僕達の初恋; Our First Love Diaries ◦ Mikazuki Seira ◦Dangerous Love

Noeul96. nono. 7.5. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
Mikazuki Seira
"everyone likes me, i will surely will make you like me"
FULL NAME — Mikazuki, Seira
• Seira-ojou + due to her princess like attitude, mostly by all ppl who hates her. and people who works with her father.
• Seira Moon + just a pun played by the boys who likes her and says she's like their sailor moon.
• Lorelei - like the mermaid legend, shes able to manipulate boys with her ppretty face and beautiful boys. By the girls in schoo, mostly the girls that hates her.
DOB + AGE — 02 • 13 (16)
BIRTHPLACE — London, England.
HOMETOWN — Tokyo, Japan
ETHNICITY — Korean, quarter British
• English + Fluent, her grandmother is british and communicates in English with her parents and grandparents.
• Japanese + Grew up in Japan since age 9. She's better at speaking than writing.
FACE CLAIM — Fukumura Mizuki
BACKUP — Hashimoto Kanna
• Seira is very short for a half caucasian, she stands at the height of 149cm and weights only 45kg. She has  a very long legs for a short girl and she has freckles all over her body but it is not dark but its is visible enough. Seira has an unsual eye color that she inherits from her mother, that is light brownish in the middle and blue overall. Like this. Seira's hair falls above her waist and its very light ashy brown wavy hair that she inherits from her grandmother like this.
OTHER —She has tiny mole on the left side of her chin.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT —149cm & 45kg
• She is the typical rich asian girl who only wears expensive clothes. But mostly she wears things suits her style, expensive or not. She likes to wear dresses and only owns a few pairs of jeans. Her style is very lady like and also very elegant.
PERSONALITY TRAITS — haughty,out spoken,self absorb, generous, soft hearted, naive.
• Seira is very haughty and very princess like, she tends to look down on others unintentionally, except to those who are good looking enough and she will consider them her level; or atleast almost her level.Seira always smiles and speaks in a polite manner, even when she's angry. It makes the boys swoon for her smiles and optimistic trait, but it is actually her self assurance. She never takes everyone's insult to heart always thinks of it as jealousy. She is very out spoken and when she's angry, she will speak out the hard truth that makes some hate her.Seira is so self absorb she thinks everything is about her and why everyone has to pay attention to her, that created a wall between her family and close friends.
•Despite all that, she is very generous and soft hearted. She is rich and she knows it, but she never hesitate to help others even if she can't. But sometimes people takes the advantage of her kindness and befriend her for her money and she will trust them with their sweet talk.
• Seira was born in London, England to a Japanese father and British mother. Her family owns a winery and a dairy farm in the rural UK, Korea and Japan.Seira is also a distant relative of the current Royal family of UK. Seira has an older sister who is 5 years older and inherits the family business. Seira started singing at the age of 4, she learned how to sing first than talk properly. By the age of 6, Seira was taught the violin and piano. She was loved by everyone for her beauty and talents, that was when her haughtiness started; at that time it was considered cute. By the age of 8, her family moved to Japan to opened up another branch the winery; she was taken care of by the family's servants with her sister while her parents lived in near the farm. At the age of 13 her parents passed away in a sailing accident while vacationing for their wedding anniversary. At that time, her sister had to take over the company and flew back to London. Seira was left to live in the big mansion with the servants so she could finish school and chase her dream; it was her sister's wish. Seira was always practicing and working hard on her dream and a distraction from her grief. When there's a boy involved, it's nothing serious; dating is just a hobby for her, a bad one.
• Father - Mikazuki Hiroto (43) - Former CEO of Rosaria Winery and Dairy Farm -Shy,observant,charismatic,strict,workholic,ambitious- Seira is a total daddy's girl, she was always following him around and sometimes refused to go to school because she wants to see her dad at work. Hiroto, however; is easily turn warm and give anything she wants. Although he always remend her that she never need anyone to do things nor need to rely on someone to be successful, which she still believes to this day.
• Mother - Mikazuki Alexa White (43) - House wife -optimistic,out-spoken,naive,headstrong,stubborn,friendly - Seira's personality is very alike her mother and ocassionally it clashes. She gets into an argument with her a lot, but it's always about trivial things. Though, she respects her mother a lot and wishes to become as strong as her.
• Sister - Mikazuki 'Lena' Reina (21) - CEO of Rosaria Winery and Dairy Farm- aloof,dependable,observant,charismatic,open minded,strict - People always say that these two has a very rare sister relationship where they get a long pretty well. Seira is always protected by her sister who dots on her like her father. But Reina is very strict and always scold Seira for her haughtiness. But Reina is the only person she could talk to and listens without interrupting.
• Teacher - Kazehaya Erica (21) - English Teacher - Erica is Reina's High School Friends and a natural family friend for 5 years after Erica moves away. Erica is like her sister and friend to her, she knows almost everything about Seira, She always followed Erica around when she was a kid whenever Erica came to visit. Nowadays, Erica never spoils her and never give her special treatment. But if it has nothing to do with school, you'll mistaken them for a very close sibling.
• Schoolmate/senior - Chae Hyemin (16) - Student- When they first met, Seira talks to her without honorifics and thought she was the same age. Seira didn't like her since she was too over whelming and always happy, she thinks that Hyemin is faking it aand tries to avoid her as much. But it seems Hyemin always run into her and always scolds Seira for her rude attitude. Seira always says she's not being rude but she's being honest and unlike someone. Although Seira is envious of her due to her cheerfullness and being able to stand up agains't whats wrong and right, but she denies it.
• Seira has a cat that looks like she's always bored(resembles her sister) as a present from her grandmother so she wouldn't feel lonely without her sister.
• Seira gets protective when it comes to her sister.
•Seira  is kind towards elders and they find her very comforting
•Seira secretly works at a intsrument shop without her family knowing.
Why choose Kohaku Highschool? — "I live in the same building with the school Head mistress, my house keeper told her about me and head mistress invited me to try the entrance exam."
Are you an athlete or aninspiring musician? —  "Musician, i dream to become a singer song writer or a violinist."
What do you think of being the only girl in class? — "the idea of being around boys is much more nicer than girls. I'm a natural enemy to the girls" smiles meekly.
Are you interested in love? and why? — "well of course, everyone loves me" Seira laughs "If you mean relationship love...well i guess so? since my parents love eachother. And if i find it along the way in search of my dream...why not?"
LOVE INTEREST — Hirose Kakeru(OC) + Yudai Chiba
BACKUP — Hongo Kanata
• at first he is a polite well mannered prince like guy, but Kakeru is a very sharp tongue guy and especially towards people he finds annoying and interesting. He is actually scared of who to trust and when people are invading into his life too much, he'll start being mean to you and he can be very two face. He'll act sweet and friendly in front of people but, he'll says things unfiltered without hesistating. Despite that, he'll be careful what to say and what not. He's very childish at times and sometimes mature.
• Kakeru is a friend of her boyfriend, but he notices her true self and finds her very interesting. He confronted her about her real feelings towards his friend, when she told him the truth; he laughed and told her that she should break up with him because he's an and dating her because she is the prettiest girl in school.Seira somehow starts appear everywhere and finds him interesting too because he was the first guy to come clean to her and she's interested in him and declares that she'll make him fall in love with her.
RELATIONSHIP —  He would usually shake her off and Seira is the one who initiates everything.
STATUS — Friends
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT —Like the song 'Suki Kirai'? except, opposite. Seira is in Ren's place and Kakeru in Rin's.
You know i like 'Yumemiru Taiyou' right Rin-chan? :P
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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