Not-Rant Rant; Read the very bottom only

...I have OCD, actually severe OCD. I pull my hair out a lot, and the only reason I can't do so now is because I have a mohawk and reaching to the top of my head makes my arms tired. I want to pull my hair so bad, for so many reasons, frustartion mostly.

I can't focus on anything I read if I find a mistake....that mkaes me sound horrible but I will spend the rest of time reading remembering that one mistake. I hate that I do it, but I can't consciously stop it and even when I tell myslef not to think about it, I do. I try to ignore it and fix it in my head but that doesn't work. 

Now what in the 7 layers of hell does have to do with anything? Well one of my rules on my applyfic, asks for a grammar check, which is just basic proofreading to make sure eveything flows and find any small mistakes. I'm asking for a college essay profread but just make sure words aren't missing letters. Nor am I claiming to be perfect I up a lot because I have improper typing technique and my brain thinks things faster than I can type. I understand not everyone will be native to english as well, it's my native tongue and I still spell ' receive' about 95% of the time. 

I guess what I'm saying is, I don;t think I'm asking for much...or maybe I am. I just don't want to as an author ask anyone who applies to redo or fix a problem, I want the first time you apply to be the only time I have to see and review your application, and not for my sake either, for you as the reader. That way the story can progress quicker, for your enjoyment. I'm also not trying to sound like a saint, cause I'm not I just don't like making anything hard for anyone or causing extra work.

And the only thing I ask in return is just to follow the rules? But whatever. Wow this was less ranty and more 'I'm-tired-and-just-gonna-be-honest' thing...ehh. But truly, I just want less work for the readers, even if I awake until o-dark-thirty writing, It's honestly the whole reason I write, I have the imagination and want to make something people enjoy. 

This was not a rant...but kinda...idk.


I have, OCD and I just want proofread applications, sorry if I sounded mean.I just wanna write for people and them to be happy.


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