✖ DO OR DIE — Hyun Sihyang




stronghold : canta : 7



→ Seoul Rocker ⋮ pun from 'soul rocker', since his first few gigs were located in Seoul.

BIRTHDATE:  09/09/93
BIRTHPLACE:  seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN:   seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY:   korean
NATIONALITY:   south korean


→ korean ⋮ spoken with standard dialect.
→ english ⋮ can hold simple conversations or reading short paragraphs (meaning that he can sing lyrics with no problem), but may found full-length books, notes, stories, etc. hard to read (he's been struggling when it comes to song covers, but long gigs had made it much easier to adjust with).

FACE-CLAIM: knk jihun
BACK UP: exo chen
WEIGHT, HEIGHT: 180 cm + 62 kg

APPEARANCE & STYLE: A lot of times Sihyang doesn't really look out too much on his appearance; it's always a variety of neutral-colored t-shirts, labels ripped off or cut with scissors (he thinks brands are ridiculous, but then again most of his stuff had the price of a flea market goods). He isn't exactly looking for big names on his goods, so it's much less surprising to see him frequently using tees from overseas gifts from some relatives or friends rather than something cool or edgy. But not only that, he does have a good dose of plaids and modeled buttoned shirts in his wardrobe; the color is always a variety, but as of now, he preferred something darker. He does have silver or gold-esque necklaces/earrings/rings to accentuate the lack of color in clothes. His hair is cut slightly below the eyebrows, but there isn't anything much after that. It's naturally straight. Has one stud earring on each ear.





pos : organized, self-critical, attentive, calm
neu : independent, ambitious
neg : private, indifferent, intimidating, cynical


"The Eye of Typhoon"

he good leader isn't the loud ones, but those who knows the members : sihyang's always seen as one of the more 'cool' contestants of 'do or die', being quiet, almost always adapt and relaxed. but truthfully, he's just in-tune with his own nature; the little details, the small gestures, the interactions; none of them were lost in his eyes. and when faced with other contestants (especially in groups), he's the one to ensure that everything about their concerns and needs are listened, prioritized, and understood. and he always tries to motivate them as much as he could. his attentiveness comes with him being organized; settling priorities, utilizing people (again, especially when in group challenges) to their full potential, and with that, he has to bear through everything. he's calm and collected, being able to strike through bad rumors and had people talking behind his backs; and he's much more determined to prove people wrong about it. and he never takes failure as a slumping card; everything is delivered in high-quality regardless of his mood, and while he doesn't like all the challenges the judges gave to him, he knows it will be his stepping stone to reach better things. every criticism gets him to up himself better than before; and he's going to reach it, no matter what. part of his personality gains tract with others, good or bad.

difference with the others is everything but being different itself : sihyang's big goal was a debut. that's it. his passion in music is thoroughly notable and his desire to make his own thing is always there since he penned some of his own solos before entering 'do or die'. his talent is known and while he may not even make it, he wants to provide the best chances of being known. he's prepared, yet at times, his ambition tends to drive people away (or worse, turns it into somewhat a competition with particularly plucky contestants). his independence means he needs no heed to others and can perfectly take care of himself in relative seclusion; he doesn't come off as very attention-seeking, but those who are used with softer sunshines are more off-put with his personality.

sometimes, it's hard to get rid of bad habits : a past upbringing of harsh failures and rejections never sits well; he doesn't reinforce the stereotype. always crushing the prejudice, he was highly sought (if not respected due to his young age). but being barely 23 while being forced to suddenly mature, he's still younger than he looks and acts. in attempts to do so at the time he's not going to be taken seriously, harsh, straight-up crushing rejections and pain has left him in a sour view of the world. and when he's not careful with being untalkative, slipping up would cause disasters with the k-netz. and while he always attempts to do take care of people he's supposed to, most of the time, if he doesn't held them favorably (or had done something effectively making them worth it), he doesn't hesitate to cut them off when they had went straight too far. the indifference had people calling him 'heartless', but he could only do so much before the most logical thing to do had to be done (aka elimination). and sometimes, being too private gave out the false assumptions that he meant evil and manipulation and harm—he doesn't. he tends to keep himself guarded when coming with the tricky idol industry; when he doesn't become careful enough, what past he desires to keep personal and close to his heart would be blown out of the water, potentially destroying his family, friend, and he himself.


