you next door
Yoon Sera
Apple-piggy . ele . 7/10

NAME : Yoon Sera
Nincat Yoon - This is her username on Youtube, she has heard comments before that she acts like a ninja (how quiet and stealthy she is) and also how much she resembles a cat (she is secretly happy about this), so she came up with the word 'Nincat', then adding her surname in, she uses this as her username and loves it a lot.

BIRTHDAY : April 4th, 1993 (23)
BIRTH PLACE: Apujeong, Seoul, south korea
HOME TOWN : Apujeong, Seoul, south korea

Korean (fluent) - It's her mother tongue, she's been speaking it since her childhood.

English (semi-fluent) - She has good pronounciatian but takes a while to process the words, making sentences in her head before saying them out (which might turn out grammatically incorrect). Her family used to force her to learn many languages before giving up on her and this is strangely her favorite.

OCCUPATION : She's a Gamer YouTuber. Her earnings are not consistent but she earns well. She once earned a total of 1 million in a particular year. Since she usually only spends her money on the apartment renting fees, food and games, she has quite a big amount of money with her currently. She's rather popular among the netizens so some people might recognize her if she goes out (but thank goodness she only goes out at late night, when everyone is asleep).

ROOM : 216



FACECLAIM : Moonbyul [Mamamoo]
BACK UP: Wheein [Mamamoo]

HEIGHT : She stands 158cm tall and actually likes her height very much.
WEIGHT : She weighs 50kg and doesn't care much about her weight, just as long she is fit.

APPEARANCE : She used to have short hair much like a boy's (01 02), but grew it long after graduating high school, making her unrecognizable to her highschool school mates. Now, she has hazel blonde hair that reaches her to her chest and usually ties it up when she's alone but lets it down when she's away from her comfy room. She usually doesn't apply any make-up as she sees no reason to do so. However, there are times when she puts on light make-up when filming, especially liking eyeliners. She walks with her head held up high (wanting to come off as a confident person), but is obviously extremely insecure. When faced with people, she would always avoid eye contact. Her body language is usually awkward and stiff but if you look past all that, she has beautiful eyes that hold so much personality and emotion in them and you'll see a true gem beneath all the insecurity displayed.

STYLE : She honestly doesn't care much about she looks like but does try to look her best on-screen. While filming herself gaming, she would usually put on her favorite button up long-sleeve (01 02) (she has a few and treats them as her formal wear). She has a lot of T-shirts (01 02)  and you would be surprised to see her never wearing the same T-shirt everyday for two or three weeks. Seeing that she used to be (and is still kinda) tomboyish, she doesn't have a single dress or skirt in her wardrobe, just knee-length shorts (01 02) and skinny jeans(01 02). She loves hoodies (especially cat ones but doesn't want to wear it out because it's kind of embarassing), keeping the hood on when she's outside of her room as it makes her feel 'protected'. If she doesn't go out with a hoodie on, she'll probably be having sunglasses or masks on, wanting her face to not be fully seen as she is uncomfortable about it. She has a thing for denim (01 02), loving how the fabric feels on her skin. Slippers and converse are probably the only choices of footwear available for her to pick from, not that she complains about it.



Positive - Observant, Curious, Desicive, Helpful
Negative - Awkward, Sensitive, Pessimistic, Cowardly

Sera is a very observant person (this is because in games she plays, you have to notice the little things to end the game well). By being very observant to her surroundings, she tends to stare longer at other people, noticing their repetitive habits or the twinkle in their eyes when facing someone they are fond of. Good news is Sera isn’t judgemental towards anyone but instead is curious. She doesn’t see things by how it outwardly looks like but takes her time to look beneath the surface of it all. Seeing that Sera usually play choice-based games, she always faces in-game situations where she would have to make choices. These in-game situations trained her to be desicive, making choices carefully and stick with it until the end, never looking back and always ready to face the consequences of her decisions. Sera has a kind heart and is very helpful. However, she tends to help out only quietly and secretly (like a ninja). She likes the high she gets after helping out. She honestly longs to have friends and envy people who has them but doesn't want to do much talking or socializing as that scares her.

