(Another) Hiatus Announcement...


I don't know if anyone has noticed I was gone, but it's been a really long time since I've last logged in, almost two entire weeks! That might not seem like much for a few of you, but I was someone who used to log in daily, so for me it's very strange...

But unfortunately, the reason I'm writing this blog post is not to announce I'm back; I'm writing this to tell my friends that I'm going to spend even more time away. I was already very busy the last few months, and that was already making it very difficult for me to write for the site and answer everone's messages, but now I'm also having to deal with some health issues (if you've read some of my previous blogs, you might know what this is about), and it's all been too overwhelming to me. I'm feeling very stressed out, and I need a break; and since I can't stop working, or studying, I'll have to take a break with fanfic writing...

Honestly, it's a bit upsetting to make that decision, especially since writing usually makes me feel happy and acomplished, but recently that has not been the case; I haven't been able to write a single word, and worrying about a posting schedule, and the fact that I'm making my readers wait, is only stressing me out more, and that's not good.

So I've decided to take a short vacation. I don't want to be away for too long, just enough for all the stressful times to pass, which to me, means November (October is filled with doctors' appointments, so I know for sure I won't be able to write, but I'm hopeful I'll be feeling better by November...). I think I'll return the first or second week of November, and I'll try to go back to my usual routine ^^

I'm very sorry to everone whose messages I'm leaving unaswered (Things have pilled up in my inbox, and through comment replies also...), I promise I'll answer you first when I come back!

And that's it for now guys. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not dead, I'm just taking a break (I feel that it's not fair when people online just suddenly dissapear without a warning, so I really wanted to make this post).

I'll see you all in november!

'till then,




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I wish you the very best health, unnie! I'm so sad to hear it's troubling you again because I know you love writing and it's so hard to write when you're sick or stressed out. Take great care of your health first and maybe just stick to imagining stories in your head and sometimes scribbling down notes.
Much much love from your panda <3