Pretty much half of Sihyang's life is spent as normal as it goes; his father is a pediatric oncologist and his mother an environmentalist, and he had a younger brother of two years by the name Hyun Sihwan. While both are on high-profile jobs, they always wanted their children to be happy and always work hard with their passions. While both brothers loved music as their passion, Sihyang has always been more of a rocker; and since he doesn't like interactions, has preferred to work on the background scene as a producer/songwriter/composer. But Sihwan was more of a dancer; performing was his blood and he was already driven to become an idol. But while both of them tend to disagree on those things, they do point out that working in showbiz industry is what they'd wanted, and they do love music and dancing.

As they grew older, Sihyang did, at some point, came through with training at YG Entertainment for a while, but quit just under one year (2009-2010) after he felt it was too stressful (cited as 'personal reasons') to bear with, team dynamics with other trainees that came out as too unfriendly, and stage fear. He gave up and personally choose to be the lead singer of a rock band, RAQUE, as he almost graduated highschool. Meanwhile, Sihwan had stayed in SM Entertainment as a trainee and was rumoured to be in the lineup of SMRookies (NCT), at least until 2011.

In July 2011, both brothers were driving under the rainy season, and in the middle of the night, when a senior friend of theirs was driving, a drunk driver crashed into both of them, nearly killing Sihyang and injuring Sihwan severely while the friend couldn't make it out. Oddly enough, while Sihyang had to spend two months in the hospital due to severe injuries in legs, arms, ribs, and skull, it was Sihwan, who had been at the backseat without a seatbelt, became blind as the eye nerves on his brain were damaged when he got knocked out.

After that, Sihyang's emotional damage caused him to take care more of Sihwan and more protective of him. The younger brother worked hard to get through his disabilities, and when he heard of a school for the blind in United States, he worked hard to take the scholarship. When he earned it, he departed South Korea to Perkins School for the Blind in United States. Before he left, however, 18-year-old Sihyang would always remember what he'd said; "Don't give up on music."

Sihyang slowly felt like he loosened up afterwards, indulging in music more and more just as he entered college with music major. There, although he departed with RAQUE in 2012 due to busy schedules, he started out freelancing vocal training several trainees. He already found that his best instrument is his own vocals, although he'd wished to be more of a producer someday.

In 2016, he heard of the 'Do or Die' auditions, and although at first he wasn't interested in it, he received a phone call from Sihwan.

"Hey, so you heard about that 'Do or Die' audition?"

"Yeah, I know." 

"...would you mind auditioning for it?"

Sihyang finally entered as a contestant when he wanted to fulfill his younger brother's unreached dreams; it was one of his wishes and former dreams. Sihyang just never knew he'd still want them, and being in the place would be to honor his brother, debuting or not.





SISTAR While he wasn't too fond of the idol world, he couldn't help but be a big fan of SISTAR. Once someone starts playing one of their songs, he would just impulsively dances in the middle of the streets without a care. Marrying Bora is totally his dreams yaknow

Genre Yes : Rock, EDM, Hip-hop, Pop. No : Ballads. Korean ballads, especially. Most of his song really involved more rock due to his origins, really.

Producing/composing/etc. While he has released some of them in Soundcloud (ID : sicrazy94) and some of the band's songs are credited as his composition, prior to 'Do or Die', many of them weren't shown as his account was deleted and RAQUE's first and final album, 'Uprise', was never released.

Company Although he was affiliated with YG when he was young, he's been a freelancing coach afterwards and has trained several soloists and groups. The most notable ones are Shannon Williams and Rose of Blackpink.

