NAME: 강지설 ▹ kang jiseol
강아지: "PUPPY"  whenever jiseol gets tired, she tends to be a bit whiney and albeit cute and needy. during these times, jungkook uses this nickname. whilst also referring to adorable puppies, this is also a pun on jiseol's name. this is because "kangaji" means puppy, and if you were to add an "a" sound between "kang" and "ji" in her name, you'd get "kangaji". she doesn't show her puppy side often, but when she does, watch out, cos it can be quite cute.
DATE OF BIRTH: 여름  august 31, 1996
BIRTHPLACE: 영등포구  yeongdeungpo; seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN: 영등포구  yeongdeungpo; seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY: 한국인  korean
한국어: 99% FLUENT  having grown up her entire life in south korea, it's fair to say that jiseol is extremely fluent in her mother tongue. of course, there is the occasional word that she is unsure of, but that's nothing that google couldn't fix.
일본어: 62% FLUENT  jiseol's been learning japanese for a good portion of her life now. why japanese? well, her school found it necessary to teach this language as a mandatory subject due to japan being a large trading partner with south korea. there are always japanese tourists in korea, so it'd be extremely useful to be able to converse with them.
FACECLAIM오하영  oh hayoung, apink.
HEIGHT: 168cm
WEIGHT: 50kg
I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE STILL IN SCHOOL ▹ jiseol has generally been noted her entire life to look more mature than her age. this was a severe issue when she was younger, when as an elementary school student, she was usually mistaken as a middle school student and occasionally even a high school student! now, though, she is getting closer and closer to looking her actual age. this is the sort of appearance that has been noted to be an enviable one. whilst being regarded as older than her age when she was younger, jiseol has a face that is somewhat frozen in time. when she finally grows into her face, it will stay the same and she'll eventually end up looking youthful. similarly, her body is going through the same thing. creepy as it may sound, her figure was already noticeable since she was entering her middle school years, despite the standard straight up-and-down uniform that she wore. with soft curves and long, slim legs, jiseol was already developing a body to die for. dressing in clean and proper clothes also didn't help the perception of her being older than her years. jiseol's just always been mature in every aspect, i guess.
EVEN GODDESSES HAVE FLAWS ▹ okay, so obviously, jiseol is most definitely not perfect. she does indeed have a beautiful face, but one may argue that upon a closer glance, her features are somewhat awkward. others may agree, saying that though these features work together in harmony to make a face as beautiful as jiseol's, separately, these exact features may not be the best. her nose is slightly larger than the ideal one, and her lips oddly shaped with the inclusion of the edges being turned up at the end, giving the effect of one that is perpetually smiling even in times that happiness would be uncalled for. luckily, they do work nicely together on jiseol's face. she's pretty, 'nuff said, i guess. 
SERIOUSLY, WHAT'S WITH YOUR CLOTHES ▹ jiseol isn't one to dress in short skirts or tank tops/camisoles, which in female high school terms means that she does not dress "cutely". she may be considered a prude, with her opting for jeans over shorts, and shirts (with a cardigan depending on the weather) as opposed to displaying her shoulders, but she's happy with the way she dresses, so where's the problem? jiseol prefers to feel comfortable in her own skin over the preppy and stylish mainstream clothes that most girls are wearing nowadays. 
YOU SHOULD AT LEAST TRY TO LOOK COOL ▹ jiseol wears her uniform like others do around her. even she falls victim to the slight rolling up of the skirt to avoid the bottom of it hanging around her knees. her shirt is left untucked, and she can often be seen with a cardigan or vest. her hair is often left untied, or with a clip to keep her fring out of her face when its hot. jiseol wears high socks, as is the standard pair that the school decided on, and she polishes her shoes daily to give them an excellent shine.
WHEN DANCING, DRESS TO MOVE IN COMFORT ▹ as per her genre of dancing, jiseol dresses in a simple shirt and sweatpants. she doesn't style her hair in some exquisite looking way, nor does she wear any makeup. for that matter, jiseol never wears makeup. its just not something that she wants to delve herself into. she's never felt the need for it (but she can see why other girls may want to put makeup on), feeling comfortable in her own skin and not wanting to have to clean it all up later. 
