number two (thank you subscribers)

So I just wanted to have a little update and stuff. But I just want to say how much I appreciate people subscribing and commenting on my fanfiction, "lucifer." It means a lot to me, I'm greatful that there's people that subscribe to my story and even comment, saying to "please update" and that you guys like it. I also love it when you guys give your input and opinions on the story and characters. 

I mean seriously, I've always love writing as much as I love drawing, but the thing is, as I said, I'm not confident in my writing as I am with drawing (oh if you want to see my drawings here's a link ;] lolol So the fact that I'm getting feedback on my writing makes me feel inspired to actually continue with it since I've never gone this far with a story before. I just hope that you won't get bored with it, I really hope not. (TT^TT)

I'm thankful for each and everyone of you. 

That sounds cheesy, but whatever, I'm a cheesy person. 

But anyway, I'm going to start on chapter 9 tonight, and hopefully update tomorrow? And then get out chapter 10 the day after that chapter 11 which I'm making it VERY important because it's going to be in Key's POV (hopefully) and everything will be clear. Most of the answers will be answered as in, "Why is Key the he is today?" and "How did Key and Sun Hi actually got to know each other" (hopefully... again ahaha) 

Chapter 10 is important too, but it's pretty much chapter 9 cut in half. I realized that while I was writing chapter 9 it was too long. ahaha

Well... I hope that I can incorporate all of those in the next chapters... if not I'm sorry, but I'll try my best to stick to my original story plot alkjferghlsdkjsklghsljfskldjfdklsg ugh writing takes so much time and thought, but damn. It's HELLA fun! I've been in my own world because of this! ahaha

Anyway thank you guys. I love each and everyone of you (aha what a load of cheese.) <3


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