Pre-planned dreams If he had became a successful producer in the future, he would want to go overseas and possibly, meeting new culture and discovering new things. Right now, his only desire to win is due to his brother, not due to last chances or anything similarly close to that, although a slight coverage would be very nice. 

Motto "Go for your dreams. Go all in." "If you sing for someone, or something, regardless of what purpose it is, that's much better than those who didn't really sing for a purpose."

Other passions Most of the time, Sihyang's always out for some kind of adrenaline-inducer and would not hesitate in participating in several extreme sports such as rock climbing, water ski, roller coasters, etc. except when it involves cars. To this day, he still fears crossing roads or driving cars in South Korea, especially in the night. Which truly makes him really hate people like Kangin of SUJU.

Dance While not close to even be skilled, he has most of the basic footing covered (since Sihwan was a former dancer, after all). It's just that it's probably much more clunky than most idols out there.

Trainee affiliations was rumoured to debut in YG, but dropped out due to difficulties in finding dynamics and all-round stressful schedules. He named Kim Jinwoo as a (former) good friend from the company — they broke apart after Sihyang never really bothered to contact anyone from there either. When he was coaching Rose Park for G-Dragon's new release, their relationship was described as 'tense' at best. Was also close with 2ne1 Minzy.

Future If he wasn't chosen, he had three choices : 1) If he still didn't find his heart at the spotlight, he'd continue as a vocal coach until he was ready to find a company that would debut him, 2) If he found something good performing, he'll sign up to any agency that will recruit him at immediate if he's not chosen, 3) If he is chosen, he'd probably continue promoting with the group until he was able to showcase more of his talents. He's choosing to reside with Music Works had he not been in the group to help out with their new group and preparing as a soloist with his close friend.

Persona If MNET's evil editing works, then he'd probably be the quiet trainee who had less-than-desirable personality who's a total hassle to s. Reality speaks pretty differently, although his relationship with other trainees wouldn't be too close, his personality was just coming off really strong. 

MBTI ENTJ. If exhausted, can have (Te-Se) loops that had him going overdrive and it definitely has happened several times. If he's doing crash-test-burn, he's not going to perform really well. He had a Fi grip after the accident, although he soon got over it once his brother moved out. 

Idol Friends He wasn't exactly too close with debuting trainees that he had helped before, although he would occasionally congratulate them in his instagram (@crazyhyung94). Was recently in a rumoured relationship with ex-2ne1's Minzy as she departed, although it was denied by both him and her as being good friends.

Romanticism doesn't truly believe in sappy romances and has three relationships before coming through this one out. First one, a former YG trainee turned indie, broke up in 2011 after the accident left him in ruins (although he reconciled with her and stayed as her friend). (~2 years)
The second one, a slightly older manager from MBK Entertainment turned senior manager, was due to differing goals (it was not loveless; but they both didn't prioritize their relationship) and the breakup was really just both going back to friends again (2014). (~8 months)
The last one was almost like a poor girl-rich guy relationship; he dated a back-up dancer from YG and while she was extremely helpful and selfless, doesn't want to hear his opinions on what she could've done to get some help recovering debt (the pay from YG wasn't sufficient, so teach at a dance academy that appreciates, get money, and then help later at YG). After struggling so much, they both fought and broke up, breaking off the relationship completely. She still works at YG while he tries to avoid her as much as possible.
Qualities he looked after in a girl : Mature, competent, realistic, determined. The rest of the personality doesn't matter too much for him, really. Age doesn't matter (except if it was one decade or something). This is what he stated : "I saw a girl, I want to make her my queen. That's love for me." 





⟪ Please introduce yourself. ⟫ 

"Hello, I'm Hyun Sihyang." Sihyang rubbed his thumb before looking at the camera with a subtle smirk.

⟪ How did you find out about Do or Die? ⟫ 

Sihyang paused for a while, contemplating on revealing the true answer and hoping none of the 'why' appeared. "Some companies that I helped had their pamphlets out about 'Do or Die'."


