政治  / 서은희

littlemisstrouble. Mai. 7/10. ©
full name  — 서은희 (seo eunhee)
eunice seo / her english name, courtesy of her parents

birthdate — january 1, 1999
korean + int'l age — 18 ; 17 (going on 18)

birthplace — seoul, south korea
hometown — seoul, south korea
ethnicity — korean
nationality — korean
korean / fluent; native tongue
english / fluent ; she's an heiress of a pretty big company. it'd be pretty weird if she can't even speak one of the most spoken languages in the world
mandarin&japanese / semi-fluent ; same reason as above
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face claim — lee luda
backups — lee jinsook
height & weight — 157 cm ; 40 kg
appearance — standing at a whopping 5 feet and 2 inches, seo eunhee is quite a petite girl. cute is a word that people often describe seo eunhee when they are asked. it is quite difficult to see her other than a little sister figure despite her more mature and elegant personality. the fact that she's part of the younger part of the year, and her small stature definitely doesn't help. she has a pretty face. anyone who has eyes can see that. she's also pale and is really thin, making her the perfect korean female. well, ignoring the fact that she isn't tall, that is. 

she dyed her hair a nice pastel pink one day because she wanted to have pink hair, and what eunhee wants, eunhee gets [literally ignore this if coloured hair isn't allowed lmao]. her hair is a nice short bob with some rather wispy fringe. it's often curled to perfection to prevent it from falling flat on her head. she almost always wears the so called "natural" makeup look even though she has perfect skin. how can she not? her granfather is the owner of a renowned cosmetics company.

style — eunhee is rich, and she isn't afraid to buy designer clothing and accessories for her wardrobe. and that's pretty much eunhee's whole closet. not one item in her closet is not designer. guess that's just her way of subtly showing off. seo eunhee's style can be described as girly, a bit preppy, but definitely fashion forward. she always seems to know the newest fashion trends, and is arguably a trendsetter in aejung prep. she does prefer following western trends instead of korean trends, so that's a thing.
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YOU WIN elegant, gentle, incisive, kind
independent OR fastidious
vunerable, aloof, extravagant, neurotic YOU DIE

eunhee's entire life has been planned out since the moment a certain pregnancy test came in positive. from her name, to who she was going to be friends with. her personality is no different. to her parents, eunhee was clay that they fashioned into this young lady we now see. and so here she is. the perfrect heir--- or is she really?
eunhee is the epitome of elegance. that is thanks to years of almost painful etiquette lessons as well as her mother's insistence of her being the perfect lady. if you look at eunhee's personality without any context, you would think that she's some sort of royal. she might as well be, since she is a one percenter. she's a gentle person--- quite to a fault. maybe it's all those years, of etiquette training, or maybe she's naturally kind and gentle. who knows? she doesn't know how to make strong decisions, or voice out any strong opinion. she rarely speaks out anyway, but when she does, her voice is laced with elegance and the gentleness that almost makes her unfit for this world. seo eunhee is kind--- a rare trait in this school, that's for sure. she's sensitive to what people feels, and often acts accordingly. she's so selfless, it's almost laughable. she's the type of girl to donate all the clothing she has already worn to a charity. of course, some students in aejung laugh about her kindness because it's so out of character for a person in the golden circle to be charitable of all things, but no one would dare to speak out against her. she's well respected by most people in aejung because of her status of the second richest in the school. she doesn't say anything about her wealth, but everyone knows thanks to her surname. not to mention, there's also a lot who respect her because of that same kindness. they admire her for her sheer authenticity, even if eunhee herself doesn't believe that she is any bit genuine. seo eunhee is an incisive girl. a genius, as some would describe her. she doesn't claim to be a genius, but she knows that she is smart, studious, and fastidious. she's often part of the top ten of her year, any less will warrant the disappointed gazes of her family, and honestly, she doesn't want any of those. so she studies, studies until her head spins with all the information she's learnt. she studies, till her fingers are full of papercuts from flipping through an infinite number of books. she studies till her body collapses cause she hasn't eaten nor slept in hours. she studies until her grades are perfect, just as her parents wants it to be.
those years of moulding to this perfect persona that will one day inherit her grandfather's company didn't fare well for eunhee herself. it ruined her. beneath that layer of grandiose is a damaged girl. diagnosed with clinical depression and panic disorder, life isn't all sunshines and rainbows for eunhee. life has scratched her raw until all was left is a vunerable little eunhee. she avoids certain circumstances because she knows what will trigger a panic attack in her damaged old heart, and she doesn't want to deal with that. quite honestly, who does? eunhee hates feeling vunerable, but she can't stop being weak because that's what she has become, and that's what she'll be until she pulls herself out of the ditch she has fallen into. when will that be, you ask? nobody knows. maybe even never.