POSITIVE patient loyal responsible amiable
acquiescent nagging NEUTRAL selfless meticulous
unexpressive detached moody overcritical NEGATIVE
A MUM'S BEST FRIEND AND IDEAL DAUGHTER-IN-LAW ▹ in essence, kang jiseol can do no wrong in any mother's eyes. after getting past the initial idea that she isn't actually in her twenties yet, mothers will usually proceed in musing at how she would be an excellent daughter in law in the future and that she should go out with their sons sometime in the hopes that they would hook up. she's patient and calm, with no bouts of anger. her unconscious philosophy is that she shouldn't get worked up over small trivial things. instead, she should always work past it and keep a stiff upper lip. jiseol's also extremely responsible, a trait that makes even old mothers want to use the heart emoji. she's always cleaning up after people, both literally and metaphorically. always fussing about, when eating out with friends, she stays behind at the end to help the workers pile up the dishes. it takes a lot of effort to pull her out of the restaurant before she goes along with said workers to wash and dry these dishes. jiseol's the voice of reason behind mihyun's desire to break into a zoo and release a monkey along han river, and she's the one who stops haeri from questioning out loud about what the meaning of ual terms are. jiseol's responsible and a carer, having a strong sense of justice and not liking when someone is being left out of a situation. on top of these things, she's also fiercly loyal... perhaps too much for her own good. once jiseol has decided that you are worth her time and effort, she'll stick by you till the day she dies. she'll put you before herself and never rats you out even if she deems what you did wrong. its just the way she is, and frankly, anybody would be grateful to have someone like this as a friend. speaking of friends, its actually much easier than you'd believe to become friends with jiseol. her mature looks ended up influencing her personality, and the perception of her being older stuck because people treated her as someone much older than her actual age. this made her the motherly, mature person she is today, but somewhere along these lines, there were people who assumed that she'd be difficult to befriend. the maturity radiating off of her just didn't seem like it'd be compatible with their own slightly immature persona. despite this, jiseol is actually quite amiable, and once you talk to her, she will just talk about anything with you. it always surprises people when they get genuine responses from her and words can just flow out easily on both ends.
SHE TAKES HER ROLE AS A MOTHER TOO SERIOUSLY ▹ once again, having been treated as older than her actual age her entire life (even by her own parents), jiseol was forced to grow up much more quickly than others. she just thought it was normal though, since she had no idea of how someone her age should actually be handled and talked to. as such, it was easy for her to don the motherly figure that people easily associate her with nowadays. she's just much more mature than others her age, but unforunately, there are times when this 'role' gets too out of hand. she's a large nagger, always telling her friends what they should be doing and what they shouldn't. its not so much that jiseol's bossy, but more that she wants them to do the right thing and not end up having to face consequences. she's just looking out for them, but maybe too much. she's not a risk taker, preferring safer, familiar routes to the more daring, out-there ones that mihyun and jungkook may take (though she tries to limit their daredevil sides as much as possible). despite this, she is indeed a selfless person, way too much than should be normal and acceptable. this is perhaps the only daring things that she'll do. she'll put her life on the line if it means protecting someone she loves and cares about, which i guess is more daring and risky than anything that jungkook or mihyun would do, once again reinforcing her mother role. just as a mother would sacrifice herself to safeguard her children, jiseol's one to make sure that her friends and family's health and safety comes first, her own coming last. despite this naggy-ness and selflessness, jiseol is extremely acquiescent, accepting what others ask of her without fail. she can just never say "no", no matter the consequences... which kinda contradicts the fact that she tells others around her to think things through to make sure they don't have to suffer any consequences, but i guess we're all human, right? our whole life is a contradiction. i mean, we're essentially put onto this earth to die! anyway, no matter what is asked of her, jiseol will take the task and complete it to the best of her abilities. her meticulousness is also worth mentioning. as someone who sees the smaller things in life rather than the bigger picture, jiseol isn't one to dream big. she's more focused on the path to get there and how every little thing could have an impact. she shows great attention to detail, being very careful and precise with everything, hence all her nagging, i guess.
SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO STOP AND SMELL THE FLOWERS ▹ jiseol's not a yeller. she's not one to take her anger out on others, but she does sulk a lot. hey, even mature people are allowed to act childish sometimes. her moody side means that despite all her responsibleness and patience, she is one to get caught in sulleness and have a gloomy mindset. she doesn't always think positively, heck, i'd even go as far as saying that she's extremely negative. jiseol's more focused on keeping people out of trouble, worrying about the consequences of others actions, that she's not able to properly have fun with anything. her overcritical nature means that she doesn't stop to sniff the sweet air surrounding her, but she always finds heaps and heaps of faults within herself. she criticises herself way too much, and has sever self-doubt plaguing her. jiseol just doesn't allow any compliments for herself, allows finding a reason for her not being good enough. she tends to get moody when her negativity catches up to her, but she still doesn't have anger outburts. instead, this moodiness displays itself in the form of detachment and unexpressiveness. how does this happen, you ask? well, in her bad moods, jiseol becomes detached from the world. she doesn't tell what she's feeling and is generally unexpressive. her facial expressions rarely give anything away, with her somehow developing a wall during her years of growing up that separates herself from the world. when she's in a foul state of mind, she may not even be able to uphold her motherly status. she's just a solidly coloured canvas that, whilst you can see no hint of what she is feeling, you know that there was a reason that she was painted this colour. that there was a reason for her low spirits that you can't seem to grasp because, well, she just won't let it show on her face or her body actions. she's just not easily able to express what her issues are and how she's feeling since she's so used to being the one that can be relied on, not the one to do the relying. in a nutshell, jiseol is that reliable motherly figure that plenty of adolescents and young adults dream of having as a friend to take care of them, but despite all her seemingly respectable maturity, just like every other kid her age, she's also succeptible to bad moods and negativity.
