Anyone know German?

Hey! Thanks for reading this! So in high school to get credits you have to have take 2 years of a language but in all honesty, my school isn't that serious about learning the language......anyway I'm taking German and I've learnt some, and yeah it's still the basics.

Like we're taught from a textbook and we're only maybe 3/4 in on the first book, and I've technically had one year of it and it's going to take the whole year to finish it. And I'm not going to lie, I'm terrible at listening comprehension but if you give me sentences, like super uber simple sentence(I'm worse than a kindergartner, like not even kidding, I wouldn't survive a day in Germany)

Anyway, although I probably won't continue to take German classes(um not that the school could offer any, and I at all grammar, first language or not)BUT I am still interested in learning the language, at least being able to read and to my best ability, write/type in German. And I know AFF is really multicultural here and I was wondering if anyone knew German and would be interested in "teaching"? Or conversing over German? Like send me German sentences to translate or just give me tips in general, but still converse in English so I'd know what's going on. So kind of like a pen pal over German and English?

Sorry if that's confusing and thanks for listening to me! Also I'd really appreciate the help!:)


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Learn the vocabs and with which article they go with (der, die, das) It's hard to learn for foreigners (it depends if a noun is male, female or an it. Der is for male, die for female, das for it).
Also, German has a lot more punctuation than the English and that we have "dass" with two "ss" which we sometimes after some of the comas xD
Grammar in German is a lot harder than English but the German language is the language of poets^^ if you can use it well, it will sound beautiful^^