What should I do?

A little random thought before I get angsty: I like anything and everything potato. Legit if I had to eat one food for the rest of my life it would be potato. Like I am a potato, so loving potato so much make me a cannibal. But that's okay because potato...

Lemme get deep now and tell you something that happened recently in my life. So basically I recently had my NRA (like East London equivalent of prom), and the day was just disaster after disaster. The biggest thing that really affected me from that day was the fact my so called friends left me by myself in dark car park at like 1 am. Fun times ehy? The more I look back on it the more angry, frustrated and upset I get. Like what kind of people would leave a 16 year old girl by herself for like 30 minutes in that situation. It sounds so cliche and the fact that it happened to me really pisses me off. I was incredibly lucky that nothing happened to me.

Anyways the reason I am bringing this up is because one of the girls who had left me decides to try and mend things like 3 months later. Honestly I don't know whether I should mend thing or not. When she was talking it was like she didn't want to admit her mistake, like apparently I disappeared when I was like a foot from the car. The reason I am so conflicted is because that one of my friends is friends with the girl. I can see that my friends wants us to mend things but I just feel like it would be better if we didn't talk.

So what should I do?


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I know how you felt at that point of time. I was always left out during any conversations or either whenever I follow my friends, they would leave me. Well, if they truly want to mend things, then if you feel that they are being sincere, why not..