It’s quite a shame that Sera is extremely awkward around people. She tends to shift uncomfortably and avoid eye contact when faced with people. She usually keeps quiet and keeps her thoughts to herself, not liking conversations at all. However, when she does speak, she tries to keep her words to the minimum – very very different from her on-screen excited gamer self. Since she’s observant, she tends to overanalyse other people’s words and actions, causing her to be very sensitive. She will probably remember the things others say to her (especially the bad), until the very end, taking every word they say to heart.  She sees things as negative as it could be and is very pessimistic. She doesn’t like holding too much hope on anything or anyone for the fear of being disappointed in the end. Then, Sera is the type to flight than fight. She is cowardly in the sense where when faced with difficult situations, she would avoid it and never face it head-on, probably causing them to never being solved. She does have a little temper to her and though never really shows it out, she can hold grudges easily and only forgets them after two weeks or so. Not to mention, she is really private and doens't give out a lot of personal informations or show out much emotions to others, she tends to be very different when she's alone and when she is with people.






TRIVIA : (+ likes, - dislikes, > lifestyle/habit, * funfacts )
+ She loves choice-based games (especially horror/mystery/thriller that has a good plot).
+ She likes art but could only draw up to stickman level (in her eyes, they're still pretty).
+ Pizzas are her all-time-favorite food and she calls the deliveries almost 5 times a week.
+ She finds thunder and lightning to be beautiful and the rain to be calming, she also tends to have the urge to get out of her room during weathers like these.
+ She likes cats a lot and loves watching cat videos (doesn't want to admit it though).
- She hates cliche dramas that's all romance and no plot, it makes her want to puke.
- She actually dislikes sharing her food and once you touch it, she won't eat it.
- Cringes at anything girly (maybe except things related to cats).
- She has high alchohol tolerance but hates anything bitter so doesn't drink much.
- Babies/infants scare her with how sudden they cry and how creepily clingy they get.
> After posting up a video, she never reads the comments, fearing haters.
> She has a habit of talking to inanimated objects, sometimes even plants.
> She always stays in her room, going out only late night to receive food she pre-ordered in a box or to do the laundries (She finds comfort doing things at night).
> Her PC is her life, she's almost always on it.
> She's like a noctural creature, sleeping/inactive in the morning and awake/active at night. She usually sleeps around the time of 7am-5pm, sometimes only getting a few hours of sleep.
> She feels like she's back to her old self again when gaming, more free and outgoing.
> She earns quite a big amount but chooses to live in one of the smallest rooms because it feels much more homey and the wifi is strong, allowing her to upload videos easily.
> She has a special way of watching movies (click here)
* She's diagnosed with social anxiety, but doesn't want to seek any help for it.
* She has sweaty and shaky hands, especially around people.
* Other than gaming, she also films herself making weird food combos (eg. ramen + whip cream / pizza + nutella) and then tasting them out.
* She has a big apetite, but it doesn't affect her weight because she has high metabolism.
* She usually forgets the date, sometimes even the month.
* She snorts when she laughs (her subsribers find it really cute when she does that).
* She used to do really well in sports and is probably still good at it, just rarely does it.
* She can't sing to save her life.

Sera’s family is actually rich and she grew up in quite a good environment, receiving the best out of the best. She was the oldest and sadly did not meet her parents’ expectations. Sera was tomboyish, unladylike and very outgoing. When her parents realized that she could not act proper or ladylike, they gave up on her and gave their attention to the youngest child, Sora. Sera was obviously hurt, but tries to ignore it by going out, spending only very little time at home. She used to have more friends from the opposite gender and doesn’t really know how to get along with girls, thinking they don’t like to hang out with someone like her. One day, she sees a group of people surrounding a guy and when she tries to intervene, the police came. The original attackers were gone while she was still there, with the person who was attacked now confirmed dead by the police. The police held her back as suspect for a long long while. Strangely, not one person came by to visit, not even the guys she calls her ‘bros’. In the end, she was released when the police found out the real attackers/murderers.

