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//// 하늘 높이 저 별을 따라서 ////
full name / jung han joo
other names / 
► PEPPER :: people in the gang called her this due to her personality being quite snappy and blunt
► BABY JOO :: the girlfriend teases her by calling her this because of her short height
birthdate / may 31, 1982
hometown / busan, sk
ethnicity / korean 
nationality / korean
languages / 
► KOREAN :: native tongue :: self-explanatory, has a kyongsang dialect and when she's pronouncing certain words, it's adorable because she sounds like a child, which she absolutely hates
► CANTONESE :: conversational :: instead of learning mandarin, she just wanted to learn cantonese because of several reasons at the time growing up, one of them being to talk when she could at people bc she knew majority would learn mandarin
//// 미운 오리와 백조 또 날기 전의 나비 ////
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ADULT face claim / lee hyori 
backup / yoon mirae
TEEN FACE CLAIM / yoon bora [sistar]
BACKUP / hyorin [sistar]
appearance / 
 growing up, han joo had always been on the shorter side. the shortest within her group of friends actually, along with being short - she's also had never been pale. she always loved to have a tanned skin and she was quite happy in that skin tone. her body is quite well toned, because she's always constantly exercising to have a great body. her hair was short and long growing up, she liked both styles and throughout her lifetime, it's been only two colors: dark brown and light brown. her eyes are pretty piercing whenever she has eyeliner on. if looks could kill, she probably could kill the majority of people she comes across. 

:: tattoos |  in cantonese on her left forearm it says, "trust no one." 
:: height & weight | '99 - 156cm & 44kg / '16 - 161cm & 51kg
PAST - '99 :: when she was 17, han joo was nothing but all over the place with her fashion sense. there were times she bought boy clothes and wore that, or always wore sweats or laidback or times wear she'd wear shorts and a crop top, etc - it varied. but when she got dressed up each time, she cleaned up very nice. 

casual/ daily basis: 1 | 2 | 3 |
dress up/ party: 1 | 2 | 3 |

► PRESENT - '16 :: now that she's 34, she's grown out of her phase of looking like a slouch, dressing like a boy, etc. if anything, she began to care more and more how she looked and wanted to impress people that she looked amazing. even if it's something normal, she likes to look very clean cut. sometimes she dresses older than she is, sometimes she dresses younger than she really is - again, it varies on how she's feeling. but then there are times she relives the times when she was younger and wearing boyish styled clothes. 

casual/ daily basis: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
dress up + formal/ party: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

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+:: honest selfless persuasive humorous
-:: short-tempered impatient impulsive pessimistic 
 for han joo, growing up, she cherished nothing more than honesty and loyalty towards one another. she was always the person with the mouth that everyone hated because she spoke nothing but the truth and sometimes the things she said had no filter and she was too honest. she never really cared whether or not it hurt someones feelings because it's better than hearing a petty lie. she honored loyalty a lot too. she always cared for her friends and family and would never do anything to hurt them in any way possible. nothing could really break her bond with her friends at all, unless someone backstabs her in which no doubt, she'll drop them quick or backstab them back. but she isn't the type to leave her friends or backstab them over anything. she's very selfless, she always had the mindset that others' lives mattered more than hers so she always put them before her. she rarely thought of herself. she'd always be the first one to offer a helping hand no matter how difficult the job or favor is. she does lots of things but never asks for anything in return. she's quite fluid with words, very swift. the way she talks and uses her words, can easily convince anyone to do anything. she can persuade people to change their minds very easily. she's all jokes at times, she seems serious at first sight - but honestly, she's just a person with lame ty jokes. and always has been throughout her life. no one ever laughs at her jokes, she laughs at them herself but people start laughing because it's hilarious to see her joke bc she sounds and looks like a dying seal. 

