lost in stereo || woo yumi || a leader

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 Woo Yumi

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthname    Woo Yumi
other names

— N/A


Mimi - Used by friends and now team members. It seems easier to say than Yumi.
​— Leadernim - Used my team members as a way to . Especially when she starts to worry/panic or give endless directions.
​— Neko - Given by her older brothers and often used by them and their friends. It's japanese for cat and given due to her cat-like eyes.
Kitty - Given by 'a princess' because of her similarity to a baby kitten. From her eyes, her quick reflexes, and unexpected cute gestures. Used by her often to ease her nerves a bit or rile her up.

birthday August 18, 1998 
birthplace Seoul, South Korea
hometown Seoul South Korea
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

Korean - (fluent) - born and raised in Korea. She has spent all of her life and most of her school life learning and speaking this language.
Japanese - (semi-fluent) - both of her older brothers spent time studying abroad in Japan. wanting to be like them she began learning and from them and by herself.
English - (conversational) - her love for music and desire to know and understand what her favorite american artist are saying, lead her to teach herself for abit. Later learning properly at school.

face claim   Red Velvet   Kang Seulgi
back up face claim   Lovelyz   Mijoo
height & weight  165 cm  &  49 kg

— Model like body with long legs and a flat stomach, but has some small and noticible curves. Has a decent height, and enjoys the liberty of not having to wear heels at all times. She has a nice pale complextion and does not mind a slight tan on her skin. Enjoys having both her hair up or down. Be it up in a pony tail or bun and down straight or wavy. Prefers having her hair in layers and shoulder or mid-back length. Her hair color does change every so often, but only to different shades of brown or golden brown. Though she has been thinking of trying out a blonde or a some brigth color. She uses as little make-up as necessary, usually only wearing mascara, eyeliner, and lip balm. Both of her ears are pierced and after much persuassion was allowed to pierce the top of her right ear. There is a slight scar on her left shin caused by a fall from her bike. It is not too noticible except that the line is slightly lighter than the rest of her skin color. She wears both contacts and glasses, often wearing her contacts to school and the glasses at home. Unless she overlept then glasses it is. She tends to wear her complete uniform, but often chooses to wear the school cardigan instead. Likes wearing the long socks and some white addidas. For dance usually seen wearing some leggings or shorts, a sports bra with a tank top or crop top on top, thoguh a t-shirt is good too. Her shoes of choice are some grey nikes.


personality traits 

—  Hardworking, Respectful, Shy, Caring, Reserved, Passionate, Adaptable, Witty, Silly, Friendly, Easy-going, Confident, Tactful, Tolerant, Mischievious, Stoic, Sensitive, Self-Counscious, Insecure, Angry


— Yumi is hardworking, respectful, and sometimes gets in trouble eventhough she really didn't mean to. Might seem shy at first, but can be outgoing and fun when comfortable and excited. Is highly affectionate and caring towards those she finds dear. At times reserved and rather thoughtful. She likes thinking things thru, and is passionate about what she wants. Adaptable to any sudden change or situation, is witty and silly with her comebacks and comments.
    Being friendly and approachable allows for those younger and older than her to confide in her and be their close friend. Being the only girl and growing up with two older brothers, Yumi didn't like being left out from the boys fun. Hence her down to earth and easy going attitude.
   She is confident in her abilities, but tactful and couscious of her actions. Rather patient and tolerant of her dongseangs and hyper /weird mentors. When in a good mood sometimes joins the younger members in causing mischief. Her silliness brings lots of laughter. Having grown up in a rather closed environment, Yumi tends to be a bit cluless about somethings. As some may say she lacks street cred. Sometimes her cluless moments help lighten the mood and make her seem cute. Its not annoying but actually quite adorable. Not because its funny, but becuse of how cute she is.
   Rather stoic to others actions around her, one would think Yumi won't take it to heart. But turns out she's rather sensitive about them. She does not only perceive others emotions, but if they're towards her, well she cares and a lot. The words repeat i her head no matter how long its been making her feel insecure and self conscious. Sure she can play it off as nothing wrong, but those words haunt her at the back of her head. Lost belief in her potential as a result of her experience in her previous group and others opinion on her.
   Usually mild in temper and quietly going about, Yumi gives a gentle touch everywhere she goes. Its kinda creepy how she could walk in and sound goes down three decibles. When comfortable with the people around her she begins to tease and speak in fluent sarcasm. Sometimes being sarcastic to show her anger or displeasure, in some cases annoyance. Acting helps hide her anger and other emotions, but all that repressed anger suddenly burst and its better for others to stand out of her way. Yumi might seem like an angel sent from above, but ain't a saint. Meaning she has a limit and if she exceads that limit prepare for a surprise. Yumi fumes and walks out, not speaking a word to anyone for a good two or more hours until she gets her senses and reason back. Beware all obsticles in her path, they will be pushed aside quite forcefully..