eunhee's mental disorders has literally shaped her entire personality, much to her own distaste. she developed this personality that is aloof, disconected from every other human being in the world. it takes a lot of effort both from eunhee and a person trying to get through the shield eunhee has created for herself for eunhee to befriend anyone. it's not impossible, but it's definitely not easy, that's for sure. eunhee's anxiety has quite honestly made her just really a bit neurotic. sometimes, she obsessively checks everything, worries about literally everything, disinfects everything 10000 times a day, etc. at this point, eunhee wouldn't even be surprised if she's actually crazy because of these obsessive things she does.

of course, do remember, all these dark things about eunhee is hidden beneath a facade of happiness and mental stability. she's struggling through this show mostly in her lonesome, and what is one of coping mechanism? buying all the things! (lmao throwback to 2010 to that meme) she's quite the impulsive buyer. she sees something, she buys it. and not just that, she buys the most expensive things. it's really stupid, and eunhee is aware, but she can't stop, and she won't stop
seo eunhee was born 12:51 am of the first day of 1999. yes, she was a new year's baby-- whoop-dee-doo. was her birth something that calls for celebration? her grandfather definitely did. a female heir! he had said. and that what all she was. an heir. she wasn't even a lovechild. it was quite difficult to be one seeing as her parents was a product of an arraged marriage, a loveless union. but did that matter? seo eunhee, an heir to a multi-million company, has finally been born. and that's what all she was. just an heir, and nothing more.

what does an heir to one of asia's biggest cosmetics company do? trains. and that's what eunhee does, she trains. as soon as she stopped being a helpless blabbering babe, she was stuck into multiple kinds of lessons. her mother always said that a true lady is skilled in multiple fields, after all. ballet, early school tutoring, etiquette, business managing, you name it, and eunhee has probably learnt it at some point in her life. did she enjoy the learning process? hell no. but did she ever complain? never. she could never muster up enough courage to tell her parents, especially her mother that she couldn't take it anymore, so she endured it. she endured it even as her toes bled as she danced ballet. she endured it even as her head spun with all the information her tutor taught her. she endured it as she her arms were slapped because of her mistakes in etiquette training. she endured it as her mind wept because how the hell would a five year old know how to manage stock prices?!

but she endured it all. even as it was tearing her apart.

and eventually, it did. the pressure tore her to shreds. but nobody ever did notice. not even her parents. well, nobody except her sister, eunjin. seo eunjin, the bastard child of seo youngsik. but that never mattered to eunhee because even with a different mother, eunjin was always perfectly kind and genuine. and it was that kind of authenticity that eunhee needed at the time. eunjin always pulled eunhee out of the deep dark recesses of her mind. who needs parents anyway?

despite her problems eunhee still did well in school. after all, it is expected of her to do well in everything she does. it could also be attributed to her studying non-stop. her parents won't accept anything less than the best. eunhee doesn't like school, though it's not the studying part that she dislikes. she found soon enough that people were mere masks of their true selves. and the thing about eunhee is that she doesn't like to see people this fake. granted, she has a mask of her own,but in her head, it's much better for people to see an eunhee who is happy, helpful, and kind, instead of a depressed, anxious and suicidal eunhee. 

— half-sister, seo eunjin / 15 / smart, kind, humble / eight / eunjin is what eunhee aspires to be. kind, beautiful, but most of all, genuine. eunjin is basically the reason why eunhee is still alive. eunjin has pulled eunhee up from multiple suicide attempts. she somehow always knows the right things to say to pull eunhee out of her spiral of depression and to make her feel better. at least, until she falls into the same spiral again, and eunjin has to pull her out again and the cycle goes on. eunjin is eunhee's sister and closest friend. she's the only one who has totally broke through eunhee's impenetrable wall, and saw all of eunhee--- strenghts, weaknesses and all.

