
Sorry for rant here.I just kind of not in the good mood.

There's a friend of mine was lying to me.She said her boyfriend is from another city but still talking and met with him.(Yes,this is about a guy*sorry)But,the truth is, the guy is MY boyfriend & later on will be my ex.What the hell?Ok i don't care anymore about it.It just a guy.I deserve so much better than being with a cheater.(*Sorry this situation just make me frustrated)The worse is,this friend is close to me.What kind of friend she is?I can't believe it.I have been in 4 years relationship with him but he throw it just like that for her.He can't even fight for me.He just go like that!Idiot.


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WHAT THE ACTUAL FLIPPING PANCAKES THAT MOTHER DUCKER HOW COULD SHE TURN HER BACK AGAINST YOU LIKE THAT?! THAT GUY IS AN GRADE ATH-HOLE! JISOOS CHRIST. Girl you rant away! seriously you have every right. 4 years is a long time and he wants to throw that all away on top of that shes one of your best friends. wow. mind blown. You have my full on support darling! Just keep your head up, blast on some Ailee and make them regret for letting you go. If you wanna talk or anything I'm here for you bro. Srsly I know how you feel cos I wasted 3 years with a guy that I ain't ever gonna get back (long story) and the betrayal is real. Ofc it's about you rn so yeah hmu if you need anything *hugs*
Hul! Whaaat? What kind of friend is that?! I've experienced something like this one several occasions, so I totally understand. I can't believe friends like this exist. You can't even call them a friend. Be strong and eff them!
Girl you are awesome for staying strong and knowing that yeah, it's just a boy; an immature unsophisticated boy and obvious YOU are out of his league not him. You deserve so much better! Have fun being single, it's fun!!