— This sweet girl was born on August 18th, 1998 into an already big family. It consisted of her parents and two older brothers, one being ten years older and the other seven years older than her. Growing up, Yumi spent her young years with her mom at the family flower shop. Her brothers were at school and her dad would work.
     Music became important to her at a young age. Being stuck in the shop almost the whole day, listening to the music her mom and employees would play made the day fun. Plus on days her dad had off, he would play his 'special guitar' in the evenings for the family to sing along to. Noticing little Yumi's interst in music, her parents decided to sign her up for piano lessons. So at age four, Yumi began learning to play the piano. Her brothers being older than her had other music interest that were completely different from what she heard at the shop. They would try to exclude her, but she would find a way to see and listen to what they did. Eventually enjoying that music as well.
    Piano lessons continued, but now vocal lessons were added per instructors recomendation. Yumis days during her elemtary school days were school, flower shop for two hours, piano & vocal lessons two hours, home. She attended a performance middle school, were her vocal and piano instructors taught. So her scheduel changed from school, to flower shop or home depending on her condition. She got kindda bored with singing and grew an interested in her brothers new interest, rap. She had tried many times to ask for them to teach her, but claimed it would be too hard for her. But the middle school had just created a rap classs and she immediately requested the class. By following along what she rembered her brothers did and listened to, Yumi was able to stand out in the class, not even in her other lessons did she get this much attention. Yumi remembered her brothers had also gotten attention in the acaemy they attended, something about that school made them enjoy the studying they were doing at the moment. Yumi made it her goal to attend the same school as her older brothers, Hallyu Academy, she wanted to experience what they experienced. 
    By this time, her brothers were now university students and they both decided to study abroad in Japan thru a study abraod program fromm their university. This was Jiho's first year there, while it was Jiseoks second time there. Things seemed to be going perfect, the shop was the same and her dad had been promoted to supervisor at the end of the previous year. But everything changed in an instant, one rainy day to be exact.
     Yumi's dad and some other four co-workers were sent to a convention in Busan. It would be a one night-two day trip, unfortunately the trip  was cut short the night they departed. The car they were driving was involved in a multicar collision in the hghway as a result of a drunk driver. Everyone in the car passed away on impact, Yumi and her mother, allong with the other families were given the news thru a phone call. The most hearbreaking memory Yumi has about that day was when her mom had to call her brothers to imform them about it. Another on would be seeing her brothers rush into the house to comfort both Yumi and their mom. It took a while for the family to get back on track and attended family theraphy paid by dads work.
   As a result of that, Yumi developed the habit of writting in a journal. Since it was hard for her to explain her feelings verbaly, she prefered to write them down. Thats when her brothers also began writting and producing music that made them be known as promising producers. They used to discurage her in her insistance to rap, but now encouraged her and even taugth her to chanel her emotions into writting and rapping her heart out.
   Losing her dad changed many things, but it also brought the Woo sibilings closer. The older brothers used to leave Yumi at the back of their mind, not worried about her well being.She was the youngest and their parents alays doted her so, they did not have to worry. But since then, they worry and show their affection towards her more. They kept studyiung and producing together, so by the time both graduated the were making some good money to help out the family. Mom managed to keep the shop going with the help of her loyal employees and the new idees they brought. The shop was now making flower wreaths and delivering them to events, paricularly for celebrities. The shop became known for their affordable and pretty wreaths. Yumi continued doing her best in school and eventually attended the Hallyu Academy enterence exam.
    The Woo celebrated for the first time in a while when it was confirmed Yumi had been accepted in to Hallyu. Yumi looked foward to attending the school and participating in the Final Showcase in a group of talented people. Meeting new friends, Yumi and they decided to not participate their first year, instead they were going to cheer for their older friend who did. The first year was just spent adjusting to the school and getting to know her classmates and teachers. Then came the second year, Yumi and her then friend, Jihyo decided to make a group to compete. It consisted of girls from both second and first year. Some were foreing exchange students as well and they decided to allow the new second year to join the group as well. The group of ten girls was big, but fun to work with. They passed the first round rather easily, the second round barely.
   Nayeon, the new girl, seemed convinced it was Yumi's fault the group could not try new things. Sure Yumi was the slowest at learnig a routine, but she would excecute it perfectly. She added the fact that Yumi did not match their cute girl concept and so on, she just kept coming up with more. Nayeon's complainst seemed to be getting to most of the girls and Yumi as well.
    Eventually, the girls voted her out of the group, including, Jihyo. They really wanted to go far in the competition and Yumi was just slowing them down. Yumi took the news gracefully, agreeing to leave and promised to cheer them on. Unfortunately, the group of nine-girls did not make it past the next round.
    Later, Nayeon had made it her job to spread the rumor that Yumi had left the group becasue she felt she didnt feel like participating any more. Some of the students that supported the girls group began blamig her for the loss of the group. Accusing her of being selfish, and what not. Lets just say the rest of her second year was not the best, epecially with the school not knowing what really happened.
    Yumi and her friends later found out that Nayeon was the one who spread the rumors. Wendy and V had apperently overheard her admit it to Jihyo at the library. The good thing about this is that her friends that really knew her, stuck by her side thru it all.
    And when break approached, they promised to help her improve in what she lacked as long as she didnt complain or skip from lessons. Yumi hoped to perfrom in a duet with Wendy this time so she needed to be prepared to be at par with her. But come first day she was surprised by Ms. Lee saying she was in a group. Was surprised at Ms. Lees sudden offer and that Wendy pushed her to agree, practicly dragging her to the vocal room and pushing her in.          


