ATALANA GIRL NO.19  ✕  임슬비


im seulbi

aimashou • tilda • seven


the basics.

name  im seulbi   [  임슬비 ]


lacey  ⎯  one of seulbi's former aliases when being a trainee; it was sort of like a code name for the girl by the executives so that they knew it was seulbi and not another girl, since she often switched entertainment companies. 

she-devil/devil's little helper  ⎯  since seulbi is the devil in disguise and that her brother helped her become the person she was today, she is often called this by her brother when they are alone.


birthdaY  febuary 2nd, 2000

BIRTHPLACE & hometowN  seoul, south korea

ethnicitY  korean


korean  ⎯  it is her native language and she speaks it everyday, as a korean person does in south korea.

english  ⎯  basic or standard english, seulbi learnt this through lessons at school. she knows basic words and how to greet others and how to introduce herself. let's just say that her accent is the only thing bringing her down.

face claiM  siyeon of pledis girlz

backup face claim  eunbin of clc


height & weight  165cm, 52kg.



  she looks like an angel
the 00' liner has a very mature look to her. the muscles that she carries are toned and her face is quite slim. seulbi's skin is pale and smooth, virtually having no body hair because she hates the sight and feel to it. seulbi is quite tall for her age, being at 165 centimetres and weighs at 52 kilograms.



  pastel princess xoxo
seulbi loves pastel pink, just that colour. outside of training schedules and performances, you'll find seulbi wearing pink aesthetic clothes and it's not joke. her shoes, jackets and shirts are pastel pink and she often dresses like someone from a western culture; wearing denim shorts, sports branded clothing, bomber jackets and even sometimes chokers. during winter, her pastel-ness dies down a bit and she wears neutral colours though it only happens during winter. you'd usually find her wearing pastel pink scarves, beanies and ugg boots though. during training, seulbi wears all black, though she detestes the colour. she wears it because it's easier to spot mistakes whilst wearing black clothes. 



"you really think i'm pure and innocent? well, i'm purely the devil in disguise and innocent enough to fool the world too. is that a good enough answer?"



"just because i get moved companies as fast as you change boyfriends, it doesn't mean i'm not good enough for their groups. it means i'm too good to be in their girl groups and that i deserve better."


i'm gonna be a star.

stage name   seulbi  

STAGE persona   resident cutie-pie

position   main dancer, sub-vocalist


performance twin   seulgi of red velvet

vocal twin   yein of lovelyz


trainee years   six years   [ 2011 - 2016 

trainee life 

           early 2011 to late 2014  ⎯  pledis, cube, starship & dsp entertainment
seulbi was only twelve, korean age, when she was accepted into her first entertainment company, pledis. she didn't have many friends and was often bullied because she wasn't a very good vocalist. during the middle of 2011, seulbi was transfered over to cube where she adjusted more but was still bullied for being transfered. as being transfered was really saying that you weren't good enough. it was the same thing later in early 2013, where seulbi was transfered once again and was moved to starship because of the lack of improvement. same goes in the start of 2014, mainly because of seulbi not cooperating with the trainees in starship and was finally moved to dsp. 

           late 2014 to mid 2015  ⎯  jyp entertainemnt & sixteen
late 2014 and seulbi was moved for the last time to jyp entertainment and she was sick of being moved around. seulbi had to create a sweet, innocent persona to stay in jyp entertainment and she hated it. early 2015, jyp held secondary auditions for female trainees for their upcoming survival program 'sixteen' and seulbi hated it. she tried her best to win jyp's heart so that she was compete in the show but she wasn't in the original line-up. she wanted to win, she wanted to compete, she had to. so when she realised that the youngest contestant of 'sixteen' was moved up to her dance class, seulbi took the opportunity to get what she wanted. to be on the show. seulbi already knew from the company officials that she was a hairline away from joining the line-up but narrowly missed, so if someone was injured and couldn't compete, seulbi would've been the replacement. a little push to the little thai girl wouldn't mean a thing right? oh nothing really, just the chance to be in jyp's biggest girl group yet. oh poor natty.

seulbi really tried her best. she was automatically one of the fan favourites once she joined the line-up for twice. her looks soon charmed the viewers and many voted for her early on. she remained on the show until the last episode, where she was unfortunately moved down to the minor team. it was also revealed that jyp didn't want her to debut with the winners of 'sixteen' was because she and somi, two out of the three talented people who were moved down to the minor team was too young! it outraged seulbi greatly and it made a great cover-up for why seulbi quit jyp entertainment. she was the first 'sixteen' member to leave jyp after the show.

