lee soojin 
( Apple-piggy /ele / 8/10 / イッカク )
the basics
( full name ) : Lee soojin
( nicknames ) :
jin - the only nickname she could tolerate people calling her. Her classmates and acquaintances started calling her this when she began telling people not to call her 'soo-ah' anymore. soojin secretly feels this is a cool nickname, suiting her as the nickname portrays her 'badass-ness'.
soo-ah - only people who has known her since young calls her this (eg parents, childhood friends, chaerin). She  had a hard time hearing her parents use this nickname after chaerin's disappearance but doesn't mention anything about it anyway, letting only them call her that at that time. now that her family is gone, she refuses to be called this by anyone, not even by her fellow runaways.
( gender ) :  female
( dob / age ) : 31 • October (18) 
( birthplace ) : seoul, south korea
( hometown ) : hongkei, south korea
( ethnicity ) : Korean
( languages ) :
korean - it's her mother tongue, of course she's fluent at it.
japanese - she is able to read and write katakana, hiragana and kanji, but she in pronounciation though. she personally likes the language and puts effort to learn it. she rather practice the language by reading books instead of talking to others in the language.
( height ) : 169cm
( weight ) : 50kg
( appearance ) : soojin rarely spends her time on her appearance, often going out without make up, appearing and being called 'plain' by others. in truth, she is however very hard to miss in the crowd due to the confident way she carries herself. soojin usually march on with her chin up, chest out and shoulders pushed to the back. with her tall and lean physique, she oozes off superiority, intimidating people everywhere she goes. she constantly has a scowl on her face, if not, then she'll have a poker-face on her. either way, the look on her face says it all that she doesn't want anyone to approach her at all..
the face
( fc ) : ioi doyeon
( backup fc ) : ioi pinky
( style ) : Black. that's the best way to describe how soojin dresses because 80% of her closet is black. she prefers wearing darker colour. Baggy sweats, lounge shorts, loose fitting tees and tanks, she's more of the simple and comfortable type of girl. Her clothes doesn't have much design besides maybe some  witty or sassy quote. she rarely wears any dresses, claiming they are far too uncomfortable to be in.
( extra? ) : her hair is usually let down, if not, she'll tie it into a bun, not really liking ponytails. she has this (+ this above the arrow) tattoo at the back of her neck.
the deep end
"action is the real measure of intelligence."
( persona ) : the skeptic
( personality traits ) :
Positive: loyal, compassionate, intelligent, spontaneous
negative: skeptical, impulsive, snarky, obstinate
( elaboration ) :
the good is almost non-existant
Soojin is loyal to the core. once you earn her trust, she will care and look out for you until the very end. do not underestimate the lengths she would go through for her loved ones whether they like it or not- because the extremeness of it will definitely shock you. although coming off as someone ruthless, soojin is actually compassionate and caring towards the people around her. she might say that she despises everyone, but once seeing people in trouble, she couldn't stand just sitting there not helping them. soojin is definitely bitter, but most of the bitterness is projected to herself because she is unable to prevent chaerin's disappearance. so in all honesty, she is a good person - kind even, but refuses to get too attached to anything from the town, so once she helps you, she'll probably drive you away, reminding herself over and over again that the town and the people in it is just bull. soojin may act like a delinquent most of the time, but she is surprisingly very intelligent. she believes that school is a ty system, but believes education to be very important (this is why she wants to be homeschool). she honestly likes to learn, so all the time she used to skip her classes were paid back back at home when she would randomly start reading her textbook for fun, picking up information rather quickly. considering that she is rather creative and quick-witted, soojin can be very spontaneous. this is very beneficial for her especially when she needs to get out of sticky situations. not to mention, this also helps her adapt in situations, not taking long for her to get out of any shock and start devising up a plan.
because people always see the bad
soojin isn't one to always believe things straight away, she would be skeptical towards it until she is sure it is the absolute truth. she's always been the one to question a lot norms, beliefs, and people. growing up bitterly, she doesn't trust anyone except her family and herself - skeptical towards other people's intentions everytime, making her have trust issues. the only reason why people couldn't see that she's clever is because she's very impulsive. Everything goes blank to her and no longer she is thinking with her magnificent brain, but instead acting according to her feelings. however she does try to not be so impulsive - chanting the quote 'action is the true measure of intelligence' over and over again, but often fails to hide her impulsiveness. due to her constant bitterness, she is snarky and like a walking bomb - one small push on the wrong button will set her off immediately. She won't hesitate to be brutally rude and blunt to you if you really pissed her off. her sarcasm level will hit the sky and you better be ready for her critical remarks. last but not least, soojin is obstinate. this shows especially when she disagrees about an idea, sticking to her own beliefs until the very end unless proven that it is false. it also applies towards how she perceives other people, her loyalty causes her to be stubborn in the sense where she'll believe her loved ones no matter what other people say about them as once she cares for you and is dependant on you, she'll fight for your honour - even if you are at fault.
