things and we don't necessarily have it, but it is not the reason why I would stop being friends with her. I am not that type of superficial person it makes no sense to me. 

But yeah I recently heard some news about her and it kind of took me by surprise because she is exactly where I thought she would be at this stage of her life... And that kind of made me think she didn't change even after how her highschool like ended. Her ' best friend' also kind of confirmed it and that to me is the saddest part about this situation.

After all this time. I still feel thankful about the friendship we had the good days. I used to think of this situation with a lot of anger but now it is just a feeling of indifference.

I hope she has people surrounding her that she will be able to be truthful to and be able to surprise me if we ever meet again by how much she has grown and matured.

So yeah. That's the end! 

Tell me what you would want to say to the friends that aren't friends anymore!


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"I cherished the time we spent together and even if I would want to go back to how we used to be, what we have now is probably the best for us both. Each of us may have made mistakes to one another, that results in our relationship drifted apart. But past is past, now is now, and what hasn't happened yet, should be different than before. We bend, not break, so let's mend what's left,"

Tf that sounds liek a confession to an ex or smth