           mid 2015 to present  ⎯  bighit entertainment and atalanta
when seulbi auditioned for bighit entertainment, almost straight after she left jyp, she was easily accepted. she almost had a following of trainees who wanted to be friends with her because she was on 'sixteen' and the worst thing for her is that she had to keep up the cute and angelic persona she had on the program because if she didn't, people would get suspicious. for all the most part in seulbi's training life in bighit entertainment, it was more harsher but she easily adjusted into it. when the auditions to atalanta came up, seulbi knew that she had to be in it as it would most likely be her last chance to debut before people began to get sick of her, and so she got accepted soon after.


girl next door.


pretty on the outside  ⎯  kind, courageous, reliable, stubborn, childish, innocent, gentle

seulbi seems like a very innocent girl who is kind to everyone as she helps everyone and supports everyone evenly; and that is what many believe. she is seen with a pure smile everyday and is gentle in her works. seulbi 'can' be very reliable, keeping information that people do not want to be spread around to herself. although stubborn because she wants to do things her way and childish, due to her age; people still love her for what her personality seems to be. an angelic girl.


wilting on the inside  ⎯  two-faced, aggressive, stoic, decieving, egocentric, treacherous, cruel

the truth about the sweet loving seulbi that the public knows none about is that, im seulbi is nothing like you would imagine behind the screens. she's definitely two-faced, showing only what the public wants to see and when all cameras are off, her true side would show. the gentleness which seulbi shows on camera suddenly becomes aggressive if you dare set her off. the smile which she has in every fan taken picture suddenly turns into an unreadable scowl. the trusting figure that you'd imagine seulbi to be turns out to be decieving. the truth is, seulbi is an egocentric girl who only cares about herself and her treachorous borders. she does things that no one else does to gain what she wants in her life and isn't afraid to manipulate someone for her own benefit either. all this, behind her innocent facade.



the seulbi snap  ⎯  she has a thing when sometimes her true self would show briefly. it is shown mainly with the contestants of atalanta; an example of the seulbi snap is in the final episode of 'sixteen' where she was eliminated.
⎯  spicy foods, pastel pink, cherry blossom, secrets, gossip, travelling, being with her brother, dancing, revenge
⎯  something not going her way, school, other trainees, genuine kindness, sweet foods, nuts, loud noises
ideal type  
⎯  her ideal type is a bad but also cute boy who is respectful
⎯  it's not on her atalanta profile, but seulbi is definitely classified as a visual. fans who had seen that seulbi was not on the visual line for the show even tried to make #justiceforseulbi happen.
⎯  seulbi isn't actually terrible in the vocal department but her terrible breathing technique makes her sound terrible.
⎯  she has a habit of clicking her tongue and tapping when stressed, irritated or bored.
⎯  seulbi enjoys long walks, listening to music and freestepping.
⎯  one of her major inspirations for attending her childhood dance classes were because of the movie; step up.



           birth and childhood
seulbi was the second born and the youngest of her family. she was born to loving parents and had an older brother. she and her brother were often babysitted by their aunt and grew a despicable hatred for their parents since they never really seemed to care and never took care of them. her brother was an instant guardian for seulbi, despite being three years older than her and they were like two peas in a pod. daejun, her brother, taught her how to act for her own accord by fooling others for her own benefit. he was teaching seulbi how to be like himself since she really looked up to him and that's how seulbi's personality came to be. when they're by themselves, they are pure devils and in front of their families, the siblings are the most pure in the whole world.

           school and dance clubs
she wasn't the best at all in school. she always had a fake smile on her face, as she was taught and she always pretended that she understood what the teachers were saying and teaching. though she wasn't the worst, seulbi recieved average marks in most of her subjects. she was one of the members in her school's dance club and grew her fondness for dancing there. it was something that seulbi could do to escape and she was always dancing in the hip-hop genre, because it was way cooler than ballet. then, one faithful day, a scout came and he picked out the people that would later be asked to audition for pledis entertainment. seulbi were one of them. this would only be the beginning to seulbi's troublesome path ahead of her.