— Has learned to play the piano since age 4. Continues to play at school and at home with her keyboard.
— Is ambidextrous. She can write with both her left and right hand.
— She loves food. Be it a full course meal, sweets, or snacks she loves it. The amazing thing is she doesn't seem to gain weight.
— She loves flowers, her favorites being sunflowers.
— Stuffed animals are her weakness, particularly teddy bears. One can't be happy without a teady bear in their life.
— She can drink anything but: hot coffee, energy drinks, and apple juice. She finds them disgusting.
— Has a journal she carries with her, were she writes when ever she feels upset. Later reading it to get inspiration.
— Has a music sheet book filled with piano melodies she came up with and has another one she is filling at the moment.
— Also has a notebook filled with lyrics and phrases she thinks out of the blue for raps and songs.
— Lives in an three bedroom- two bath apartment with her mom. Takes the bus to school, which is a good five or six stops away.
— Yumi knows she lacks in some areas so she practices a lot, like a lot. Even when home or at the flower shop shes practicing in her head.
— Enjoys skinship and cuddles. When wanting to be annoying she can cling to one of the members and not let go. Or usually likes putting her head on someone's shoulder, linking arms when walking, and back hugging when wanting attention.
— She enjoys all types of music, but likes listening to idols more. Though American music and ballads are her comfort music.
— Hates loud unnecessary noise and arguments. Which is why she keeps the girls in check and in a good lively mood.
— Hates feeling left behind and holding people back. Even if she isn't there are times she can't help but feel that way.
— Blushes when embarrassed or teased.
— Has moments when she stops blinking when she's really focused.
— When speaking and she gets really excited she begins using her hands to describe.
— She likes lip syncing and if she really likes the songs she might start bobbing her head or dancing.
— Likes taking pictures of everything she finds interesting. Be it a cloud or flower, Ms.Lee judging PDJung, The artist spacing out, or Lauren posing after dancing. 
— Her technology, iphone , iPod touch, MacBook Prolap , and iMac provided by her spoiling older brothers.
— Her older brothers like being part of her life so they might unexpectedly show up after school with snacks or take the girls out to eat. Show up at their performance with their friends and try to embarrass her. Typical older brother or embarrassing dad-stuff.
— For some weird reason her hands are extremely cold during the fall and winter seasons. No gloves help at all and has a hot pack in her bag at all times. It's a good way to mess. With the members and her friends by placing them on their neck.
— Knows how to cook and bake as well as do house hold chores. Often would go home straight after school and to lighten moms work and worries would do some of the chores for her. 
— Her dance has improved alot thanks to Jimin, but she still struggles in some areas. But she can keep up now.  