SHE'S NOT ALL THAT INTERESTING, REALLY ▹ thirteen years of friendship have to amount to something, right? you can't write about jiseol's background without mentioning jungkook, so since their past together is gone into more elaborate detail in the relationship section, this section that i'm writing in now will be quite empty in comparsion. its basically going to omit as much jungkook as possible to focus on jiseol, which'll make this section amount to nearly nothing. anyway, on to her background. it was the 31st of august in 1996, on the last summer night of the year that kang jiseol was born to a loving mother and caring father. she was born an only child and would stay that way for the rest of her life, despite the entrance of a new neighbour who grew so close to her that he could be regarded as her younger brother. this was jungkook. with both sets of parents working all the time to make ends meet, it was usually just jiseol and jungkook on their own. being the older one, and looking more mature than her age, jiseol's real age was sometimes disregarded or forgotten by the parents of both children and she began to babysit jungkook often, despite only being a year older. she was forced to mature earlier than she should've. granted, they did go on holidays here and there, but the cost of it was split between two families to lower the issues. this meant that they would stay in the same lodge and experience the same things. it was only in middle school when her parents were able to support the household with ease, having money to spare. it was then that they began to work less and spend more time as a family. jiseol understood that they had to make sacrifices, the biggest being letting their only daughter stay at home alone, growing up when they weren't able to be around so much. so, she wants to grow up quickly and be able to pay back everything they gave her. she wanted to be a daughter they were proud of.
JUST YOUR REGULAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ▹ there's nothing spectacular about jisel's way of living. she wakes up at 6am, gets ready for school and goes over to jungkook's house to wake him up. they then proceed in walking to school together, since its not too far, being an easy to enjoy 10 minute walk with nice scenery and relatively safe streets. when she was in her first year of high school and he in his last year of middle school (similar, when she was in middle school but he was still in elementary school), she would walk with him to her school and then go to her own. after school on tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays, she and jungkook walk home together. luckily, the days she works and the days he have club activites fall on the same days, so its easy to make arrangements that would include them making their own way to wherever they need to be. its these two other days that jiseol catches a bus to get to her part time job at bonchi cafe. following these committments, they go either go home or to wings dance studio. see, the thing is, the set days that they mutually decided on to go to wings dance studio are tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays, aka the days when they don't have anything else on, but after work on mondays and fridays, there is the occasional time when jiseol wants to go and dance for a bit.

 BEST FRIENDS / 송미현 & 김해리 / 18 
MIHYUN exciteable, dorky, energetic
naive, gullible, innocent HAERI
NO IDEA HOW WE BECAME FRIENDS, BUT WE'RE GLAD WE DID  though all three girls are on different ends of the confusing tangle of a web that we call personalities, they somehow managed to find each other on the first day of high school. now, entering their second year, they're as thick as thieves, relying on each other and sharing everything from secrets to food. both mihyun and haeri being not-so-responsible, jiseol has come to be the one taking care of them and fussing over them like a mother. she simultaneously stops mihyun from taking dangerous risks and explaining things like jokes over and over again for the pure minded haeri. the trio love and care for one another, having found each other thanks to a miracle. had they not been placed in the same class and given the same clean-up roster, they would be friends with people who don't completely understand them, essentially giving each of them an acquaintance level friendship. the three are joint by the hip and their friendship is irreplaceable.
BIRTHDAYS ▹ with jiseol's birthday falling on august 31, and jungkook's on september 2, they have a two day gap. it has become, in some way, a tradition for the pair (and their families) to celebrate their birthdays together on september 1, the day between both their birthdays.
