♪ D r e a m s & S t a r s | Dalola Shin // The Athlete



Dalola Shin

LilQueen • Lilo • 7/10



NAME » Dalola Sooyoung Shin


Lola - her friends call her this


Soo - her mother calls her this


Blue - Lola has an unhealthy (but healthy?) obsession with

blueberries, and her dad used to tell her that if she ate too many, she would turn blue like a smurf


Smurf - same reason as above


Lolly - it's cute, but she doesn't really like being called cute so it annoys her. Her London friends called her this sometimes


Sooyoung - her Korean name



BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDAY » Egypt // 10th October 1998

HOMETOWN » England (0 to 16) and Korea (16 to present)

ETHNICITY » Half Korean, Half Egyptian 

English - first language - fluent

Korean - taught growing up - fluent


FACE CLAIM » Lisa of BlackPink

BACKUP FACE CLAIM » Kim Jiho of Oh My Girl

 TALENT TWINS » Singing - Jihyo Twice 

dancing - Lisa Blackpink

rap - Jennie BlackPink

acting - can't act

APPEARANCE » Her hair is barely past shoulder length, and she has a fringe. She dyes her hair pretty often, like every few months. Each time it is a crazy colour, and currently, she has dark red locks. Her height is around 162cm, and she weighs roughly 47kg. She is quite proud of her athletic body, which she keeps fit through working out regularly. She has a pretty curvy body type, and paired with how fit she was, she loved to show it off.


STYLE » Lola's style is pretty out there, she wears a lot of bold clothing to match her bold personality. Her favourite colour is red, so most of her clothes are in that colour. Her normal outfit is a boldly coloured tshirt with a frayed hem, and some dark jeans, often ripped. Paired with that outfit would be some black or red doc martens. Whenever she redyes her hair, she has to adjust her clothing style to fit the colour. She didn't want her 'look' to be clashy or worse yet, trashy. She may seem a bit materialistic with her clothing choices, but she hardly ever goes shopping and had to learn to style herself around what they could afford, which suited the girl just fine - who needs fancy dresses, right?


" Choosing between music and sports is like trying to decide who my favourite child is!"




"Yeah I'm pretty short, but I can still fight you if I wanted to."



PLOTLINE » The Athletic


PERSONALITY »   funny, cheerful, friendly, honest   Sarcastic, awkward, lazy, rude

Funny - Lola loves to laugh, and with her witty personality, she enjoys making people laugh. It's definitely one of her favourite hobbies

Cheerful - Lola tends to have a happy disposition about her, and she doesn't really like negativity.

Rude - At the same time, she can be super negative when she wants to. When she's in a bad mood, she has little thought of the consequences of her often rash actions.

Lazy - Despite being an athlete and obsessed with sports, Lola can definitely call herself lazy. She finds it hard to get ut of bed in the morning unless it's to go for a run, and even then she's grumpy. She doesn't like doing unnecessary things, so she doesn't lay her bed or tidy up her room - her space, her rules. She doesn't really have that rule, it's just a way to get out of doing things. Laziness, FTW

Friendly - Lola is very outgoing when she's in a good mood, which is thankfully often. Due to this, she can make friends almost anywhere she goes, and she owes this to her friendly nature.

Honest - She won't butter you up with lies, because she was brought up truthfully. She will tell you everything, and with her you can be confident that she isn't keeping secrets or gossiping about you behind your back. At the same time, this can be regarded as a negative because she doesn't understand why you would lie about how someone looks just so they feel good, Lola is all about ripping off the band aid. You don't look good? She'll tell you. 

Awkward - this is why she is called awkward, for she doesn't do what other people will and she talks a lot, so will probably put her foot in often during her speech. She's confident, but awkward.

Saracastic - Lola eats, sleeps and breathes sarcasm. She is the kind of person that will slip sarcasm into every other sentence, and half the time, she's so subtle that they won't even notice until after she's left.Her sarcasm can be funny, but it is also pretty rude, especially to authority figures.


Loves spicy food

Her favourite sports to do are swimming, running and boxing but enjoys all sports

Fiercely loyal, stands up for her friends and family

Has a sweet tooth

Doesn't like being called cute so tries to act tough

Loves being unique

Loves 2NE1 and BigBang

Favourite colour is red

Terrible at writing to express her feelings

Terrible at art

Wants a puppy

Terrified of spiders and moths

Will pet every dog she comes across

Likes coding/computing -  a bit of a geek

Has an obsession with purple eyes

Loves wearing bold make up, but usually sticks to mascara and lip gloss



BACKGROUND » Dalola Sooyoung Shin was born on the 10th October 1998, in Cairo, Egypt, to an Egyptian father and Korean mother. The story of how she got her first name was actually pretty funny, as the name that was picked out for her was Dalila, but her father's messy handwriting was misread as Dalola, and they just decided not to get it changed. Because England didn't allow her to enter the country for a while (confusing legal stuff), her parents had to leave her with her grandparents until she was 4 months old, and she was allowed into the UK. She lived in a pretty rough neighbourhood, on the outskirts of London, where she was often made fun of for her unique mix. She got really angry because of that, so a family friend suggested putting her into sports, which she then devoted pretty much her entire life to. She also wanted to join a hip hop dance class, but they couldn't afford it so she watched the class from the window and went home to repeat their moves. She taught herself dance, and got pretty good at it - being athletic and flexible already, dancing wasn't a challenge.

