Pre-Fall update

BTS IS HAVING A COMEBACK!!!! It was confirmed today that 'WINGS' is the preview teaser for BTS's 2nd full album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I'm super excited....can you tell? ;)

On to the updates.

Bulletproof No More, My Butterfly is ending soon. One chapter left and then the 3rd installment of the BTS AU begins!!

I'm also working on a Suga centered short fic that I hope to release before November.

For those who don't know, I got a job as an eye tech working for a group of doctors who specialize in eye diseases back in July. I've been there a little over a month now and I'm starting to like it! But while it's fun, it's exhausting mentally and I've been having a harder time writing/ediiting because I'm usually tired when I get home from work.

I've been trying to work on editing the last 2 chapters I've got written for Adaptation, but between work, finishing up Bulletproof and sketching out a 3rd story, and the Suga fic, it's been on the backburner but I will probably start working on that hard core in a couple of weeks. 

In other news, my beloved 03 Ford Focus died last week. Flaw in the design of the motor caused a piston to shear off a valve and killed the engine. So I spent this last week researching cars and went car shopping on Sat. Great news is that I got a great deal on a brand new Honda CR-V EX!! Bad news is, we went to go test drive a Toyota Rav4 a second time to compare to the CR-V, and the Toyota sales guy knew we were on a time crunch and kept delaying us to the point I wasn't able to sign the paperwork for the CR-V, so I don't get my new car till Tues. First thing that'll go into the new car is my Ipod, and I plan on blasting BTS all the way home :) 

Catch ya'll later!


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