Older Brother #2Woo Jiho 'Zico' / 25 / Underground Rapper & Music Producer / Caring, Hardworking, Passionate, Judgemental / 9/10 / Even after dad's passing, Jiho was able to stay the same. He likes spoiling Yumi, but also knows when not to. Yumi loves her oppa and knows she cant count on him for anything. Despite being the middle child he gives awsome advise and great gifts. The typical sibiling relationship, just barely crossing the boyfrien-girlfiend line.

​— MotherSong Minjoo / 50 / Flower Shop Owner / Sweet, Humble, Dedicated, Reserved / 9/10  / Mom and daughter are practicly best friends. Spending most of their time together, the two can read each other like a book. Helping and encouraging each other when  needed. Yumi knows her mom will always have her back and just wants what best for her. Mom knows that her baby is growing up and she needs to help her reach her potential. 

​— Older Brother #1Woo Jiseok 'Taewoon' / 28 / Music Producer / Firm, Caring, Passionate, Short Tempered / 8/10 / When dad passed away, he felt the responsibility to become the man of the family. So his original liveliness was pushed away and he focused finding ways to help mom. Yumi misses her playful oppa and is happy when she glimpses of the old him. Jiseok loves his baby sister and looks after her as more of a daughter than sister. He too spoils her, but also scolds her for this or that.

​— FatherWoo Jiwoon / Deseased 2012 / Office Worker / Kind, Hardworking, Dedicated, Firm / 8/10 / Jiwoon was a fool for his daugther and tried to be there for her as much as possible. Yumi loved her dad and always looked foward to his days of when he would play his guitar. After his passing Yumi likes looking at his picture and asking for help. Sometimes she just talks to it wishing he would be there to comfort or encourage her.

​— The Squad LeaderBae Joohyun / 20 / University Theater Student / Shy, Hardworking, Caring / 7/10 / Despite the age difference, Joo became and still is a really good friend. They don't see each other often after she graduated since she has been busy with school. She even got opportunities to participate in dramas as a small role. They text frequently and call  every now and the . They hang out with the girls when she visits home and have a blast. Joohyun knows of Yumi's potential and hopes this new group will let her see that. Yumi likes having an older sister figure.

The Battery • Son Seungwan 'Wendy' / 19 / Hallyu Academy 3rd Yr Student / Outgoing, Confident, Softhearted  / 9/10 / Been friends since they were assigned seats first year at Hallyu Academy.  It's interesting to see the two interact, it's a friendship not many understand how it works. But the two make it work. Wendy is loud and energetic , so she brings out the more silly side of Yumi,. And Yumi likes taking her time, so Wendy now knows how to pace herself. The two are always there for each other and know each other very well.

