
I'm not the type to cry when faced by hardships. But somehow I cried today¿ 

It's probably because of all the events that had happened to me that I should be crying about at the time but didn't, find it's way to slip through my mind during today's rainy day(the kind of weather that makes me emotional).

I thought about the past, regretful ones. The thing that saddens me the most, the fact that I did lots of things important to me, things I'm proud about, what I call achievement. Yet, none of those things I did were done for anyone. No one really supported me much, so I did it all for myself. And now I think, 'How was I able to lived such a lonely life?'.

Then I thought about the future. Future is vague, blurry, unpredictable, expected. I can't imagine myself years later, yet. Because before I get there, I'm reminded by now.

The present that should be easy. I mean, you just have to go with it? Go with the flow? But nah, it ain't as simple as that. How do you survive the stream without a thing, or tool, or something that will help you get through it? Something which gives you a certainty that you will eventually arrive to the end of it?

That's what present is, preparation for the future. Future that could be harsh, filled with obstacle, and maybe frightening. But then you'll remember, you were prepared for this. The preparation that will become something useful, is a past, things that have gone by but you constantly get reminded of and forced to learn from(that will becomes an aid for future references). Why not take advantage of it?

What you prepared for, determined the outcomes of your future.

So I ask myself, 'What kind of present do you want to make?'.






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I don't think this make any sense .-. ¿
Woah. Deep.