She was shunned by her parents and friends after that. Apparently, her parents truly believed that she was one of the attackers and such faith they held made her friends believe it too. Her friends avoided her and her parents continued to shove their disapproving comments in her face. Heck, even Sora, who used to talk to her, didn't even look her in the eye.  Since then, she locked herself in her own room and hated any human interaction. Her PC was the only escape from the ugly world and games are her only friend. She noticed that there were gamers who videod themselves playing games and earned money from it by posting the videos and reaching certain number of views. Soon, she followed suit and became a gamer Youtuber. She started off quite well and lasted quite long since her parents are filthy rich and she could buy any game she wanted to. After signing a contract with YouTube, she finally started earning some money from her videos. After lasting for so long (Sora begged their parents to let Sera stay), her parents finally kicked her out of the house when she was 21 years old. Sera then rented her own apartment, which however was not a suitable place for her since her neighbours were loud as hell, sometimes disrupting her filming process. So in the end, she found herself the apartment complex through an ad and became a resident.


large.jpgYoon Sora | 17 | High-school student | Younger sister
Sora still contacts Sera while Sera only occassionally picks up Sora's phonecalls, not wanting to be reminded of her family. Funny how when they start talking, they could talk for quite a long while. The two sisters have a strained relationship because of their parents but Sora really longs for the care of her older sister, missing her now and then. Sera for one, actually cares for her younger sister (heck, even her parents), but doesn't like to show it out. Their phonecall topics would usually consist of questions on how each other are doing and comments on Sera's videos. Their conversations are comfortable and then awkward again when Sera realizes she's being too friendly with her sister (still rather bitter about their childhood).

large.jpgBae Saerin | 25 | one of the residents | Acquaintances
Saerin appears to be genuinely friendly to Sera, that scares the latter a lot. For some reason, Sera would usually bump into Saerin whenever she goes out of her room and would always be forced to make small talks with Saerin. Later, she gets used to Saerin's bubbliness and gets less jumpy around her. Don't get it wrong though, because Sera still feels uncomfortable with any social interactions and she's still afraid of Saerin's impression on her (like how she's afraid of everyone's). She would definitely like to avoid meeting Saerin (who always starts a conversation), but if they meet she doesn't mind listening to Saerin talking about random stuffs. They're not buddy-buddy but aren't strangers either - probably just acquaintances.


large.jpgGeun Jinyu | 22 | Medical Student | Strangers to good friend (room 420)
Sera has heard whispers here and there about the so called 'Russian assasin' in the apartment and was intrigued instead of intimidated. When being presented Jinyu as the rumoured 'assasin', Sera observed and  concluded that Jinyu is nowhere near to being an assasin and dropped the case. Later, Sera notices Jinyu's distaste towards Jihoon and found it especially weird that he returns it. When Jinyu and Jihoon got closer, Sera was finally  introduced to Jinyu (though Jinyu has actually seen Sera hanging around with Jihoon before). It was awkward at first but both of them found out that their personality mix really well with each other. Sera's curiousity caused her to never judge Jinyu and Jinyu honestly appreciates that. The two girls are pretty attached to each other later on, enjoying each other's company very much.




Kang Jihoon
Love interest

NAME : Kang Jihoon
(None) Jihoon - She likes calling him by his name and truth is, she could not really think of any nicknames without them sounding really cringe-worthy.

BIRTHDAY : March 7th, 1993 (23)
OCCUPATION : Marine biologist & Part-time Zookeeper

Positive - analytical, compassionate, independent, clever
Negative - skeptical, reserved, stubborn, arrogant



