Park Jaemin


You know me Shay : Seriously : Is this needed?



→ Human Furnace ⋮ Jaemin is naturally very warm for some reason, so whe others are cold they sometimes like to use him to warm themselves up
→ Blue Jay ⋮ Some trainee at one of his other companies started this at random (he literally has NO idea why it started) and it has followed him around ever since - someone ALWAYS seems to come up with it again at each new company. Calling him this is a surefire way to get him frustrated 

BIRTHDATE:  16/10/94
BIRTHPLACE:  Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN:   Seoul, South Korea


→ Native Korean ⋮ Native Language
→ Basic Conversational English ⋮ You think he'd be better after years of lessons through his idol training, but he's just not great at language so he's moved very slowly with English. His pronunciation is phenomenal though, so a lot of people assume he's fluent just from that.


FACE-CLAIM: Kim Sungjoo (Uniq)
BACK UP: Kim Jaeyong (Halo)
WEIGHT, HEIGHT: 67kg, 176cm


People often say that Jaemin looks older than he actually is, which isn't untrue. He has a more mature look that he'll sometimes joke comes from the stress of his long trainee life. His face is also the sort that makes it look like he's perpetually uncomfortable, even when he really isn't. He's pretty nicely toned from regular workout but he rarely shows off, it just naturally shows from the lighter clothing he likes to wear. He has no piercings or tatoos of any kind (though he does want a tattoo on his left forearm, but since tattoo parlors are illegal in Korea he's not sure how he'd go about getting one).

Jaemin likes clothes that can 'breath'. Some poeple assume this means he's a dancer since he's always in flexible jeans and tank tops/loose shirts which are easy to move in, but really he just prefers lighter clothing, there isn't a clear reason for it - well, other than the fact he seems to be a human furnace.



(+) Hard-working, Caring, Passionate
(/) Trusting, Prideful, Uncertain, Predictable
(-) Cynical, Competitive, Righteous


You know those people who probably could do amazing things if they weren't so damn scared of failing that they never really try when it matters? That's Jaemin in a nutshell.

Park Jaemin was gifted with natural talents, as well as a deep love for those talents. His passion and hard work are both some of the first things anyone notices about him, and often they're the only things anyone notices. Jaemin is a nice guy, a hard worker, and, above everything else, a people pleaser. If he thinks something might upset that random stranger sitting in the corner and not even looking at him he's not going to do it. This uncertainty towards stepping outside his comfort zone isn't neccessarily a bad thing since it actively stops him from doing anything stupid, but it also actively stops him from doing anything out of his comfort zone at all. Jaemin is a habitual person to the point most random strangers who happen to be around the areas he usually hangs out could tell you his exact schedule if not his name. Those random strangers would also tell you he seems like a nice, friendly young man, always smiling and asking how your day has been going. Jaemin likes talking to people, it makes him happy to interact with other humans, even if the effort it takes is a bit more for him than perhaps for the average person.

A lot of his habitual nature stems from a genuine fear of messing up and embarrassing himself. Jaemin, though few would guess it, is a painfully prideful person. And while this pride isn't all bad - it's why he continues to try singing, since he knows he's good at it - it definitely has it's downsides, specifically a tendency to never ask for help or try anything he's not 500% comfortable with. He knows he has certain talents and when he does need help with something pertaining to them - and of course there are times he needs help, as everyone does - he instead stubbornly refuses to admit it. Admitting to needing help feels like failure to him, and his pride and competitive streak both require him to always feel like he could do anything, if he tried. He's just not trying, that's all. And unfortunately this mindset can make him a little unbearable to be around at times. He gets into his head that not failing (through not doing) is the same as succeeding and he can get very headstrong and ignorant when it comes to other people's problems, despite having so many himself. He thus believes in the worst of most poeple and is very easily annoyed, slipping into moods at the slightest breeze and closing into himself.

Honestly Jaemin's biggest problem is the fact he doesn't quite accept that he has problems, or that they're fixable. He's stuck in his routine and he's so talented at emphasizing his cheerful and helpful natures around people that no one really knows he needs fixing at all.



