JACK FROST || Application Form
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Yoon || i.e, her surname. Most people just call her Yoon for no particular reason, and Jaeshin doesn't really mind, so it stuck forever. Only her relatives call her her given name.
kid || seeing as she's the only sixteen year old in her "job", it's pretty obvious why she's called this. Plus, she's short.
Date of Birth: 02.14.00 (16)
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Current Occupation: in her first year of high school. also an unofficial i.t. intern at the company choi minho works for.
Korean || native language
English || fluent ; her family spends every holiday (vacation) in USA, so she was exposed to the language frequently. also, it comes in handy with the programming.
+ cheerful, friendly, optimistic, playful
- childlish, tactless, talkative, stubborn
= happy-go-lucky, tech-savvy

Who is Yoon Jaeshin, you ask? She's quite a person to be with. The first thing you would notice about her is her seemingly permanent eyesmile. It's nearly impossible to see her without her eyesmile. Why? It's because she's so cheerful. Like 24/7 happiness in a person. Most times, she's spreads joy like a virus. It's really frustrating cause it gets hard to be mad at her. She's also very optimistic. She often refuses to look at the bad side of things. She's also a friendly kid. She knows how to make a lot of friends, no matter who they are. It helps that she's an approachable person, so people just get drawn to her in a sense. She's like a child, very playful. She rarely looks at things too seriously, and she can find the joy even in the most dire situations.

The thing about her playfulness, is that her lack of maturity. Like mentioned above, she often fails to look at things maturely, which is a problem for her. She's also very tactless. She often goes into situations, without planning carefully, and that occasionally turns into more trouble. She's impulsive in that sense as well. She's also very talkative. Like to the point that you'll rip your hair out. She just never stops talking. She's also very stubborn. She rarely listens to anything other people tell her to do, unless she's forced to. She also often thinks that she's right, which is rarely the case, to be honest.

She's the type of girl who's always happy-go-lucky. She doesn't have a care in the world. Whatever problem she faces, she just ignores it. Obstacles and hardships? They don't exist in her world. She's not too smart at anything much, but when it comes to technology, she's like a genius. How can she not be? Her dad, who is a programmer himself, taught her all about technolgy from a young age. She's still learning at the moment, but that doesn't mean she isn't damn good.
The Yoon family was by no means the richest family in Seoul, but that didn't mean that Jaeshin wasn't a spoiled child. How can she not be? She's the only child of two rather successful individuals. They weren't the richest, but they were damn near. Hence, the reason that Jaeshin was spoiled. Jaeshin lives a pretty damn good life. She gets what she wants, when she wants it. She has also travelled around the world a lot, even from a young age. Her passport is as full as  a destination photographer, though the country she always visits is the USA because her parents has some friends there. Because of this, she's become rather fluent at speaking English.

Her childhood was normal enough. That is, if you count her travelling with her parents to another country every other month,but what can she do? Her parents really like travelling. Ohter than that, she had a normal childhood. She got average grades, but she was really popular due to her friendly nature, not to mention her mom is a famous YA author in SK. It was during middle school when she discovered her affinity in programming. Her father, who's a programmer, was elated that his little girl had the same interest with himself, and started teaching her all about programming and computers in their free time. Years went by and Jaeshin got better and better with coding and programming until she was really good.

Fast forward to the present, and Jaeshin is really good with her computers. It's now summertime, and Jaeshin really didn't feel like travelling with her parents. Her father pulled some strings to get her a sort of internship in the company he works for. Jaeshin was glad for something to do, and she does love her computers. More time with computers aren't that bad, she thinks, and accepts the internship. There, she meets Choi Minho, also a programmer. They connected well with each other, with their shared neglect for themselves, and their love for programming.

And here we are now, daemons everywhere, the city is in shambles, and oh is that laughter I hear? Nevermind, it's just Jaeshin laughing about who knows what. I swear that girl is bordeline crazy.

Technology in general
oversized clothing
also comfty clothes
Wearing her glasses
having crappy eyesight
early mornings
the lack of coffee
milk tea (she likes both items separately, but not together)

Computer Programming
Drinking coffee
chewing the inside of her cheek when she's thinking
sticking her tongue out when she can cause she's atually four
her hands are very fidgety. it's never stationary
everything dying
not being able to breathe
needles *shudders*
ironically, hardships that's too big for her to ignore. it brings out her serious side, which she seriously dislikes
Jaeshin is a techie. Like she's really good with tech in general.
She has really bad eyesight, and needs to wear her contacts every waking moment. She does have glasses, but she rarely wears it cause she prefers her contacts.
She suffers from insomnia.
She's a disaster in the kitchen. Except for when she's baking cookies. Cookies are the only edible things she can make.
She's ambidextrous
Also, she can play the piano well, but she rarely does so anymore
Mother | Yoon Siyeon | 45 | Author of some popular YA novels | ambitious, caring, smart | outside baricade | Jaeshin loves her mother dearly, but they were never that close. Their personality didn't fit with each others.  