people sometimes claim: "the bad overcomes the good", which in han joo's case it's probably true at times. she's grown up to be very short-tempered, she's normally a serious person and anything can piss her off. it makes her seem sensitive, but she refuses to deal with childish actions or statements from people. but when she's usually angered, she yell and argue with anyone who tries to talk to her, it's best to leave her alone when she's upset. she'll also throw things as well, and cries easily when angered, it makes her look vulnerable so she tries to hold it in. sometimes, pwhen people piss her off, she won't ever hold back. just be ready for her to call anyone out at anytime for whatever reason it is. she hates waiting around to get things done, she wants to get things done quick and easy and clean. she's very impatient, so once she's done with one action, she has to go to another and get as many crap done as possible. she's as well very impulsive, she tends to act without thinking and that usually can get her into deep at times, but it doesn't seem like she cares. especially when she's upset - her impulsive level soars through the roof and she ridiciously acts more extra than normally. even though there are good things that happen in life, which han joo agrees exist, she also believes every good thing comes with a bad thing that tags along. so that is why she always has a negative mindset about the majority of things around her. 
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PAST  / 
 born in '82 of may 31 in busan, she was the youngest out of the 3 kids and the only daughter. she lived in busan her whole life, never really went anywhere outside of busan unless it was like a vacational trip or school function, but other than that, her life was built around busan. growing up, she had always involved herself in the outdoors world. that's how she developed her tanned skin. her parents had own a chicken resturant business, so they were always busy with that and rarely they were home. gone in the morning around 7 or 8, and at home by 10 or 11. but her parents had never neglected her, they just happened to be busy. but when they were free - they made sure to spend time with the three kids. her older brothers were always studying or out with friends whenever she got home from school, so she didn't like having to stay in the stuffy house doing things alone, so she'd always spend her time playing soccer with the neighbourhood kids for hours on end. she was a good kid at the time, at least until she got to middle school. 

 when han joo was at home, watching movies or cartoons and all, she always had this creative image of how she wanted to be when she grew up. she always liked the characters in the films that were badass or the y ones. to her, she imagined that they were better than the simplistic kind girls everyone sees all the time. when she got to middle school, she began to create that persona. i guess within from her middle school to high school years, people claim it to be a time to "find yourself" and so that's what han joo planned to do. she grew defiant, with her short-tempered personality, whenever another classmate commented something about her, she disliked it and would call the student out and argue with them, maybe get into a fight with them if it was real bad. moving onto high school, people didn't talk to her, fearing she'd blurt something out about them and they didn't want that. she'd occasionally bully the people she didn't like indirectly and when someone would call her out on it - she'd smile and say, "it wasn't about you - in fact nothing is about you." being put in class 2-2, she thought was ridiculous - she really wasn't a threat or a bad kid, or so at least she thought. there she met the lovely girlfriend. the two at first got off on the wrong foot, she felt the girl was a bit too much for her, too pretty, too kind, too this and that. having to sit next together in class, whenever the girlfriend asked han joo a question, she'd reply with a sarcastic remark. they didn't really get to know each other until being forced for a group project together after getting to know each other's personalities, they ended up liking each other and becoming close friends. quickly enough the both considered each other best friends. soon afterwards, the girlfriend introduced Han Joo to a group she was apart of called the "Busan Gang". at first, she laughed because she thought it was a literal joke. until she realized it wasn't. on the inside, it was a group of people she thought she finally could fit in. though, the leader of the gang hyun shinwoo, had never been a person she got along with often. she thought he was annoying and he would bug her sometimes even if all he did was breathe. but she it up because it was her best friend's lover, she couldn't be a total . along with that, she met the bodyguard of the group, she fell heads over heels for the boy at the time. she got along well with him, his calming action made her calm, made her less angry at times. but she never told him because of the numerous times he'd joke and say, "you're like my little sister,". and that felt awkward for her.

 in '99, that's when everything went to almost hell for the gang. some people never knew what were the motives that led to their leader murdering five men. one night, getting a call at around 1:34 am from the bodyguard, she answered to a panicking voice. "what is it?" she mumbled, exhausted. "help. now." he breathed and she knew that was the sound of an emergency. within thirty minutes, she had drove up to the location the bodyguard asked her to come. she saw a figure, assuming it was the bodyguard - she approached them. "what's wrong?" she called out. as she got closer, she saw shinwoo was next to him, breathing heavily, gun in his hand, blood all over his clothes. "w-what the hell??" she stammered, "shinwoo, what the ?!" she shouted. next to his feet laid five men. the bodyguard threw a shovel towards han joo, hitting it on the floor. " - shinwoo ed up, but we really need to get rid -"