Both of them started out with awkwardness but then got more comfortable with each other. Sera usually feels weird and nervous starting a conversation with him but Jihoon erases her worry away by reminding her again (with small gestures or comments) that they are actually friends so she doesn't always have to be so nervous around him. Sera is most likely the one to approach him but the one who always breaks the ice is Jihoon. When Sera feels comfortable, she asks questions (a little too much for Jihoon's liking) which Jihoon would hesitantly answer to. Jihoon doesn't get it why she's so curious but Sera would awkwardly admit that she enjoys hearing him talk and how friendship should always be a two-sided thing (she read about it on the net). The two also talk about random stuffs - Sera would interest Jihoon with her unusual lifestyle (sometimes making him nag advice her to live healthier) while he might talk about work or his cat when given an expectant look from her. Their time spent together consist of chill and relaxing conversations, sometimes silence - but the comfortable and calming kind. There are actually rare times where both of them would joke around (usually Jihoon has to initiate it) and that is one of the few times Sera felt like her old self. She feels 'protected' around him and, although doesn't show it, is pretty attached to him. Her feelings developed slowly (where she would sometimes space out and stares at him talking), but she never once mentioned about her feelings, content just by being by his side. She did so in the end to give herself closure and for her to move on.

                   A convienant meeting in the convienance store
JB-hottie-got7-37897480-500-600.jpgOne night, Sera receives a phonecall that the person who was supposed to deliver her food supplies could not do so and since she was obviously out of food and hungry, she makes sure she is dressed with her favorite hoodie and heads out to the nearest convienance store (which is still quite far, but walking distance). All of the sudden it started to rain and she obviously didn't bring an umbrella along. Then Jihoon enters in, with an umbrella in his hand. She recognizes him as one of the residents in the apartment, not sure whether he recognizes her or not. While standing outside, waiting for the rain to stop, she thought of asking him for help but was too afraid. Before she could try running back home, she sees Jihoon quietly opening the umbrella and offering to share it with her. Though at first very hesitant, she knows she needs the help and they both quietly walk back to the apartment.

Food is the answer, rain is the deliverer
def46ae0b9bd5c971265e6703d6326c9558cc5ee_hq.jpgSince then, she wanted to thank him so badly for the help he offered to her. Although always hanging out with males since she was young, she found Jihoon to be very different from most of the guys she met. When she made eye contact with him that night he offered her help, his eyes were kind, but also very lonely. Noticing him at times when she comes out from her room and trying to greet him with a pathetic wave, she gets genuinely curious about Jihoon. Still with thanking him in her mind, she makes him food as a token of appreciation. She is confident with her cooking this time (since she didn't make weird food combos like usual), but struggles presenting him with it. She went to the lobby, thinkng she could ask the receptionist to help her pass it to him, but decides against it last minute and takes courage in the current rainy day, finally knocking his apartment room door (she asked the receptionist his room number).

          An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth & food for food
925662_135818463419660_1774356076_n.jpgAfter giving him food, she was delighted when he accepted it. Then strangely, it continues, where she ocassionally knocks his room door, offering him food and him accepting it then returning the food container to her. Jihoon doesn't stop for small talks and although  normally, she'll rejoice not beign able to interact, this time she wishes to talk to him. It's a mixture of hope and fear and this feeling scares her. So, she avoided going out, wanting to stay in her room to think about what she should do because it seems as if she is the only person who wishes to be friends. After a few days in her room, she hears a knock and  was very surprised to see Jihoon with a food container. Turns out he cooked something for her in return. She accepts the food happily and nervously invites him in, insisting that she'll cook for him straight away, slightly hoping they could eat together (yes, she was pushing her luck).

Birds of a feather flock together
def46ae0b9bd5c971265e6703d6326c9558cc5ee_hq.jpgSera gets more comfortable around Jihoon and opens up to him, even admitting that she has social anxiety (he wasn't surprised but listened). Sera slowly develops feelings for Jihoon and didn't take long to realize it. She never admitted it though, appreciating little things he does and loving time spent with him. Noticing that Jihoon and Jinyu got closer, Sera noticed both of them developed special feelings for each other. Later, she was introduced to Jinyu formally by Jihoon and it was awkward between the two. However, a conversation on the rooftop between the two girls ended well and they are very close ever since. Jinyu was the second person (first was Jihoon) and now the most frequent person Sera reveals her sarcastic and outgoing personality to. The three share a strong bond and are content only by having each other. Sera tries to get the two together at times, shipping them even though it hurts because she strongly believes that mutual feelings should be admitted.


