Time flies so fast!

Didn't realise i pass my 6th year mark. It feels as if it's only yesterday I had sign up my name for AFF after Winglin destroyed my creation!!

Anyway, it's harder for me to even read much here, let alone write. My stories are getting to long. Keep having to be in hiatus. Hopefully I could find a time in between stressful chromosome analysis and microarray and lab management to finish up what I've started. Yes yes, I'm a mad scientist! Muahahaha *evil laugh* and a childish one i suppose ^^

I've wrote a few of my fics here to completion but don't have the time yet to linger longer to post them. I promise I would try my best to settle them. Scout's honour. Although, come to think about it, I'm not a scout. LOL.

But still, I will try my best to finish it up. ^^ ASAP

Oh ya, annyeong to all who are new!

Welcome~  ^^

To the old, keep up your writing. :)


Peace out



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Happy 6th Anniversary, Uri!!!! Can't believe it' already 6 years gone by... somehow we still linger here in AFF.. XD Miss the time when we all were chatting together, spazzing about our bias and chat about anything and everything. Haihhhh... good old days...
Happy Anniversary!!! :D
Happy anniversary :)
Happy 6th Year!!^^
*huggles* Happy 6th birthday!!