Father | Yoon Jaeseop | 50 | Programmer | playful, friendly, optimistic | outside baricade |Jaeshin is much closer to her father than her mother. It may have something everything to do with the fact that they have nearly the same personality
"Mentor" | Choi Minho | 26 | Programmer | reserved, good-natured, smart | inside baricade | Jaeshin and Minho has a very special bond that's rare for people with a ten year . Minho taught a lot of things to Jaeshin, and Jaeshin is very thankful to him. They treat each other as if the between them doesn't exist. If anything, Jaeshin would consider Minho as her best friend.

Other Friends | outside barricade bc who stays in the city during holiday?
Acquaintance | Shin Yonsun | 17 | student | reserved, stoic, passive | inside baricade | Jaeshin has only ever met Yonsun once, when Minho introduced them to each other when Yonsun dropped by the office. Jaeshin did try to befriend the older teen, but Yonsun wasn't the social type. Not to mention, he found her outspoken personality to clash with his own reserved personality.
Brief explanation about your character's reaction when they found out about their newfound power and the havoc they have to face in their city :

Jaeshin took it all in stride. You would think that a person would be apprehensive when they first discover that they basically have a new superpower, but not Jaeshin. She actually thought that it was pretty cool (no pun intended). She got used to her new found power pretty quickly because she wanted to know how much she can do and she started to experiment with it a little bit. When she discovered that there was havoc happening in her city, she was like "alright, let's do this." She knew that her newfound power had something to do with the things happening in the city, and she knew that she had to do something about it. She was never scared, after all, it's not in her nature to be scared.

Interview at 8:03 PM
Where are you and what are you doing right now?
"I'm at 'work'," she said, making airquotes as she said the word work. "I'm not actually paid, I'm sort of an intern here, but like I'm not yet in college, you get me?"  she said. "Ah, I"m blabbering. You asked me what I'm doing right now? Well, I'm running and testing some programs, and debugging and all that jazz."

Are you with someone right now? Someone waiting for you? Or you waiting for someone?
"Well, there are people in the same building as I am, but I'm currently alone with my computers," Jaeshin mused.  "Also, noone is waiting for me, and I'm not waiting for anyone."

Do you have any plans after this? Or are you going to head home?
"When I'm finished, probably gonna stop by Starbucks. It's the nearest coffee place. There's one right next this building. Gonna get my fix of coffee, and then probably head home,"

What is your plan for your entire summer break?
"Do this 'internship/job'. I have nothing better to do," she shrugged.

Does your family mind if you stay out late? Is your house nearby?
"Eh, they're on their annual couple trip right now. I'm the least of their worries, that's for sure," she said, curling to a small smirk. "House is a couple of blocks away, if you really must know."

How do you deal with hardships?
"Hardships?" Jaeshin laughs, eyes turning to a crescent shape. "I don't deal with them because they don't exist"

[8:04 PM]

"Dang, i've been waiting for my computer to do all it's processing since morning, and now it's all gone. It was on 85% too." she murmured, checking on one of the computers around her. "Oh well, I'll do it again tomorrow! Hahaha~"
face-claim #1: kang mina
face-claim #2: cho hyeyeon

appearance: with her chubby cheeks, baby face, and eye smile, jaeshin is freakin adorable. she has that type of face which you'd want to just pinch repeatedly. she's a short girl, with a height of 156 cm and is only 47 kg. also her skin is pretty amazing for someone who only sleeps two hours a day. how? really expensive skin care products, cause her parents spoile her with this kind of stuff.

style: her fashion sense is really just what she grabs from her closet, which really isn't that bad because she doesn't shop for her own clothes, her mom does that for her. she does prefer comfortable clothing like leggings, yoga pants and sweat pants paired with sneakers and a plain shirt.
Comment and suggestion : I'm sorry I can't words rn. Sorry if some parts are weirdly worded, my brain is on low sleep cause COLLEGE IS FUN YAY.

Scene(s) suggestion :
➤ Jaeshin just being crazy and laughing everything off. "Oh, our lives are in danger right now? Cool! hahahahah!"
➤ People being annoyed about Jaeshin laughing everything off.

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