Final Decision of Me staying or leaving.


i decided that I'm gonna stay and continue doing what I do! 

Because according to Kyungsoobottoms who is a friend and a Great writer that I TRUST gave me enough explanation to my questions to prove that it's not wrong what I'm doing.

Yes I used speech bubbles but my descriptions about what is happening and the characters expressions are all my words, not all speech bubbles are the same anyway. 

From now on, I'm not letting anyone get me down coz it's not wrong to take ideas and everyone does it! 

Example! I'm reading a Chansoo fanfic which is almost exactly the same story as The little mermaid, the hair and all! But it's Chansoo..?! See..? Nothing is original! You can use ideas as much as you want as long as it's not the same thing completely.

ANYWAYS... I just want to say that you can continue the fun MY WAY journey together with me And get ready for more new fun fics which I'll introduce very soon!! 

Or simply just LEAVE if you're going to be difficult, please...


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Honestly I readers that complains on almost everything the author does are pretty much of a bunch of turn offs. I mean like hello? People do it their style. If it affects you so much, shut the up and just unsubscribe. Honestly. Who says we can't use speech bubble? We can even make them dialogue without explanations if we can. them haters.