replace with fc"how is he supposed to be older than me?"
 im daejun, 19 years old, older brother
being the older sibling, you'd expect them to be more responsible than the younger. partially correct with daejun but he still is a greatly irresponsible person. he taught seulbi the art of acting and how to be cunning without making a big fuss, mainly from his mistakes. seulbi and daejun are close and they pride on being the 'poster children' of their entire family, including cousins and distant relatives athough they really aren't at all. daejun is a university student, majoring physics and is definitely a smart one, though his actions outside of his college campus is dumb. daejun roots for seulbi thoughout everything she does.                       portrayed by topp dogg's hansol

replace with fc"i'm sick of you and your disgusting attitude."
⎯  jeon somi, 16 years old, fake best friend
she's certainly an energetic girl and to be honest, seulbi hates somi. she thinks that she can't sing that well, nor rap and that her dancing is a little rusty. seulbi appears to be best friends with somi because of the younger girl's fame and popularity and the fans love their interactions. they are even said to be the 'visuals' of the program along with tzuyu. somi believes seulbi's kind facade and that seulbi likes her outgoing and brash personality. it's all a lie. seulbi keeps the relationship going because together, they bring new fans and she gets even more media for herself. sorry somi, but seulbi's popularity is more important. 

replace with fc"you have every right to hate me."
⎯  ahnatchaya suputhipong, 15 years old, personal punching bag
the young girl has talent. seulbi recognises that but she knows that she's better than the thai girl. ahnatchaya, or natty as everyone calls her, was supposed to be in 'sixteen' but after seulbi had 'accidently' pushed her down the stairs, ultimately breaking her elbow and leg, natty's position in the show was left to seulbi to fill. after 'apologizing' to natty about the 'accidental' occurance, natty forgave her and they became good acquaintances with each other, making natty believe that seulbi had nothing to do with her accident and that she didn't compete in 'sixteen'. seulbi actually feels sympathy for natty, after all, her friendship was all part of her plan to be less guilty.     

"somtimes i forget people's names, i can't remember their faces either. i really don't care."
people that seulbi are friends or acquaintances with but really don't need as much room than above people. 
/  hover /



the interview.

please introduce yourself to the viewers "hello," seulbi grinned towards the camera, waving her hands around to give a kind and pleasing aura, "i'm resident cutie-pie, im seulbi! nice to meet you!" she bowed softly and underneath the flowing hair that covered her face, seulbi's expression was dark and expressionless. 'i don't need to introduce myself, everyone already knows me you fools.'


HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE IDEA OF COMPETING AGAINST 20 GIRLS? seulbi put her hands into an 'okay' sign, "it's easy-peasy! there will be lots of fun and lots of challenges that would be so enjoyable and it would give us twenty girls a chance to become closer and happier!" seulbi put her hands up, as if she was cheering. 'i hate them so much, i can't wait to see the look on their faces once they realised that i'm not all what you think i look like.'


out of the 20 girls competing in atalana, do you think you'll be able to be ranked in the top 7?  "if i could make it to the finals in sixteen, then i'll be able to do so here. it's all about positive thinking and the will to go to the top!" seulbi smiled but on the inside, she scowled and glared at the thought of not even making it into the top seven. 'i will get there, even if i had to go to drastic measures. i deserve this more than anyone else does.'


Is there any trainee in big hit you think will be hard to surpass  seulbi pretended to think, "oh well. everyone's a pretty tough challenge but i think i could surpass them if i work hard enough and with your support!" she clasped her hands and gave a small heart to the viewers. 'liar, i don't think i can surpass them...i will surpass them with ease.'


please give a message to the viewers watching 'atalana' "please continue to support me and allow me to do the best i can in the competition! with your love, we can win this show!" seulbi wanted to throw up because of her cringey, cute and unpleasing message. she blinked and sent another heart, "please support me!"


and finally, please give a message to the girls competing in atalana » "unnies', we'll have such a good time together in the show and i hope we'll have a strong bond by the end of the show, no matter what happens." seulbi nodded and waved at the camera. though through the camera, it seems that seulbi was pleased about what she said, the two-faced girl wanted to say something like this. 'what in the actual hell did i just say? i hope we'll have a strong bond? i'll break them soon enough, i'll break you one by one until i'll be number one. be scared; i've been through hell for this final chance.'


the end.

comments/suggestions so....i've decided to revive one of my newer yet dead character! hope you like seulbi.


scene requests 

surprise!  ⎯  twice shows up/or records themselves cheering on seulbi on atalanta 
attack!  ⎯  the contestants begin to bash seulbi about not being talented and was only riding on her popularity from sixteen, which causes seulbi's true side to unleash on them.
⎯  seulbi brings out either natty or somi as she records for atalanta and she continues to tell how they are 'best friends' and whatnot; before making them promote her on the show to gain votes for herself. well, of course, in a nice way as they only know about her nice facade.
oh boy!  
⎯  seulbi and her brother meet up and their true natures come alive with one another. with the secrets that seulbi had found out about the contestants; such as contreversial pre-debut pictures or stories, she would hand them over to her brother so that he could pass it onto his friends, who would later anonymously put it on the web for seulbi.



password  wonder girls  ⎯  hyelim






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