"are you kidding me?!" han joo shouted. "i'm not trying to ing ASSIST shinwoo in murder," she was frightened. the girl was truly frightened. sure, the whole gang was like a pack of wolves, tough and . but this was truly something on another level for her and she panicked. she took a step back, the bodyguard looked her dead in the eyes, "what type of loyal friend are you, if you're leaving?" he asked. "what happened to 'no matter what, i'll help you guys with anything'?" he said, repeating something han joo would always say whenever people felt bad that they asked her for a favor. "i-i... this, he killed someone - people! and you really want to test my loyalty?" her eyes widened, shocked. shinwoo said nothing, he turned around, walking towards han joo, making her fall backwards as she tried to get away. he stood in front of her, stared at her straight in the eye before grabbing the shovel and walking back towards the body and began digging a hole. "i-i'm sorry... but not this time," she gulped before getting up and running back to her car. 

a few days later, she hadn't shown up to school and didn't contact anyone in the gang. she watched the news, there were no news or alerts about missing males, a murderer, etc. but for days, she wanted to know what was shinwoo's motives, why did he do what he did. she didn't dislike him as a person, she just wasn't close. but she was close enough to realize he wouldn't just go haywire and kill... right? she received numerous text messages from the tom boy and the girlfriend about her wherabouts and she still refused to answer. in the middle of the night, while she was just casually listening to music, she had accidentally answered a phone call, on the otherline was the girlfriend hysterically crying. "what's wrong??" all she could hear was bits of words and pieces throughout the call and it patched up to say, "shinwoo's been arrested for murder," she dropped her phone. she was scared immediately, shinwoo was finally caught. but even though she didn't help hide the bodies, she helped but not reporting it. and she was scared she'd be charged as well. hearing loud hellos from the phone from the girlfriend, she picked it back up, answering, "h-huh? i-i'm still here... h-how sad to hear," she gulped, stuttering. "i-it'll al be okay, it's all a mistake, right??" 

finally going back to school, the people looked at the gang weirdly. the leader was missing and not only that, the word got out that shinwoo was a murderer. rumors spread quick. however, she questioned as to why nothing happened to the bodyguard. he was there, wasn't he? and wasn't he helping? a few days later, when the girlfriend found out she was pregnant, she told the tomboy and han joo, the girls together didn't know what to do. the gang was falling to pieces. 

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 after graduating high school, she cut off contact with everyone in the gang except for the girls. she wanted to move on from her high school life, no one went snooping through to see whole was there that night - she basically was off the hook. however, when the girlfriend moved away and the tomboy went to do whatever she did with her life, her contact with them got smaller. she continued in college for two years studying in nursing before she had dropped out and met man that her friend had introduced her too on a blind date. the two clicked very well and after two years of dating, they got married. after the two had gotten married, she finally was visited by her husband's true personality. of course, he was never abusive to the small woman, but verbally he was. he always spouted insults about her, about the way she acted in the past, why she wasn't a proper lady at times, etc. she'd understand why he'd be mean. he was one of the top lawyers and of course his image meant everything and she was living a pretty good life. when she was 25, she gave birth to a beautiful young girl named hwa kyung. her husband proceeded to complain after the birth how she was so overweight, how she wasn't as beautiful as she used to be, etc, etc. she felt frustrated at her husband because he picked at everything she did wrong and insulted her for it. but she loved him, so she never had the guts to fight back. where did the '99 han joo go? 

 han joo basically is a housewife now and even if she did want to leave, she had no degree because she didn't even finish college. she just quickly married some man who promised he'd take care of her and love her so she had nothing to worry about. leaving high school, made her change her ways a bit. it was the adult world now - no more being a bunch of rascals and insulting everyone just because we felt like it. she knew better, she knew how to act maturely. though, hints of her personality would come out at times. wanting to learn again or go to school again is something she wants to do but her husband never allowed it so she was stuck stuck stuck all the time. she has friends, but they're all wives of lawyers which were her husband's friends. she didn't like them, but they were the next closest thing from the Busan Gang, which she had always considered to be her real friends, no matter how far apart they were now. so she proceeded to put on her fake friend act and go along with it. 

 her husband was working late at the law firm that night, so it only left at home just han joo and a sleeping hwa kyung. raising up the tv volume, she went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of red wine and sat on the catch watching the news. growing up, her parents never let her watch the late night news because that's when all the "truth and dark side of humanity" comes out. her parents would say, the reports of gang violence or murders and suicides, etc. it was about 11:34, "just six minutes left and i can sleep..." she mumbled, she always loved watching the news so she'd sit through the whole thing watching it. she was dozing off until she heard a familiar name come up.


the screen had shown in big bold letters, she suddenly woke up. her hands trembled as she raised the volume even louder. that name was so familiar but yet so strange. sure, it was scary for her, but a part of her felt guilt. she had felt guilt for leaving him and the bodyguard that night. he would have been free all his life, the gang possibly could have been together always - any miraculous thing would have happened if she stayed, right? 