⟪ Why do you want to be an idol? Are you prepared for everything it entails? ⟫ 

"Think of it as a second chance," Sihyang said, this time not completely looking at the camera.
This isn't my second chance. 

"I made a mistake on quitting years ago when I got too tired." 
No, it was the best choice when I never had the passion.
"I want to work on my,"
"dream again." let him 'see' me again is my dream.
"I'm ready to improve and be better." 

My only mistake was never being there for him. 

Do you have any prior experience in the entertainment industry? ⟫ 

"Was a former YG trainee before this," Sihyang said, looking straight at the interviewer this time. "it didn't end too well, but as of now I am a vocal coach." he shrugged, sitting back at the chair.

⟪ Where do you feel you're strong, and where do you feel you're lacking? ⟫ 

"Strong : Rock song. Strong as diamond personality, being hard as rock." Sihyang started laughing. "Okay, weak : Cannot eat rocks, can throw rocks at the wrong destinations." Interviewer looked at him confused.

"Nah, you'll see what I mean later."

[a/n : What he means here is that he has a strong personality (rock -> diamond) willing to be polished to do better. 'Can throw rocks at wrong destinations' means he's not very sensitive although he tries his best to comfort people by listening. He also cannot eat rocks, but that's another thing.]

⟪ Why should we choose you for Do or Die? ⟫ 

"Isn't the point of being an idol isn't about talent, but who wants to improve the most? I'm pretty sure most of the judges thought of it this way, and who else had the work ethic? And I'm also conveniently good-looking, so." Sihyang grinned.

"I had the guts, experience, and purpose today. I know what I'm doing." Sihyang winked at the camera.

main talent




STRENGTHS: Although most people liked to praise his high notes, he comes down to using most of his lower register to avoid strains and tension. He can reach more difficult passages (although this time, with more problems) and prefers to avoid mistakes. The key always comes to the discipline he has and work ethic he uses; not only being a vocal coach helps him in improving other people's voices, but he also had improved himself when he heard feedbacks from other, much older coaches/seniors. That also helps him improving in dancing, although it wasn't his passion in the first place.

WEAKNESSES: He seriously has a lot to reach for from the start, and while he isn't achieving for perfection, he strives for quality, which tends to overwhelm others (which is why he said 'team dynamic' as problems under reasons he quit YG). When he gets completely competitive, however, he can occasionally shuts people out and forgets to re-check things before. He's definitely a changed man from what he was in 2009, but the reason he got out of YG, was that it was never his stuff to begin with. Now, debuting with 'Do or Die' might not be his passion, but he would need to be careful enough not to suffer the same burnout.

April 2009 - January 2010 : Trained under YG Ent. for a few months. Quit as he stated 'personal reasons', although it could be summed up as 'too tiring' and 'cannot work well with others'. Was mentioned by Minzy at 2NE1's 'To Anyone' album 'Thanks To'.

2009 - 2012 : Joined band 'RAQUE' as the lead singer. Departed due to busy schedules with college. Released several tracks that credited him as songwriter and composer, although it's not known where they are now. 

March? April? 2012 - present : Freelance vocal coach for small and large companies alike. Some companies he had helped; YG, MBK, Woollim, WM, A-Cube, etc. 


DANCING TWIN: also Kim Jongdae, post-Overdose era (start at 0:52)



ANY LAST COMMENTS: Basically most of the strength part came from Kpop Vocal Analysis. Also, Sihyang tasted like a darker spin to two of my previous characters, but yea. This is waayy sloppier than I thought. Anyways I thought Jihun in the first four gifs looked like Tao + Chen?

SCENE REQUESTS: At the final scene (eliminated/not eliminated), when there's a group performance with audiences, amongst those who watched, one of them was Sihwan. The show arranged a surprise for Sihyang as both of them were reunited after five years not seeing each other. Sihyang was crying for the first time in five years too.

PASSWORD: I don't see it :)



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