I'm sorry

hye babe, im sorry not update for my story..  I don't know what happen for myself...  I just start my new sem actually recently..  I try to be more positive this year.. But too much happen to me.. My friend start avoid me suddenly.. My last result bad.. My mom blame me for my careless act...  I really depress actually..  They talk behind me... They talk nicely to me when they want to use me.. I feel like i have been use.. I dont know what to do.. I feel like .. I just need some courage not make me lost confidence.. And i have mental breakdown...

I'm really sorry for everyone... 

I will come back when i get my laptop charger soon.. 

I hope you will stay with me...

Lot of love sana93


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I feel bad for you I personally have a lot of friends and the idea of having anyone of them to ignore or use me .. I just want to tell you that they are not your real friends real friends wont ever do that.. and believe me you'll find that one person who will stick around like a glue just be patient //hugs//

Mothers are all the same and you'll always be her little girl no matter what - i mean i have a little girl and my mom still treat me like i was 5 //sigh// but its okay cause they do it out of love, mothers want the best for their kids so listen to her and dont think negative cause mothers know best XD

Use writing as a distraction from bad thoughts and negative energy it will help believe me !

Fighting ♡♡♡
Stay strong and be positive, your friends is not your bestfriends if they do that. They are not worth your time. Maybe God had made something for you, just don't ever lose hope :D
Stay calm and don't think your Mom blame you but choose other words, and tell yourself she nag you because she want the best for you. It's just sometimes our parents showing it with asdfghjkl words so we got missunderstand, while what they want is for us their children to be someone who can standing up by ourself when they no longer there for us. :)