//// 우리 함께라면 늘 괜찮아 오늘도 내일도 ////

relationships / 

HUSBAND - jang hyunbin /// 38 /// criminal justice lawyer /// short-tempered, quiet, independent, honest // in their first few years of dating, of course, hyunbin had never really showed han joo is real side nor has han joo ever seen it until they got married. he claims to love her, but all he does is spout insults at her, bully her, get angry at every thing she does. she loves him and he's stressed, that's why she thinks he's always on her case like that. but little does she know, he's actually a dirty bastard behind her back. but there are times his actions do convey that he "loves"her.
► BABYANGEL - jang hwa kyung /// 9 /// student/ hyper daughter /// humorous, curious, loud // giving birth to hwa kyung was the best thing that ever happened to han joo. even though, growing up there was a certain image of han joo wanted herself to be, she also wanted herself to be a loving mom and to care for her daughter no matter what. being a housewife gives her all the time in the world to spend time with her daughter and be there for her. the two always makes jokes with each other and go walking in the morning and jogging to the park at night or getting ice cream after school everyday. 
► CLOSEBUTNOT - hyun shinwoo /// 36 /// tba /// mischevious, short-tempered, playful // they weren't exactly each other's favorite people, but they still had to get along because of their mutal connection: the girlfriend. the two didn't talk to each other, the only time they'd acknowledge each other was when shinwoo cracked a joke and han joo was the only one who got it and laughed and the other way around for han joo. but normally, it was shinwoo always bugging her and trying to get on her nerves and in which shinwoo knew what made the girl angry. and then the two used to end up just fighting and arguing in the dork's garage. even though, it seemed like han joo didn't like shinwoo, she cared for him because she considered him as a friend and wouldn't do anything to hurt the dude, especially knowing at times how manipulative the girlfriend could be. 
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trivia / 
 thursdays, fridays and saturdays are usually days she drops of hwa kyung to stay with her parents every week
 normally she spends time with her daughter at night because hwa kyung always is playing outdoors with friends and all
 she has a few friends, like the lawyers' wives but she's pretty fake with them
 she's friends with some people but she has to act like a kinder, less extra person because she feels that they'll judge her
 loves alcohol but doesn't get that drunk easily
 fear of spiders and insects
 doesn't believe her husbands abusive because he's always claiming that he's stressed from work so when he verbally abuses her, she takes it in and doesn't fight back
 to keep herself busy and not bored of the house, she goes to orphan homes and help out and play with the kids , same with elderly homes and she as well go to homeless shelters to help 
 she keeps a journal which she writes in everyday to keep her thoughts collected
 she messages the girlfriend/ tomboy once or twice a month just to see how they're doing especially the girlfriend's child, in case she needs any help
 her older brothers are the only people besides the bodyguard and shinwoo that knew she was with them that night bc one night they received a call from her sobbing and just finally explaining it because she couldn't keep it in any longer. her brothers knew how for the longest time ever she feared of that memory so they kept it a secret. 
 however, even if her actions have lessened, she can always still get triggered and call someone out or argue and yell etc. because some pompus wives of the lawyers have gotten a handful from han joo before
 baddest cursing habit ver, she's literally cursing every sentence [unless she's around her daughter]
//// 스무고개 넘어 스물하나인데 답을 모르겠단 말야 ////
IF THere is one thing you would change from your high school life, what would it be?  / i... i don't know. she shrugged. t-there's a lot of things in life you know a person would change, like - i wish i never dyed my hair blonde in the tenth grade. she laughed. because , my skin is dark and i couldn't pull it off. she leaned back and looked towards the ceiling. thinking a bit before opening . he (the bodyguard), that night said something to me that for years on end i thought about before going to bed. she crossed her legs. as much of a bully, many people knew i put my friends before anything and I'd always be there for them. but that ing night, i wasn't there for shinwoo. and the look on his eyes when he questioned my loyalty... she blinked before giving out a small laughter trying to hold in her tears. i wish i helped shinwoo that night. maybe he could happily be with his kid. we weren't the closest, but all we had was each other and the gang. 
How do you feel now that shinwoo is out of jail? / the kid gets to finally see their dad, right? she gave a small smile. i'm glad our leader's out, guilty or innocent or whatever. during the time he served for so long, i'm sure he's a changed person. she shrugged. 
what was your high school experience like? / high school... high school... you know. she tapped her chin. i was a huge rascal, but i loved school. i got to see friends i got to play and learn. she leaned back and crossed her arms. even though i didn't portray my love for education, my grades showed it. well i mean if you think a B average student is good haha. it was like a club but for teens. however, it was very drama-filled. i was the person who would start it BUT not for no reason, i started it when i heard someone say about someone in my gang or try and fight my friends, etc dumb things like that. it gave me lots of headaches but it, you're young and free. live it. she shrugged once more. plus, the dudes at the time were really hot so i definitely had a great time. she winked before laughing. just messing but, you get the whole jist of what i'm tryna say about my high school life. 
Are there any high school friends that you regret meeting? / at times in my life, i thought of how my life would be if i hadn't met the gang. there were times i thought i should have continued being an to her, but then she helped me gain friends that didn't judge or necessarially hate me. so i regret nothing. i only thought that because i kept thinking of the bad things that happened then and i kept telling myself, i should have never continued being their friends. but i regret nothing, if anything - they helped me grow stronger. she smiled and looked at the ceiling again. however, all good things come with bad things. 
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHERE YOU ARE IN LIFE RIGHT NOW? / am i happy with my kid right now? yes. she nodded. am i happy being a housewife and not working and helping strangers? yes. she nodded once more. am i happy with my husband? her smile cracked, her lips trying to hold it up. i could feel better about my emotions with him... but life could be worse so im pretty grateful. she spoke quietly all of a sudden. 
DO YOU SEE YOURSELF REUNITING WITH SHINWOO RIGHT NOW? / busan gang: the reunion episode 1... maybe?? she laughed. i'm kidding like this is serious, i shouldn't be laughing. 
//// 하루 종일 그대 모습 자꾸 떠올라 ////
love interest / The Bodyguard
backup / The Pretty Boy
personality / 
love story / 
 they met in high school, being in the same class and all. though they didn't actually talk until she met him through the girlfriend. in the beginning, it was a bit awkward and han joo didn't talk because she didn't know anyone that well except for the girlfriend. "is your friend mute?" he asked the girlfriend. they were all in the pretty boy's garage hanging out, han joo was just minding her own business with her headphones in, however she wasn't listening to any music. but the bodyguard's comment, she heard loud and clear. her eyes darted at him, "ex-ing-scuse me?" she glared at him. 

