Gay guys

I've been wanting to have a gay boyfriend even for once in my whole life since highschool. Like for real. But then we all know how impossible it is. I don't want a bi. I want a gay guy.


I want to be her first girl in her life. I want to be her test subject if he wants to experiment. I want to be his first heartbreak. I want to be his first true girl love.



Am i the only one who wish like this? 




Will thsi remain as onky a dream? Or will it come true in the future eventually?



Well, I guess I have to make myself beautiful because we know how high gay standards are when it comes to girls beauty. (One of the reason why it will only stay as a dream is because I am not beautiful enough to attract gay guys)



This is so random. Actually I want to create a story based on this one. 


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Minini #2
Then you are most definitely looking for a bi, since a gay boy would not be attracted to you even if you are the prettiest girl in the world, and if he's attracted to a girl he's either straight or bi (or pan). Even then, it seems like you are sort of izing a ual orientation. Not nice. You shouldn't want a SO based on race/ual orientation/whatever, or at least, you shouldn't aim for it.
" I want to be his first true girl love."
"Well, I guess I have to make myself beautiful because we know how high gay standards are when it comes to girls beauty."

I'm sorry but are you stupid? Gay guys have zero standards to girls' beauty because .. guess what? They're not ually attracted to women.
I hope you never find any LGBTQ+ person because you treat gay men like they're entertainment. You want to be his first heartbreak? Well, guess what, you're not going to be.

You don't even deserve a bi.
I didn't understand your post

are you asking for a gay bff?