i was bored

YOUn49P.png  JTXEfcu.png

i made these because i was like bored. and i had like some muse for creating posters today i guess. the go away senpai was like inspired from this got7 vine of like jb i think and it had this girl saying "senpai" in the middle of it. idk i kinda forgot. and also from taemin just being my all-time favorite. i love him <33

the second one, untouchable, and yes that is a black woman (well... she's not fully chanel iman is like biracial or something) was inspired from a song. idk if you guys know tory lanez, but he's a toronto rapper who's making it big nowadays. i love his songs. the untouchable poster was inspired by his renedition or cover (?) of TLC's "No Scrub" and the song is called "T.L.C." click here if you wanna check it out. also inspired a bit by my baby G.Soul's "Where Do We Go From Here" click here to be amazed by his talent.


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