"well at least we all know she isn't deaf, am i right?" shinwoo joked. "what bastards," she scoffed. "c'mon you know they're messing." the girlfriend laughed. han joo rolled her eyes, trying to hold a pissed off face. the whole gang stared at her before she gave out a laugh. "oh look and she can smile! what an adorable face that is." the bodyguard cooed. the girl blushed heavily - immediately finding the next closest object to her to throw. a bat, at him. "OW, YOU'RE ING CRAZY!" he growled. she smirked and just sat down, giving him a cheeky grin afterwards. moving forward on, the two began to get really close, their relationship itself was a bit hectic, they'd always fight with each other, throw things at each other, growl and nag at each other and cared for each. they told each other their secrets because they trusted each other. they never dated though, since the bodyguard was always like, "my little sister, get over here!" 

the girlfriend and tomboy knew of han joo's liking for the boy but since the bodyguard always screamed, "sister!" every four seconds, they kept it on the downlow. whenever the bodyguard needed help or someone to throw a person off, he'd call han joo and all the time han joo would accept his help just because she was head over heels for him. when the bodyguard dated someone outside of the group, han joo grew distant from him. avoiding him around school or in public, unless the group was together. but even then she stopped talking to him.
finally doing homework after 500 years, she received a call and answered it, "stranger." she spoke, letting out a sigh. she didn't want to answer him or talk to him, she was upset. but that wasn't his fault he didn't know of her feelings for him. he hadn't called her for months since he started dating the girl. "c'mon stop it," she heard his voice slur on the other line. she could hear that he was drunk. "are you drunk?" he replied with a small laugh, "awe man... she left me," han joo's heart softened. she knew he liked - probably even loved the girl a lot. all she could reply with was 'mhmm'. listening him go on and on about his ex made her uncomfortable eventually. "look - i have to do homework, i'll talk to you tomorrow - or some other day, i don't know but -"

