
It’s dripping. The blood. And he seems to be thrilled. I can’t help it; I love to see him happy.

“Your veins protrude a lot.” said he, twisting and turning my left hand in his, keeping my fingers so close to his eyes. It’s like he’s examining them, tracing out the prints or poking his nails inside my skin to see its firmness. He’s putting on pressure, digging nails so deep I can feel them closing in on my tiny finger bones.

“They’re so purple…” said I.

How else are veins like? I imagine them green…maybe some shade of red…but anything not like mine. There’s nothing about me like normal people…or so I believe. Atleast I have some reason to excuse myself of being pathetically tepid. Where’s my will to live?

Ah there he is. Sitting and watching. Watching my hand so up close.

“This one is the most visible.” He points to a thin line of purple in the middle of the joint of my finger.

He smiles. I wonder what fascinates him about this. “It’s so visible.” Repeating. He holds the finger up, wrapping his hand around it and keeping it upclose again, bringing forth one of his needles.

Intensity. Intimacy?

Maybe just madness and a prey who doesn’t care, never did. Not naïve, just not willing.

He smiles again, at me. Asking for permission? No. Informing me. The needles pokes in, a pain shoots through. He digs the sharp point further, tearing a micro-hole in the protruding purple vein. A drop of crimson forms, running down the finger…running down his needle…giving space for another drop to form. Continuous.

His eyes are joyous, liking the action he is doing, liking the sight of the blood. His teeth are slowly appearing under his smile…a smile that’s wicked. Not for me. He’s happy. I made him happy.

Are they finally green now? How many more needles do I need to take in?




Ya know those times when you just write by your you're being you (gloomy and pathetic in my case) and you sorta just set out to write something? Well this is the result of my mine ^ haha..........I like traumatic things and romanticizing them......most of you won't even get what I wrote......... 
#im going to delete this later #was inspired by this art comic strip actually #personal muse Byun B served as the harming object as well haha #i wanna die now 


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