Xiuhan Has Ruined Me

I just need to know if anyone else does this—

So as we all know, my ultimate OTP is Xiuhan, I love them so much. But it's gotten to a point where I'm concerned about how much I think of them.

Like listen to this, whenever I watch a movie, I pay attention to the two main love interests and imagine Xiuhan as that couple.

Please tell me I'm not the only person who is this insane [i mean I know I'm crazy but it's nice to know others are too :)]

Good lord, I have a problem.

And in case you were wondering, the last movie couple I was imagining Xiuhan as was:

Luhan as Han Solo and Minseok as Leia from Star Wars.



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Nahh, youre not alone~
I imagined Xiuhan in the book i've been meaning to read
I feel you. And I was wondering if I had that problem Θ_Θ
Nope, you're def not alone there! That's what I do too but with sulay lol