The missed opportunity of Jeti angst

Man, Jeti could be such an angst ship. Like really angsty.

Now, this mainly comes from them having similar backgrounds yet constantly being compared, like all the time. Tiff is a pretty common target of hate and that hate tends to come from being compared to Jessica. Just look people's tweets on twitter for example. If this could be applied to AU's , it could be good catalyst for angst in the story.

The sceanrios that come to my mind involve Tiffany having major doubts in her abilities (they're usually fantasy AU's,so bear with me) There's alot of self loathing because she feels that she's not good enough for Jessica. Jessica in turn, really does love Tiffany but feels guilty for not being able to understand Tiffany's hardships. I mean Tiff's road in life has had a lot more bumps in achieving her dreams, but she's always perserved and that's what make her strong. Jess has a natural iffinity for things, but Tiff has had to struggle and practice for what she has.

They're like black and white. Two forces that are equal, yet oppostie.

Anyway, I just feel like that dynamic could produce some really good angst. LOL 

Thanks for reading.







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