HAUNTED / 홍지환 (wip - basics, personality outline, interview added)

cosmos_ • claire turn in

hong jihwan

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnamehong jihwan

the yearbook ghost. jihwan usually doesn't make himself seen, but he has a bad habit of leaving the class of 1991 yearbook out at the library where it's kept (much to the chagrin of the library aide.)

date of birth june 1st, 1973
date of death + age august 19th, 1990 + 17
BIRTHPLACE seoul, south korea
hometown seoul, south korea
ethnicity korean

face claim jeon wonwoo.

— his hair is short and neat - his bangs are a bit messy, but even then, they're too short to get into his eyes. his eyebrows are thick and usually knit together, like he's trying to figure out how to say what he means, and his lips are red from him biting them so much. he's also quite pale, and always has been; he never liked spending time outside that much. (the whole "being dead" thing hasn't helped much there.)


— jihwan died right after his shift at his nearby library, on a sunny august sunday. he wears the short-sleeved white shirt, beige sweater-vest, slightly baggy blue jeans and black trainers that the old woman there had deemed "acceptable". his glasses are folded in the "v" of his sweater, though one of the lenses is missing and the other is cracked.



— (basically: he's a teenage boy in love. a little bit rough around the edges, a little bit over-sensitive, but mostly, just quiet. forever hating himself for hurting his friends by doing something so stupid as dying. better with written word than spoken word. extremely insecure, but also not one to talk about his feelings, for fear of being a burden, or worse. now that he's dead, he's withdrawn even more; even the other ghosts don't often hear him speak, and he very rarely lets himself be seen by humans. i'll expand on this soon, but that's the basics.)


— here.


— here


— here


— here
— here
— here


— jang jungho, park eunyoung, lee minah, hong junghwan. 


why do you haunt geumjanhwa high school?

— "the library," he replies. "the yearbook...is in there. is the reason why." he lifts one of his shoulders and lets it drop. he doesn't have anything else to say.


— "...i don't wanna freak out my mom, and eunyoung and jungho don't live where they used to, so mostly, it's just school." he thinks for a second, absently fumbling with his glasses. "um, the other library. the one that's not in school...since their books come in faster."

when you were still alive, what did you want to do after high school?

— he bites his lip and closes his eyes: "get a degree in something that'll get me a job, get my military service done with, then get a job, and then get married." he smiles as he opens them. "that's what my father wanted...for me, i mean. it's what he wanted for himself too. i just wanted to write novels."

if you ever pass on, where do you think you're going to go?

— "my mother was buddhist, so i was raised on those beliefs. i think i'm going to re...reincarnate." he bites his lip nervously, inwardly beating himself up for stuttering his words. "i mean, i'd like another chance at life, i guess."

what's one thing you wish you could've done while you were alive?

tell eunyoung and jungho, he doesn't say. instead, he just one-shoulder shrugs. "graduating...would've been nice. we practiced so much for the ceremony, but...i never got to actually do it."



last comment hello

scene requets

— i can't make any promises, but i can do my best.

password like i said...read the cheatsheet



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