the carnivorous panda

So I had this weird dream last night about this carnivorous panda. It was not like any other herbivorous panda, this one ate only meat. It thrived on meat to the point where it would literally consume it's own species if not able to obtain meat. This carnivorous panda didn't appear to look like a panda but a wild bear. The colors were inverted. So instead of white head, white torso, it was black and the normal black were white. It stood at approximately 6 feet tall and weighed over 800 pounds. The panda was sitting inside of this forest, eating the meat off from a human's arm when like these three baby pandas came across it. One of the pandas wore this blue t shirt and the rest were bare of clothing. The monstrous panda looked at them and said, "Stop that! Why are you here? Bothering me while I snack?" the pandas were terrified, except for the panda in the blue shirt. He said, "We're not bothering you, mr. I eat meat. No wonder you're so fat." That made the panda angry so he ate the panda in the blue shirt. The only thing left of him was the shirt because the beast consumed the baby panda's bones as well. The other two pandas ran off to their village telling their parents and people of the beast they encountered. Then the villagers went to go see of the panda, they were shocked by how large it was. It's sharp fangs covered in blood and it reeked of a foul odor. The villagers didn't attack but they came to an agreement for the panda. In return so the panda wont eat the children of their village, the villagers would give them a human to eat.


I know this sounds like some kind of Chinese folktale, or something but believe me this came from a dream I had last night and it scared me to death. Everything was so graphic, it was like watching a horror movie about a carnivorous panda right in front of my Face. Like it had close ups of the person or panda getting eaten and the vivid image of the monstrous panda was unbelievable.


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