​— The Happy VirusPark Sooyoung / 18 / Public School Student / Quiet, Goofy, Outgoing / 8/10 / Neighborhood friends, often walk to the bus stop together and then separate ways. While Yumi goes to Hallyu Academy , Sooyoung goes to a normal public school. Sooyoung is Yumi's and Wendy's number one fan. She wished she could have attended their school just be able to sing and dance. Yumi enjoys her company and curiousity . She likes getting Sooyoungs opinion on the music she works on. and Sooyoung likes attending the shows to cheer her friends on. Works at Yumi‛s moms flower shop part time.

​— The Class ClownKim Taehyun 'V' / 18 / Hallyu Academy 3rd Yr Student / Silly, Outgoing, Spontaneous, Hardworking / 7/10 / Enjoys making everyone smile. So carefree that it's surprising how serious he gets when he sings.  Taehyun likes messing with Yumi and Yumi enjoys not falling for all his pranks. They are pretty chill with each other, but aren't at the best friend level. But they do have each other's back, no one else messes with Woo Yumi except V.

​— The Dancing TutorPark Jimin / 18 / Hallyu Academy 3rd Yr Student / Shy, Passionate, Caring, Hardworking / 8/10 / The two are really close and like bonding over their issues on having very loud best friends. Jimin is an amazing dancer and Yumi was more that grateful when he volunteered to help her out during the break with her dancing. Taking it slow and teaching her step by step. They could be mistaken for a couple at times, but they're just really comfortable with each other, much to Teahyuns disbelief.

​— The AdvisorKim Namjon 'Rap Monster' / 19 / Hallyu Academy 4th Yr Student / Passionate, Creative, Hardworking / 8/10 / A sibilings relationship, Namjoon is actually pretty close with her brothers. She not sure how, but she won't complain. Yumi is thankful for Namjoon taking his time out of his own work to help her decipher her own. She feels good knowing she has someone guiding her along the way of creativity.

​— The Ex-BestfriendPark JIhyo / 18 / Hallyu Academy 3rd Yr Student / Caring , Outgoing, Chatty / 4/10 / This girl here used to be the third member of the friendship between Wendy and Yumi. They met first year at the Academy and hit it off quickly. We're really good friends until she decided to side with the new girl instead of her in their second year. Since then their friendship has completely ended. They might meet eyes, but Jihyo is quick to look away. while Yumi just sighs and shakes her head. 

The WitchIm Nayeon / 18 / Hallyu Academy 3rd Yr Student / Sweet, Energetic, Manipulative, Mean / 1/10/ Being the good girl Yumi is, she made the mistake of allowing Nayeon to be part of their group. Nayeon quickly integrated and became friendly with most of the girls. Yuminwas fooled into thinking she was going to be a good friend, when really Nayeon was just using her to be the top at school. Nay eons plan worked and well Yumi is now in another group. They try to ignore each other as much as possible. Though Nayeon likes calling her out about how she walked out of the group. Yumi wishes to make her true nature come to light, so maybe then Nayeon can change.


what do you bring to the group? 

— Umm...a stable mind? I mean there are so many personalities in the group. And I'm surprisingly able to bring them together and under control. I do it some how, and I find it amazing.

Who would you say is your rival in the group? 

— No one really...i-its not because Im better! I just..I-I don't see myself as better than any of them. I don't really bring much to the group really.


— At school, it would be the roof top. It provides a nice view of the Academy capus and the neighborhood. Its quiet and a good place to think. Outside of school, its my neighborhood playgroud. Particularly at sunset almost night. There are no kids and im free to sit on the swings to think. 

when you are upset where can the girls find you?

— Definately the roof top or at home. I tend to walk away from what upsets me, so i can clear my head. Cuz if I think too much about it, I'll just start crying. I don't exactly like how I look when I cry.