"You... like Mavis alot, don't you?" - When Sera found out Jihoon has a cat, that would usually be the conversation starter everytime (eg. she'll ask how Mavis is doing). She only rarely visits Jihoon but she doesn't try to hide her adoration for cats around him once she's comfortable with him.

"You added something - it tastes familiar but I wonder..." - Although Sera started out cooking normal food for Jihoon, she can't help but add in a few weird combos for him later on and he strangely enjoys it. Fearing he might not like it once he hears the ingredients, Sera refuses to tell him what she used to make his meals. She feels bad for not telling, but she loves it when he seems impressed by her cooking.

"The graphics were really cool. By the way, here's the book you wanted to borrow." - Jihoon and Sera ocassionally exchange books and video games with each other. Sera suggested so when she realized she rarely does anything when she's off from her PC. The video games and books they exchanged are one of the most discussed topic by the two.

"You are coffee-ing really badly and you doughnut look well, are you alright?" - Jihoon sometimes puposely makes puns and jokes, liking her reactions. Sera would always laugh at it, and maybe if he's lucky enough, she'll start getting all sarcastic with him. He genuinely cares for her as a friend and wishes for her to slowly but surely overcome her social anxiety. So, seeing her let loose in front of him, even for a while, makes him glad.

"Congratulations on beating that boss last night." - After Sera mentioned about being a YouTuber, Jihoon actually does check out her videos and there are some random times where Jihoon would give her small comments about her videos.



When asked by Jinyu about Sera's feelings towards Jihoon, Sera admits that she loves Jihoon  and is glad to have met him. Sera then also admits that although she has feelings for Jihoon, Jinyu is her first girl best friend and she would rather not ruin Jihoon and Jinyu's (JJ couple omigosh) chances of being together. Jinyu got frustrated and tries to convince Sera not to give up without even trying. However, Sera surprises Jinyu by telling her that Jihoon rejected her a few days ago when he told Sera his true feelings for Jinyu and how he still wishes for Sera to continue staying as his friend. Sera then confesses that romance is nothing compared to the friendship bond the three of them share. Although she loves Jihoon, she also loves Jinyu very much and could not lose even one of them as they are the ones who could be called her safe space - the only people who she could fully trust and lean on. Each of them helped her grow and that's why she could not imagine life without them.

"Well, you see, I really do love Jihoon." Sera pauses and smiles warmly towards her friend, "But... I also love you, Jinyu." Trying her best not to cringe at how cheesy she might get, she takes a deep breath and admits, "You both are the only people in the world that matters - our friendship means everything to me."


get to know you


"Plants on the rooftop calm me." *clears * "Also, I like helping, alone and quietly."

"No." *sighs* "Socializing is hard for me."

*shifts uncomfortably* "No, my room is enough."

"Quite long, hopefully." *pauses* "It's private and quiet enough here."

*shrugs* "I have my pet rocks and my plants."

"My parents are dead to me, people scare me and I like being alone."


QUESTIONS : None for now. <3

COMMENTS : I love all your apply fic ideas. ;) Anyways, another character that is a victim of unrequited love. (Ehehe yes, I am secretly evil). I've collabed with two applicants to make this love triangle come true. For Sera, I'd like to focus on how she is able to learn how to control her anxiety when it comes to socializing and how people aren't as scary as she thinks they are (It's up to you whether or not Sera and her family's relationship will be mended). Her character is probably the one who values their friendship the most and treats it like something precious and beautiful. ;) If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Also, if there is anything wrong, do tell so I could quickly fix it. Have a nice day. :D

"I love this pizza shop." - When Sera suddenly stops ordering from the pizza store she usually orders from for one whole week, the shop staffs got worried. So, they delivered two extra large (like usual) with discount coupons shoved in the package, with a note telling her that it is all free of charge for their beloved customer.

"N-no. You got the wrong person." - Maybe the apartment residents comments about how familiar Sera looks like. When some mention about 'Nincat Yoon', she'll be wanting to deny it because admitting it might only brings more attention.

"Happy birthday." - Random, I know, but I rlly want to see a birthday scene in the story (no matter whose character it is about lol). Ohh, maybe Saerin! Then, there could be a surprise birthday party for her organised by the committee. xDD



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