Goodbye, Lily.

Can't someone help me?

My dog just died an hour ago (11:55 pm, 16th August 2016) after I came home, only to see her having a minutes after. 

I'm so happy I could at least be with her and take her to the vet's and hold her while she fell asleep and finally went over to the other side,

but I still feel so numb inside, like a part of me has died- and I know that even more than a part of me has died, because Lily was more than just a dog. 

She was my older sister, the one family member who kept watching over all of us, who protected my father who's sitting in a wheel chair and kept him company 24/7, who helped my mother relax after a hard day at work, who helped me calm down whenever I was anxious. 

She was an angel on earth, and I can still feel her paw in my hand, I can still feel her my foot, and Lily, I'm sorry for every single time I pushed you away when you did that, or every time mum and dad yelled at you to shut up when you where just happy to see us coming back home to you and Gizzy.


What hurts the most is that I had to leave her behind at the vet's because my parents had decided to leave her there instead of taking her with us. We had always planned to burry her by her favourite place, the small forsythia bush next to the lake we live at, where my father usually sits and fishes... and now they spontanously decided to just leave her behind. I understand their reasons, I can understand my father not wanting to be reminded of her everytime he sits there, but it would have really helped ME. 

It would have helped me to have her near, to have a place where I could sit down and talk to her... but now her body's gone, and all that is left for me to do, is to enclose the memory of her in my heart and never let it go.


Lily, you went through so much pain for us, day by day, never leaving our side.

Yesterday, I let you go for your own good, but I promise I'll never forget you. 

I won't let you die a second time.





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unfortunately, i know exactly what you're feeling
one of my dogs passed away last year, in september 2015
it was one week before school started and i had decided to spend the weekend at my father's house (i have separated parents and live with my mom)
on the day i was supposed to come back to my mother's house, i received a call from my mother telling me that one dog of ours had passed away during the night
"camila" was her name
i remember that i cried for the rest of the day and couldn't manage to leave the bed
i had to spend the entire week in my father's house because i wasn't emotionally ready to get home and not see her at the gate, welcoming me
i wasn't emotionally ready to deal with the loss of her
i only came back home the day before school started
and as soon as i arrived and didn't see her , a strong feeling of sadness hit me and i started crying
so i started my school year psychologically very fragile and that semester, i got incredibly low grades
i just couldn't focus
that dog was part of my family
i grew up with her
the last 10 years of my life were spent with her beside me
she was the one who made me fall in love with the dogs
as a child, most of my time was spent with her
so it wasn't easy to let her go
even today, almost one year after, whenever people mention her, i can't help but start crying because the sadness i feel upon hearing her name is too intense
once i had to leave in middle of a class because one classmate asked about my dogs and mentioned camila and i started crying
i have other dogs now
9 to be exatly
i love them with all of my heart, i really really do
but none of them can fill the hole camila has left in my heart ever since she left and i don't think that hole can ever be filled
it will always be there
so yeah i know what you're feeling
and i know it's hard
but it'll evetually go away
of course you'll miss her
but that's part of life
I feel so sorry to hear that :(

I also miss my dog, her name was Dolly and last year in March she ran away from home while it was raining and never came back :( I cried for a week while trying to find her but I couldn't, and we now have a picture of her in the living room. Even though it's been over a year I still have hope that maybe someone saw her and took her in :( I'm afraid to think of the worst... She always appears in my dreams and that helps me, because I can at least be with her in my dreams :).

I feel your pain :(
Thanks a lot I'm crying now...
I'm so in sad, damn...
Man I hope you get through this ok.
I've never had a pet but I know how it feels to loose someone close to your heart.
Well she's in a better place now and I hope she is happy.
Man I haven't cried like this on a while....
Bro if you need to talk to someone through this time I'll be more than happy to be that person.
:,) stay strong and healthy
Stay safe and eat well
She would have wanted this <3