Jaemin's parents were never very present in his childhood. He was raised by the television, and it was there that his passion for music started. From Lee Jung Hyun to Shinhwa idols and singers filled his screen and his head until he became determined to make it himself. His parents both loved music and had put him in piano lessons at a young age so they were all for him making something of himself in the music industry. A few months before his 13th birthday Big Bang's "Lies" dropped and Jaemin fell in love with the style. He prepared an audition and sat himself on the YG steps until someone let him in. He passed with a surprisingly nice cover of "Lies" and then began his long road through the trainee process. Over and over again.

During his training Jaemin's grades continued to drop until when he was 16 he gave up on school entirely. His parents weren't pleased but said "it's your life, these are your mistakes to make." He never had many friends either. Althought Jaemin is great at talking to people, he could never make the effort to change the people he spoke to from "aquaintance" to "friend", always forgetting to text back for weeks or chickening out of plans at the last minute with some convoluted excuse. Jaemin became quite adept at lying during his time, and though he never felt good about it it became habitual to do, almost to the point where lying about things has become compulsive. He does usually get caught in his lies at some point, and it's bit him in the plenty. It doesn't stop it from happening again though, and for some reason people usually still give him the benefit of the doubt due to the friendly exterior he has.




→ Cats
→ Rock Ballads, especially singing them
→ Fantasy Adventure stories
→ Cartoons


→ Basically anything pertaining to school because that was something he failed at
→ Talking about his problems. He starts crying and usually ends up making some terrible excuse to leave
→ Anyone touching his neck. He's all for hugs but no touching the neck
→ When his routine is interrupted


→ He sings about how he's feeling when he's by himself. It's usually pretty overdramatic
→ His fingers are almost always moving, whether drumming on surfaces, tangling in his shirt hem, or ruffling his own hair

→ Talking. He talks a whole lot about pretty much nothing, he has it down to an art.


→ Honestly he's a huge drama llama. He overracts to just about everything, both positive and negative. There is no such thing as an "eh" day for Jaemin
→ He may fake it well but this guy is the worst at people. He's empathetic to the point of being too much sometimes, so people become overwhelmed by his sheer amount of emotion over every little thing.
→ His favorite artist is IU. Yes it's cliché but she's so cute!
→ He watches cartoons when he's sad
→ He PanAce but so far from even considering dating anyone that he wouldn't know
→ He can honestly say if he ever owned a gun he'd probably end up killing someone. And yet people still don't realize he has a temper. His is a quiet rage
→ He has the most random pet peeves. Nails on a chalkboard? Cringey but eh. A single glass in the wrong spot in the dishwasher? Someone is getting stabbed. He may have mild OCD.
→ He is just the most bitter person when it comes to talking about his training. It's better to not ask.






⟪ Please introduce yourself. ⟫ 

Jaemin's voice is relaxed, but his taunt posture in the chair gives away just how nervous he is. "Hello! My name is Park Jaemin, it's nice to meet you all." As he speaks he relaxes infinitesimally.


⟪ How did you find out about Do or Die? ⟫ 

He gives an awkward laugh. "The grapevine really. I'm always keeping an eye out for opportunities and I overheard someone mention you guys were doing a survival show. I don't really have anything to lose at this point, I'm getting a bit old for most companies to debut me, so I thought this might be a fun way to keep myself relevant for at least a little bit longer."


⟪ Why do you want to be an idol? Are you prepared for everything it entails? ⟫ 

"Well honestly I've been training and working towards being an idol for so long I can't imagine doing anything else at this point. I'm not really ready to give up. And I feel like after everything I've gone through I'm definitely ready for whatever else the industry has to throw at me." He sounds quite assured. The more he speaks the more he seems to get comfortable, though his right leg bouncing slightly gives away that he's not quite relaxed yet.


Do you have any prior experience in the entertainment industry? ⟫ 

He has to supress a bitter laugh. "A lot of training. A lot of training."