— Rap & Vocals: I.O.I Choi Yoojung X X X 

— Dance: MissA Suzy X X X 


love interest   Min Yoongi 'Suga' member of BTS
back up love interest    Park Jimin member of BTS


— Appears cold and indifferent on the outside, while on the inside hes actually caring and silly. Very passionate about music and despite acting lazy he is actually rather smart. The only people that know his true self are his close friends and the few others he opens up to.
  Reserved and enjoys looking at his suroundings for inspiration. Focused and hardworking to keep up with the rest of his group, BTS. The group is participating in th Battles and is actually a favorite to win this year. Dedicated and creative in writting his raps and creating new and unique beats and melodies.
    Might come off as rude or mean, but thats just him being blunt and honest. Hes comfortable with you if he even bothers to answer or he just wants to be left alone so he ignores you. If really opened up or interested then his sweet and dorky side come out. Humble about his talents and abilities, but still eager to learn from s mistakes. 

First Meeting

— The two actually live in the same neighborhood. So it was pretty common to see one following the other home from the Academy. They just knew each other by face at first, but Yoongi would often go to her family apartment when younger. Why? Because he admired Yumi's brothers and hoped to be like them. He doesn't stop by the house any more since they moved out. Being good friends with some of his closest friends made their interaction go from following to actual greetings. Being a year older than her, Yoongi only saw her from a distance,  until she joined the advance rapping class.
— He also heard about the new group Ms.Lee put together and that Yumi was leader of. Thats when he probably began being interested in her. He figured , from seeing her in class and hearing from his friends, that Yumi would struggle a bit and he worried too. Looking for her with his eyes during passsing or lunch. He tried to help her in the most discrete ways possible, but nothing went unnoticed from his friends.
   Often stays back at school to work and practice just so he can leave the same time as Yumi. Walking slowly behind her to her apartment and leaving when she walked in. Both of their groupmates and friends noticed how he treated Yumi differently. He would offer to help and suggest ideas for her raps, lyrics, and melodies. When he doesn't even help them at times. Use his crush on Yumi to their advantage to and push him to confess. 

end game

— Yumi on the other hand, saw him as any other guy. Until the night at the park were he helped out with a rap she was strugling with.  Not only did he read her notebook but listened to the track and her idea for the intended concept of the track. He edited the rap she wrote and encouraged her to keep it up. He also offered to help her if she needed it, to just ask. Despite being competition, Yumi was glad to get some extra help to relay ideas.
— As they begin to spend time together, Yumi can't help to notice him more. The real Min Yoongi, the one who helped her during class. The one who acts cold to everyone else, but smiles and ruffles her hair. The one that walks her home and sits with her in their neighborhood playground swings late at night. Yoongi, the guy she cant wait to see at school or to reeceive a text from. 
— Shy to admit, but Yumi now understands what Mark is to Lauren. And must admit she too cant help but stare when he speaks. Her members enjoy teasing her about her crush and she tries to adorably deny it. But resigning to admit it, Yumi like Yoongi.
— The two will confess to each other either at the park or at the school rooftop. And begin dating almost immediaetly, to the joy of their friends and surprise of the school. 

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment So sorry, i forgot to subscrbe to the story. So I put this together as fast as I could. It should make sense, but feel free to ask if something doesn't. I tried myy best in a short amoutn of time. Well i actually had the application on my blog for a while, but i just filled it up yesterday and today. I grant you complete liberty to change some things to fit the story as long as you warn me before hand i dont want to be surprised when reading, if chosen of course. I'm interested to see where this story will go. Its an interesting concept . Once again sorry if its too wordy or confusing this is the quickest I wrote an app so it might not be the best.

scene requets

— The girls bonding by going out to hang out on a weekend 
— Having her brothers and some of their friends go all out cheering during a performance completely emberrasing her. 
--- If i have more i'll add them, but thats it for now.

password Twice. Just imagine the sweet girls suddenly acting mean. Kinda creepy but it would be interesting.



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