— mother, seo minhee / 45 / strict, extravagant, perfectionalist  / two / seo minhee might have been the reason for the development of eunhee's mental problems. she's the one who pushes unrealistic expectations on her daughters (yes, even the one who isn't actually her daughter and is the product of her husbands carelees ion) she wants absolute perfection with the seo sisters, and she would never settle for less.

— father, seo youngsik / 47 / cold, strict, uncaring / one / there is no relationship between seo eunsik and his first born daughter. he doesn't have time for it. the extent of his relationship with his daughters is paying for their bills and telling them to get good grades, otherwise he'll cut them off.

friends —

— she's "friends" with a lot of people, but those relationships are skin-deep. there's only a handful of people that broke through her shield

— literally just the inner circle

— friends, kyun jinye / 18 / bossy, intelligent,  / idk???? / kyun jinye views eunhee as a strange person. kyun jinye, unlike many idiots in aejung, she sees through seo eunhee's whole facade of happiness. she knows what's eunhee's going through, yet jinye doesn't know if she should do something. should she even do anything? can she even do something that will matter to the younger girl? eunhee is terrified. she knows that jinye sees through her. jinye is the first one ever to see through her. eunhee doesn't know if she should just open up to jinye and the rest of the inner circle, or if she should just keep up her mask.


— she's part of the golden circle, but she's only a part of it because of her wealth and her school standing. are they really her friends? fat chance.
 liquor (but only the expesive ones)
 the colour pink
 pastel colours

 potatoes and other potato foods
— big crowds of people
— meat
— neon colours

— germs/bacteria/dirt/mess etc

— it's not ladylike for a lady to have any sort of mannerisms, that's why she has no visible habits
— though that doesn't mean she doesn't have habits that only she knows
— she has this thing with washing her hands. she washes her hands so often, it makes her hands dry and raw (she's kinda a hypochondriac, oh look another disorder~ surprise, surprise)

— walking alone at night

— reading
— spending so much cash on designer
— driving her very expensive sports cars

sports  — gymnastics, but she stopped in middle school because her parents wanted her to focus more on her studies, but she could still do some sick flips and some contortionist

other facts 
— despite not being of legal drinking age, eunhee drinks alcohol frequently. it's kinda her coping mechanism with the happening in her life
— that said, eunhee has a high alcohol tolerance, and it's pretty much impossible for her to get drunk
— she's a vegetarian
wealth — 
being the granddaughter of the man forbes magazine listed as the second richest man in korea is certainly nothing to scoff at. if you hadn't gotten the memo yet, seo eunhee is from a very rich family. her great-grandfather founded the leading cosmetics company in korea. her grandfather currently owns it, but soon, her father will inherit it then pass on the mantle to eunhee herself.

eunhee lives in a really big house. actually, it really shouldn't even be called a house, it a goddamn mansion. it has it's own private swimming pool complete with epic waterslide and a jacuzzi, a golf course, an indoor private gym, and more rooms than eunhee bothers to count. their family owns six sports cars, two of which belongs to eunhee alone, and 8 other non-sports cars. her family owns a villa in busan, as well as jeju. they also own some private jets--- eunhee doesn't exactly know how many, all she knows is that she rides a different jet everytime she uses one. eunhee owns more designer clothes than she wears. she never wears the same thing twice. once she wears an outfit, the said outfit is either thrown away, stored away to god knows where, or donated to a charity.
school life — 
seo eunhee is a well known name in aejung prep. there's virtually nobody in aejung prep that doesn't know about the pink haired girl. there's so many things about the girl that would make her one of the most popular girl in school. she's arguably the wealthiest student in school, she's pretty, she's a top student, and she's really frickin cute! so yeah, she's really popular.

seo eunhee is a good student. she's often at the top of her classes. that's really thanks to the fact that she studies often, and she studies hard. her parents wouldn't settle for anything less, after all. she doesn't really like any specific subject and she does well at anything that can be studied with a book. 

i'm open to other applicants~!
like someone who will be her happy pill maybe~ 
also she's bi so---
comments — eunhee was supposed to be a happy character omg what have i done this is so sad---
questions — what's the meaning of life lmao
scene reqs — idk man, just like a lot of angst and petty fights maybe? also eunhee panic attacks in private. and her finally telling the inner circle what she's struggling with much encouragement from her sister
password — ye??! 


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hihihi, what triggers eunhee's panic attacks?
i'm currently writing ur review, would it be okay for me to use an advertisement of the cosmetic company as a trigger?