"i'm not stupid." he cut her off. "w-what?" she answered. "you had or have feelings for me, don't you? isn't that why you've been avoiding me these past months? because it hurt you to see me with her - " this made her blood boil a bit, what was he trying to do? just anger her, shove it in her face that he knew she liked him but he proceeded to date some girl and continued to treat han joo like a sister? "shut up. you're a filthy drunk right now, you don't even know what you're ing saying. bye." she hung up on him. 

it became awkward for the two whenever the gang was together. "did the love birds fight?" shinwoo joked. "you don't need him anyways, when you got me." the pretty boy slung his arms over han joo's shoulder, getting close to her face, inches away from kissing her. " off sleaze," she pushed him off. "i'm not having anyone's bull today," she huffed and grabbed her bag, leaving the tomboy's house. "well, someone pissed her off a lot more than usual," the tomboy commented, looking straight at the bodyguard. the two just stopped talking and it wasn't until shinwoo's incident that he contacted her again that night. after that night of han joo leaving, the two refused to talk. they didn't know what to think of each other anymore and lost contact after high school. 
 "hyunbin-ah, i'm going to get my car fixed, i just dropped hwa kyung off at my mom's house so you don't have to pick her up at school today." she told her husband on the phone before leaving the house. the woman had gotten a ticket for a broken headlight she didn't even know about. sometimes she was really oblivious to the fact that she was driving for weeks straight wondering why there was no light on during the night time. after her car was being taken in, she sat down to fill out the form for her car. looking around, she saw a familiar face but then shook her head, "goddamn i'm going crazy..." she mumbled as she signed her signature and gave the clipboard back to the clerk. "your car will be done in about an hour and a half or so," she replied. "thank you." the girl nodded and decided to walk to the bakery across the street. she stopped in the parking lot to answer a text before proceeding. "jung han joo?" she looked up, "yep that's me." she smiled before it disappeared a bit. "well - hot damn, some people change after high school, but you definitely stayed the same." the man said. "i'm sorry, who are you?" she looked confused, he was the familiar man she saw. "c'mon, pepper - don't tell me you don't remember me." 

pepper? only the gang called her pepper. "it's me, (the bodyguard)." she turned around, facing him. "h-hey, it's you." the two stared at each other a bit before he suggested for coffee. "s-sure..." she nodded. the walk there was pretty awkward but when they got to the cafe, they decided to catch up and talk about the past ten or so years. "i'm glad you're doing well," he said. "more or less," she shrugged, sipping from her mug. "c'mon, a rich and handsome lawyer and a daughter, lifes at ease." she ended up confiding to him about her husband and his insults, etc. "but i mean, i probably am a ty wife that's why he's like that." she shrugged. in a way, she could see him tensed up, as if he was upset. "he can't treat you like that. no matter how bad of wife you are." he said. "and you don't do anything? really, what happened to the firey person i knew in high school." he added in disbelief. "it was highschool, i was stupid and over the top." she rolled her eyes. "look - "
she glared at him, "drop it." he opened his mouth but no words came out. he closed his mouth. "shinwoo's out soon." she whispered. "i know." he replied. after that meeting, they decided to keep in contact. she felt feelings for him again when they had gone to old habits and argued and insulted each other. she was so unsure of it all, there were nights she'd call him, crying again because of one of her husband's actions. he began to be the person who was there for her when she was upset and was at her lowest. 
relationship status / it's a bit complicated, because the two have feelings for each other, but han joo is married and the bodyguard is tba, but the two have feelings
//// 난 이대로 니 곁을 떠나갈래 ////
final words / HELLO !! i'm so sorry this was so long, i really got into it, i am so so sorry. TT-TT + i'm applying for the bad girl plotline, idk if you could tell lolol but hopefully you like her 
scene reqs / 
 when hyunbin gets jealous of the bodyguard and han joo's friendship, he lashes out on her and the first time hitting her 
 the bodyguard tries to do what he can to protect han joo
cheat sheet


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