⟪ Where do you feel you're strong, and where do you feel you're lacking? ⟫ 

"Vocally I'm quite impressive though it's often difficult for me to blend with other voices. And I work really well in group environments so debuting in a group is best for me. That's not to say I get lost though, group settings actually help me be more confident and speak more. When it's just me and a camera I get pretty nervous and awkward." He laughs lightly at himself, now fully relaxed and taking on a kidding tone as if sharing an inside joke with the interviewers.


⟪ Why should we choose you for Do or Die? ⟫ 

"Look we both know that the most skilled people aren't always the best at variety or attracting viewer attention, but you have to be noticable in shows like this if you want to reach the end. You put me in and you'll have a likable contestant who's also crazy talented. And I'm sure you want to have some talent in your final group." His hands are shaking a bit at the end of the spiel, but his eyes are steady as he looks directly to the CEO.





STRENGTHS: Have you heard him sing. Because yes. Also he works really well in group settings when it comes to variety and just teamwork stuffs in general really.

WEAKNESSES: Well aside from his face always looking awkward, he's a mess solo in terms of variety. He plays off of other people and gets extremely uncomfortable if in front of a camera by himself, due to mild camera fright (oddly he does not have stage fright and could sing solos until the world explodes). His vocal tone also clashes with most other vocalists so anything he sings that isn't solo usually doesn't sound so hot.


1 year YG, 3 years Starship 3 years CUBE, 1 year LOEN, 1 year RBW

In his early training at YG he mostly focused on just learning better dance and vocal techniques. However, YG kept trying to push him to rap, something he had no interest or talent in, and after only a year he decided to terminate his contract and audition elsewhere.

It took a few tries, but eventually the relatively new Starship Entertainment accepted him. As it turned out, YG's vocal techniques hadn't exactly been very good, so he had to completely retrain his voice. However, a few of his habits stuck around, giving him a very unique sound with his singing. Starship considered debuting him solo, but after finding he was pretty awkward on shows they decided to tentatively put him into a project group than never came to anything as Jaemin's voice just sounded dissonant because of it's unique tone. At the end of his 3 year agreement with Starship both he and his teachers agreed he should try somewhere else.

He headed for CUBE on a reccomendation - Hyuna and Hyunseung both had distinct and unique sounding voices but still worked in groups, surely he could find a place there? He was placed into the project group that eventually became BtoB, but again his voice just didn't fit. He ended up being replaced by Sungjae. He waited through the remaining 2 years of his contract, and though there was talk of putting him solo he was just too awkward on his own on shows. So when the contract was up he packed his bags again and searched for another company.

He ended up at LOEN almost by accident. He'd just been out shopping and he started singing along with the music playing over the mall speakers - some popular english song at the moment. It was by dumb luck that IU's manager was in the same store and came over to suggest he audition for LOEN. Jaemin wasn't sure, but he didn't have any specific comapny he was looking for so he showed up at the main building the next day. He passed the audition, but the person who auditioned him mentioned that he'd be better solo or possibly with a band despite him saying in the audition he'd rather be in a group. LOEN proved to be the same experience as CUBE and Starship, and he quickly found himself looking elsewhere, this time at smaller-name companies.

Rainbow World caught his eye through Mamamoo's unique sound, so he politely asked LOEN if he could leave and auditioned into RBW after they conceded his request. He did like RBW much better, and actually came to hope that he might get to finally debut. However his dreams were dashed when the management decided to put Hyunseok into the Vromance project group instead of him. Originally he was going to be sent to Boys24 by RBW, but when he heard rumors about a possible survival show at Fringe he asked to end his contract with RBW early and headed for what he knows is his last chance to make it big.




ANY LAST COMMENTS: And here's Jaemin. I've told you his inspiration so I hope he meets the standards ^^'' Also i took you up on the trivia thing SCREW trivia OTL

SCENE REQUESTS: Jaemin is gonna crack and start crying over something stupid like not getting the food he wanted for lunch. Because yeah, that happened.

PASSWORD: He'd have sent this in with his application, for the live audition he'd do this since he knows it off the top of his head



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*squeals when she sees Lee Jung Hyun's name on here*