Graphics posters

Hi, I'm not new to this website, but even for as long as i've frequented this site i have just started writing fics.  I really want a poster for my stories, but I can't figure out how to do many things.
One of the problems i've encountered is finding or applying for a poster.  Do any of you know how to, and if so could you explain?

I know some people have shops, but many of the ones that i knew of are ones that were around years ago, and aren't any longer.  Anyway i'd appreciate your help.





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There are many poster shops open. You can check out Bunny3 Co, it's a poster shop that I coauthor for, and it's open.
search up the graphics shops
K-freak_Girl #3
there are many ongoing shops still
K-freak_Girl #4
Just search up Graphic Shops and request in their forms. Some might cost Karma Points though