it's complicated, but i'll make it simple to you
so in all, if you're wondering whether soojin can feel positive feelings - yes, she could. however, she is more often bitter about the past and this prevents herself from truly letting loose. soojin holds the things she love dearly, maybe even up to the state where people will call her clingy but she doesn't cares, just so as long she won't lose another person. then again, before she gets to the loving part, she'll most definitely push you away again and again for this is her way of protecting herself from getting hurt by another lost. soojin is far more complex than she lets off, in fact, nothing is actually black and white with this girl. she is in fact very wise but most of her actions contradict, and although knowing that it is wrong to do certain things, she still does it because it feels good. in truth, she has yet to grow up to be mature, still sadly unsure of her own identity as an individual and this causes her to shift back and forth between being foolish and wise. not to mention, she also has problem working along with other people due to her ongoing trust issues. despite all her flaws, she could potentially grow to become a great person - a leader, even.
( background ) :
Fear, frustration and anger - those are the feelings soojin felt during the incident years back. soojin was born in seoul and lived there until the age of 7, moving to hongkei afterwards because of family financial problems. she didn't fit in well at first because she was used to how busy and lively seoul was compared to the small town hongkei is. one day, her parents introduced soojin to chaerin and that's how a lovely friendship began. Chaerin was the sole reason why soojin was able to make friends and fit in. the two girls were pretty much best friends and they brought the best out  of each other. So when chaerin disappeared, soojin felt scared as she had no one to rely on anymore. soojin constantly felt frusrated at chaerin's family for not remembering chaerin but her anger and wrath were aimed towards the kids who suggested they play in the woods that day and also that horrendous mystery man who she believed stole chaerin.
she grew up bitterly, hating the town and wishing she is able to return to seoul again. she still remembered chaerin during her years of growing up, but never mentioned anything to anyone for the fear that the mystery man would appear again to take someone precious from her. her family life was normal - she grew up with her parents care and love and in the end finding herself giving much love to her new-born baby brother. life was normal and well, that is until that wretched mystery man came back again.

( connections ) :
( skills ) :
•  ( + ) brains or brawns? why not both?
soojin likes exercising both her brain and body. she believes that there should be a balance between those two and is literally a mixture between nerd and jock. she's in the school's swimming club, attending very few club meetings yet always sneaks out of class to swim alone. she personally likes challenging her brain's capacity and thus, making her rather sharp and quick-witted.
( + ) well, are you surprised?
it is hard to fully understand soojin with her spontaneity, so this usually puts her in a situation where she has the element of surprise. keep in mind that when you think you  know her - you actually don't.
( - ) you're going to regret you've ever lived.
one thing you could do to disarm her is to piss her off purposely. once you do this, she'll definitely start shouting snide remarks, vowing to make you suffer no matter what. with anger blinding her, you'll be able to play with her anyhow you want to. she tries to be patient, but it is obviously clear that once you pick on things she holds dearly (eg. family), all logic is gone and is replace by pure emotions of rage and anger, leaving her so very vulnerable.
( - ) go away. i don't need help.
This is one of the most difficult thing about soojin - her trust issues. she refuses to give cooperation to people at times and tends to act in her own accordance, earning her a lot of hate from people. however, people's hate do no shake her because just so as long she has the ones who matter, she doesn't need anyone else. she only cares for her family, so when they're finally gone, she could depend on no one - no one but herself. this trait of hers will most definitely backfire because afterall, teamwork is the essence to survive in their situation, no?
the interview
"cleverness has never been associated with long delays."
( how did you react to the murder of your family? ) :
" *scoffs* ... well, what the hell do you think? do i look fine and dandy to you?"
( do you have any connections to jaehyun? ) :
"... we used to play together as kids. *sighs* i know you cops suspect him and what i say won't change anything but he's a good person."
( did you dislike your parents? ) :
" *scowls* don't you even dare go there, I love them with my whole life. *pauses* even soomin, who cries alot during the night for milk or just for someone to hug him... d-damn, he had a whole lifetime ahead of him."
( how was your behaviour at school? ) :
"why are you asking me this when the psycho killer is on loose? *seethes* sure, i ain't the most well-behaved kid in school but honestly, does it even matter?!"
( is there anything you'd like to ask me? as an adult i can help... ) :
"*stands up* no. i'm clearly done here. i hope you cops know that if you don't do anything except making stupid assumptions, murder will strike again. *glares* when that happens, there wiil be no forgiveness."
the romance
( love interest ) :
( gender ) :
( interactions ) : write about how they interact with one another
( relationship ) : are they friends do they talk? let me know
( status ) : side note that to decide who's gonna be who's love interest ill probably have ya fill out another random questionare quiz in ur characters pov... but i still gotta figure that out
the goodbye
( comments ) :
I love the idea of the applyfic and i srsly dk where you're gonna head towards with this idea but i'm on board yo! ;) soojin is basically a gryffinclaw ahaha (hp reference). pls let most of the runaways hate her at first if she gets picked lol. i want her to grow. >//<
( questions ) : -
( concerns ) : -
( scene suggestions ) : 
• start here!
( password ) :
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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