I'm not giving up this soon

Ok, I don't know if anyone gives a around here, but if there IS someone who's actually reading my banglo fic Sometimes They Come Back (just so you know, I love you *wink, wink*), I have to apologize. I'm NOT abandoning this fic, no way. I know what comes next, it's just that I can't find the time to write (I'm writing this blog post while on the bus, I'm starting to feel sort of sick). I just started my second year of uni, and it's pretty hectic, I come home phisically and mentally too tired to write. But as soon as I find a little time for myself, I swear I'll write. I already have chapter 7 ready, but I can't publish it unless I have at least a rough chapter 8, sorry. all of this to say: I'm not giving up on my first fanfiction, I'm just taking a little too long to update. Peace!


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