FRIED CHICKEN ▹ chicken is jiseol's absolute favourite food, the fried range being the one she adores most. for the past year, she's been trying to cut down how much fried chicken she consumes because she's noticed that she has more acne breakouts the more she eats it because of all the oil. she has come to limiting the amount she eats to just once... or twice... or thrice a week
SCHOOL: 재료 고등학교 ▹ jaeryo high school
YEAR & CLASS: 2-3 ▹ 2nd year, class 3
PART TIME JOB(S): 본치카페: "BONCHI CAFE" ▹ sometime during first year, mihyun tells her that she has a cousin who recently opened up a cafe and needs some workers to help kickstart. jiseol agrees to help out for the three weeks that is being asked of her, with the thought that whilst she is helping out a friend, she could also be making money that can be put towards her future and the donation system that wings dance studio runs on. following this three week period, mihyun's cousin decides that it'd be great to keep jiseol as a part-timer and offers her the job. she accepts and becomes a worker at bonchi cafe. her shifts are from 4-6pm on monday and friday, and from 8am-3pm on saturdays.
DATE JOINED: february 26, 2012
IT WAS HIM ▹ it was because of jungkook that jiseol joined wings dance studio. (heck, it was because of him that she even began to dance in the first place!) he was really interested in dancing, and heard of wings dance studio through a friend. it didn't take too much to convince his parents to allow him to join. when jiseol spied jungkook walking out of his house late at night, she quickly yelled out to ask what he was doing at this time. he told her he was going off to dance. "with who?" was the next question. "no one" was the immediate reply. after some deliberation, jiseol told him to wait a few minutes. she didn't want him to be all alone this late at night so she quickly changed into clothes suitable for dancing, told her parents of her plans and rushed down to join him. that was only the beginning of her new passion for dancing.
CONTEMPORARY DANCE ▹ jiseol has found a passion within the contemporary dance performance genre. liking classical ballet and modern styles, contemporary was just it for her. she dances to just dance, not to be analysed as she is in every other aspect of her life. this is the genre where she is able to showcase her creative freedom. dancing in general is the only thing she can do to properly express her feelings. she's not the most competent with hip-hop dancing, which requires her to fully let go of the reigns that give her order and control in her life.
NAME: 전정국 ▹ jeon jungkook
TYPE: childhood friend turned love interest
POSITIVE energetic passionate confident affable
proud stubborn NEUTRAL blunt ostentatious
boastful dependent selfish impatient NEGATIVE
SHE'S JUST ALWAYS BEEN A PART OF HIS LIFE ▹ jeon jungkook's first memories would generally be of jiseol. the two have done everything together, and there's not much to be said about it. similar to her, he was born to loving and caring parents who had to work. so, he was placed in the care of this mature girl who was only a year old. of course, as any growing boy would, he experienced a change in his life. he was getting more hormonal and succeptible of ual fantasies of females, that he wanted to test the waters. upon entering high school, he was going to see if there were any girls who wanted to date him, but the reactions were much better than he expected! between him joining the basketball club and walking around campus with his gorgeous face, all the girls in the school began to flock around him. it was an age of new beginnings for him, but the most important and detrimental of all was that he was beginning to let all the attention get to his head and inflate his ego.
HE HAS SOMEONE HE CAN RELY ON ▹ there is nothing that really varies between jungkook's lifestyle and jiseol's lifestyle. rather than having an alarm clock, he's got jiseol to wake him up which usually occurs at about 7:30am, giving him enough time to get ready (which he does really quickly) and for them to walk to school by 8:15. he's part of the basketball club at school. why not the dancing club, you ask? well, because it doesn't exist and jungkook does indeed enjoy basketball. his club activities usually fall after school on mondays and fridays, which are coincidentally the same days that jiseol has work, so they make their own way home. the other three weekdays, they go together to wings dance studio. of course, there are times when jungkook goes by himself after his basketball activities, but the two of them do usually end up seeing each other there anyway.
HIP HOP DANCE ▹ this street dance style is what jungkook can excel the best in and the one he enjoys most. frankly speaking, though, he can pull off almost anything from ballet to modern to jazz- he's just extremely talented, but the one genre that he loves above all is hip-hop. from popping and locking to b-boying, he just lets go and dances his heart out to the upbeat music. jungkook has in himself a strong sense of music, which helps him feel the beat in dancing. he needs a strong beat to match his strong sense, and hip hop is the best for it.