The area in which she lived was pretty dangerous, and she'd had her fair share of run ins with gangsters, always pretending that she spoke no English to get them to leave her alone. She also had to be pretty tough to be taken seriously in sports, especially as she was female, biracial and shorter than most of them. At 14, she and her friend stumbles across an undergrounded rapping society, which she soon became involved in. Again, being small, female and cute disadvantaged her, and she was often mocked - until she took to the stage and rapped. The owner of the area took a liking to her and taught her how to rap, and she got really good at it. But when she turned 16, her parents told her that they had accumalated enough money to relocate to Korea, where her mother had managed to set up a small family business. They moved into a cramped house not much bigger than their old one, and struggled to find Dalola a school that would take her at such short notice. Thankfully, her mother took note of her fierce rapping skills and enrolled her in a musical academy. 



Mother // Shin Moyeon // 47 // Korean // bold, funny, clever

Moyeon and Lola are really close, as they share similar traits.Although Moyeon is hardworking and often out of the house to keep their small business afloat, she always makes time for her only child, who has taken after her and shares her interests. Moyeon is also very chill, and can take whatever is thrown at her. Lola has tried for years to scare her mum, but she never succeeds.


Father // Ammon Ragabi // 48 // Egyptian // sweet, protective, passionate

Ammon and Lola are pretty close, and Ammon is really protective of both his wife and daughter, as he was brought up with strong family values. Due to this, he keeps in close contact with his two brothers and father. Whenever she goes to visit her family or they come to see her, she has experienced people wanting to go with her, because her dad is 'hot'. This is just super awkward for Lola, but she's glad that she inherited his features.




Best friends // The Hopeless Romantic, Jung Hoseok


Hopeless Romantic - nobody knows how, but these two became close after Lola made a few snarky comments about her and the other girl responded in a sassy way. As The Hopeless Romantic is really into the idea of romance, and her other close friends are guys, the Romantic never shuts up about 'shipping' them. Whenever her parents come to visit, the Romantic tags along because Lola's mum is fabulous and her dad is 'really hot, like for real' in her words.


Hoseok - these two met on the track, and he was impressed by her skill, especially with her height, as he frequently mentioned. They play fight pretty often and are both pretty sporty. Around her two best friends, she doesn't always keep up the 'tough' act


Close friends //  Bang Leena, Min Jinmi, Jackson Wang, Im Jaebum


Leena - as Leena is always so dreamy, whereas Lola is an action girl, they clashed a little at first, but soon got over their initial dispute. Lola always teases the other for being so young


Jinmi - as the two are both passionate about their own things, they kind of understood each other but didn't talk much initially. She's pretty cool with her, but they don't really do much together.


Jackson - they both speak English really well, so they speak in English a lot around each other, if only so that they can confuse the others that don't speak it. They are close, but don't have much skinship. 


Jaebum - they didn't really like each other, but they had to work together for a class and became friends.



Friends // The Friendly, The Goof, The Rebel, The Badass


The Friendly - not that close, but both are pretty friendly people


The Goof - not that close, but sometimes team up to pull pranks


The Rebel - Lola likes her personality, and they are kind of similar but don't interact much


The Badass - as she and the rebel are similar, she likes her for the same reasons


Rivals // The Diva


The Diva - Lola hates how she is so dramatic, and just really dislikes her. They have a showdown of sorts.



LOVE INTEREST » Park Jinyoung



PERSONALITY » Jinyoung is funny and laid back, a difference from Lola's spitfire personality. He is a kind, goofy person who works hard and you just can't dislike him, despite how perfect he seems. He would drop anything to help people, whether they are friends or not. He is very popular, but tries not to abuse his power. He is almost like a golden boy. Although he has the natural gifts, he is a hard worker ans doesn't just let his talents get him into anything, he earns it first. His gentlemanly nature has him holding open doors, helping and just being really friends to everyone, and the girls especially take it romantically, as he is just soo.... GAH He's popular, and gorgeous. Plus, he has manners! He likes puns and awkward jokes, often saying things in the most awkward situations... But he's a great person.


LOVE STORY » At first, Lola and Jinyoung absolutely hated each other. They had such different personalities, and they competed a lot, with Jinyoung a better singer and Lola a better dancer. But then, The Hopeless Romantic, who was friends with both of them, though it would be absolutely hilarious to put the two on a blind date together, whilst watching with her boyfriend in 'disguise'. Lola wanted to leave at first, but they were told that they had to stay because someone had already ordered for them and they needed to pay. They grudgingly began to talk to each other, and realised that they actually had some things in common. They formed a tentative friendship, and it was left like that for a while, until she suddenly began to like him in 'that' way. She obviously went to her best friend, the expert in love, for help. One of Jinyoung's friends heard their discussion and went to tell him about it. When he asked her, she got really defensive and they just stopped talking. Lola was regretful, but she had way too much pride. They stayed like this for a while longer until the Hopeless Romantic trapped them in a room together and refused to let them out until they sorted it out between them. It turned out that the feelings were mutual, and they began dating. 



COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » Hi! Sorry it took so long to get this done, mainly because I was deciding on her love interest lol. I can't wait for this story to begin!



Hopeless Romantic and Lola interactions

Lola and the Diva showdown

Lola's parents!

Lots of drama lol




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