IT STARTED WITH A RUBBER DUCKY ▹ it was in 2001 when the two first met. he was four, she was five. jungkook's family had just moved in to the neighbourhood and, surprise surprise, ended up next door to jiseol. but lets get on to their actual meeting. sometime during the winter, jungkook decided to venture off outside. he was doing some exploring, as any curious four year old would do. being winter, the air outside was cold. unfortunately, his parents had not known that he would be wondering off and so, they did not dress him appropriately. he was in a long sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts, since the heater inside the house was on. anyway, jungkook was giggling as he stumbled across the backyard. who knows how long he was out there, but it was just him and his little rubber ducky. eventually, the cold proved to be too much and he sneezed. only being able to handle so much at once, he simultaneously lost his balance and the ducky went flying. after wiping his snot on his sleeve, jungkook got up and looked around. where was his rubber ducky? alternating between wailing and sneezing, he was now crawling around, trying to find his beloved toy. his eyes were filled with tears, blurring his vision. after about fifteen minutes (which probably felt like an eternity to him), he curled into a ball and continued to cry.
NOT A DOLL, BUT A DUCKY ▹ it was at this point when jiseol had ventured off into her own garden, going to pick up the doll that she had left behind from a previous day. instead of finding said doll, what did she spy instead? a yellow rubber ducky with a blue bow tie. who did it belong to? how did it even appear here? there were many questions running through her mind, and it was only after contemplating one of them that she heard sobbing coming from the other side of the fence. gathering a couple of crates, she elevated herself so that she could look over the fence. it was a boy about her age curled up, rocking back and forth in the cold. "excuse me! does this belong to you?" she asked loudly enough to be heard over his loud sobbing. sure enough, the boy timidly raised his head and saw a rubber ducky being waved around in the hand of this slightly older girl. he nodded, all traces of crying gone. "just wait right there! i'll come over!" jiseol promised and then ran off towards the front of her house, along the footpath and out to the back of the boy's house. "here you go," she handed him the rubber ducky and he hugged her. boy was he cold. "come on. let's go inside," she quickly said and together, they waddled into his house. "my name's jiseol, by the way. what's your name?" "m-my name is jungkook."
FROM THEN, A BOY AND HIS NOONA ▹ jiseol and jungkook got along famously. they clicked instantly and it wasn't long before it became extremely difficult to separate the duo. because of this close friendship, the two families also began to grow closer. now, they were going on trips together and allowing their kids to have sleepovers at each other's houses. dinners were shared and both children celebrated birthdays together (since their birthdays were only two days apart). jiseol was also entrusted with the duty of walking to the local elementary school with jungkook. both being the only child of their respective families, they now had someone that they could treat as their sibling. of course, they had their fair share of petty arguments but they were inseparable, and it stayed this way for a good portion of their life. with jiseol always running around after jungkook to look after him (despite only being a year older), life was good... but things had to change.
ADOLESCENCE, A TIME OF CHANGE ▹ it was in jiseol's first year of high school and jungkook's final year of middle school that familial love started to shift into something else. granted, it was a few years prior to this that jiseol was beginning to feel awkward having sleepovers with jungkook and whatnot. i mean, she was going through puberty for goodness sake! but it was indeed her first year of school that she came to acknowledge and come to terms with the fact that she may like jungkook... not as a brother... but as a member of the opposite gender? with him still being completely oblivious to her changing expressions, jungkook still treated jiseol as the older sister that he never had. he never took any hints that she dropped and after a little while, jiseol realised that she may be close to crossing the line. after witnessing many of her friends have failed relationships, she decided that she did not want to ruin her own close almost-familial relationship with jungkook. for this reason, she painfully learnt to hide her emotions and continue treating jungkook as she used to. she was becoming more aware of the fact that he was a boy and wasn't related to her every second of the day, but with fear of ruining their relationship, she managed to hide her feelings. she decided that she would support jungkook in any way and if him being with another girl would make him happy, then that happiness would make her happy. 
CLUELESS AND HORMONAL ▹ as a boy going through his own stages of adolescence, it was only natural for jungkook to be immensely nterested in females. he figured that the way to appease his hormones was to date around... which is exactly what he plans to do upon entering high school this year. he's ready to enter high school and become a new person, which luckily still meant going to the same school as jiseol. though he hates to admit it, as much as he wants to make a name for himself within the school as someone who is full of charms and independent, he wants a motherly figure around to look after him in the background. this would be jiseol. he's also recently discovered that he likes when the attention is on him. so, with so many girls surrounding him and he himself being blessed with really good looks, its only inevitable that he'll date around, right? but what's that nagging feeling in his body that he gets when he sees his beloved jiseol noona talking to other boys in her class. it couldn't be love. that's right... it was probably just him getting annoyed that she wasn't looking at him like every other girl... right?
YOU'RE NOT MY MUM, YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND ▹ things happen and eventually jiseol and jungkook date. this isn't without their own fair share of bumps, though, with neither initially being able to decide if what they're feeling towards each other is romantic or filial. blah blah blah, this happens and that happens, but they'll have a happy ending. 


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